Destiny's Hero Pt. 1

[Day: Tuesday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Morning's Destiny]

After the King of the Ring event, I took Amber and Ashley to Morning's Destiny so they could meet up with Aubrie while she was on break. We made our way inside, spotting Aubrie in the Lounge Area which I found perfect. We took our seats at her spot, exchanging pleasantries and hugs then their bonding time rolled around.

I softly sighed as I laid my head on Aubrie's lap as she began to gently stroke my hair. Amber began filling Aubrie in about what transpired earlier today, which intrigued Aubrie, drawing her in deeper into the story. Meanwhile, I took this time to rest and recover my stamina while Amber, Ashley, and Aubrie gossipped.

A few minutes went by, my body feeling recovered and rejuvenated. I opened my eyes and slowly sat up, stretching a bit then looked at my watch.

"About time you woke up, sleepyhead," Aubrie teased, leaning toward me to kiss my cheek.

"I must've been extremely tired after everything..." I said, chuckling softly at her soft teasing. I looked around, noticing Amber and Ashley went to talk to Rhea, who was in the lounge area hanging out as well.

"My mom asks about you a lot. She often asks me when you're coming over to visit and things of that nature. She really likes you, and that's not an easy feat..~" Aubrie said, her hands placed between her thighs as she watched her mom interact with her friends, a joyous energy radiating around then entire Lounge Area.

"Well, I am very likable..~" I said jokingly, nudging Aubrie playfully.

"Yeah whatever, loser.." Aubrie rolled her eyes, an affectionate smile curling on her lips.

Aubrie cuddled up next to me, telling me about her day and talking about some gossip I missed out on while I was asleep. While she talked, I couldn't help but notice how she was playing with my fingers, realizing how much Aubrie has truly calmed down after everything. She was so calm around me, at peace and happy...

"I heard Mark started dating Caroline now...I'm actually happy that he's made such an improvement on himself. And Jake and Eric also are going through a change. They've been much nicer to people and it's weird. The only thing that's...worrying is Caden. He's...more irate. Today, he was desperately searching for you, but you didn't show up at all today," Aubrie said, noticing she had caught my full attention with the Caden topic.

"Looking for me?" I asked, looking down at Aubrie. "Looking for me for what exactly?"

"It wasn't just for was you and Mark. Did you two fight Caden yesterday?" Aubrie asked, wanting to get the full story.

I closed my eyes and recalled the events from yesterday in my head. I nodded my head, confirming that Mark and I did have a fight with Caden. "It is true, however he had it coming. He has it out for Mark right now, but I won't let him get Mark. Mark is an honorary brother to me at this point."

Aubrie looked at me then smiled a bit. She liked how I would go out of my way to help those in need, but she was concerned about me and my wellbeing.

"You don't need to worry, Brie..~ I have it all under control," I reassured Aubrie, holding her closer to me.

[Love EXP +2500]

Aubrie's cheeks settled into a soft red as she leaned into me, snuggling beside me. She looked up at me and although I could still see a bit of concern in her eyes, I could also see her resolve and upmost confidence within me.

With that, I spent the rest of the afternoon with Aubrie, Ashley, and Amber along with Mama Rhea, who let us have our meals for free whenever we roll around during her Afternoon Hours. As expected, Lustie was the most excited about this than the other Love Demons.

[Free meals huh, plus Rhea's here to hang around? We can definitely get used to this.]

"Couldn't have said it better..~" Lustie chuckled softly as she floated around near Rhea.

Rhea chuckled softly as she watched Lustie float around. "Hmm~ Didn't know your boyfriend was keeping around Pocket Monsters..~"

Lustie grunted softly, her cheeks flaring up into bright red. Her ears wiggled and her cheeks puffed as she took immediate offence to Rhea's comment. "We are not Pocket Monsters! Damnit, I already went over this not even 3 Chapters ago...Hell it was just yesterday!"

Passion giggled at Lustie's comment and sighed softly. She wagged her tail, her tail gently hitting my back as she rested upon my shoulder. "Still the same brat since we were just Little Devils..~"

Lustie scoffed at Passion, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms as if Passion had told her she looked bad. "Whatever, Budget Lust. You're literally just me without the physical affection. At least Charismari actually gets to the action."

"Oop..." Charismari said, looking at Passion.

"We're not doing this right now, so I'm just gonna let this one slide.." Passion said softly, lowering her head.

I chuckled softly at Lustie and Passion before hearing Lust-E beeping. I looked at my watch and noticed she notified me that Charlotte was free, but she was also with Chloe.

[Seems like Chloe is in town to show Charlotte support. Charlotte is here for a few days.]

'I do wanna check her out, and she doesn't seem to be too busy...however, she's in the Twilight City area.' I said to Lust-E.

[Yeah, the City between Destiny and Sanctuary. I get why you're concerned, but got four Love Demons, you got me, you're damn there the strongest man on Earth right now. What do you got to lose?]

'Fuck it. We ball.' I said to Lust-E.

I began to get up, causing Aubrie to get off me. I gave her one last kiss before gathering my things and saying goodbye to everyone else. Lustie and Luckie made their way toward us and we left Morning's Destiny.

[Day: Tuesday]

[Time: Evening]

[Location: Twilight's Wild Bar and Grill]

I parked my car in the parking lot of Twilight's City's best attraction yet. This place is said to have the best food in all of Twilight City plus all the action is seen here. Apparently many members of Karma and The Syndicates hang out here, so we all know how crazy this will get.

I fixed my hoodie and my hair, checking myself out in my mirror before getting out of my car. I made my way toward the entrance with confident strides and a confident demeanor. The doors swung open, all eyes falling upon me, a new face within this location.

I made my way around the bar, my only targets being Chloe and Charlotte. As I searched around, my attention was caught by a moderate crowd of people surrounding a certain table. Moving closer, I could get a closer view and that's when I noticed her.

"Alright, alright...You all are starting to make my friend uncomfortable with your little videos and pictures and it's beginning to kinda upset me...We just want to enjoy our meals in peace," Charlotte said, trying to get the paparazzi of fans away from her table.

"We just want a few answers from you about what you plan on doing in your fight this Friday against Jean Doe. This will be your biggest match yet," One fan inquired, interested in Charlotte's next biggest match.

"And Strawberry, how does it feel being the number one adult model in Destiny Central?" Another fan asked, interviewing Chloe.

I noticed the fans barely moved which clearly began making Chloe and Charlotte upset and uncomfortable. I walked forward and activated my Commanding Presence, the Mark of Charm faintly glowing on my tongue.

"Get away from them now.." I said, my tone tinged with authority and dominance.

The fans all looked at me, recognizing me from the challenge against Charlotte earlier today. They all hurried off, Charlotte and Chloe finally being able to breathe again.

[Bond with Chloe greatly increased.]

[Bond with Charlotte increased.]

Chloe sat back in her seat, her gaze meeting mine and her bubbly smile appearing on her face. "Thank you, Shiro..~ Your timing is just always so perfect..~"

Charlotte looked at me with a grateful smile offering a seat at their table. "I've got to say thank you as well..~ I was really getting ready to hit one of them with a backbreaker.."

I chuckled softly, sitting down at their table. "It was nothing, but I couldn't just sit aside and allow them to annoy you both like that. Plus that second question was out of line.."

"Honestly..." Charlotte said, glancing at Chloe, a bit of worry within her expression. She sighed softly then sat back in her seat, looking at me. "I guess I should officially introduce myself. My name is Charlotte White, and I'm actually half Italian. I actually run my own mafia who are allied with Karma outside of my fighting career."

[Generating corny line...]

'I'm not saying that bullshit..' I said to Lust-E.

[Please?~ (*´ェ`*)]

I closed my eyes, genuinely regretting what I was going to do before I even did it. I may have gotten away with my Japanese Joke with Naomi, but I already knew Naomi...I have no clue who Charlotte is.

"Mama Mia.." I uttered, hoping it was quiet enough for neither Chloe nor Charlotte to hear.

[Charm EXP +1500]

Charlotte heard me, but she couldn't help but to laugh softly then crossed her arms. "Not only a charmer but a comedian as well huh..?~ Normally, I would have already put anyone else's head through the table for that, but I like you... so I'll let it slide."

'Who do I even thank for that? Charismari or Luckie..? My charm was high enough to pull it off, but I was lucky enough to escape the consequences...again,' I thought to myself.

"Oh Char..~ Don't worry, Shiro's really only joking," Chloe said, softly giggling then looked at me. "Don't take her backhanded threats personally..~ Also, I saw the challenge match earlier and I did not know you could move like that! It looked so cool and some of the moves looked like a few moves from Noelle Grant's newest series.."

"New series?" I asked, curious about what Habilee recently had put out.

"Damn, she's still writing? I remember she's been putting out books since she was 18 years old. Wonder what her stories look like now," Charlotte said, getting closer to Chloe as she pulled out a new graphic novel.

Chloe set the novel on the table and opened the page she left off on. As we looked at the book, I grunted softly with a realization that this book was completely about me. Charlotte snickered a bit, glancing at me as the character in the story strongly resembled me.

"Seems like Noelle Grant is a fan of you...who else is out here hitting Super Kicks and looking that confident in a fight..?~" Charlotte teased, laughing softly at my flushed face.

"Whatever, it's probably just a coincidence.." I said, playfully pushing Charlotte's face away as she laughed at me.

Chloe giggled softly, shifting glances between her book and me, finding distinct similarities within the hero of the story and me. Chloe began to wonder who Noelle Grant is because she's never seen her before. "I wonder who she is...if she has your entire character to a tee. I's literally you."

I looked at the book, gently grabbing it to skim through it. I placed the bookmark where Chloe left off and began to read the novel out of pure curiosity. As I read through the story, I noticed the plot resembled the war between Karma and The Syndicates.

"This is interesting...The war between Karma vs The Syndicates. That's literally the plot, but's kinda written almost like clues. That marking she drew though in this scene. I've seen it before," Lustie said, her attention completely focusing on the symbol Habilee placed in her novel.

Lustie looked at Chloe, floating toward her and scanning her body. She detected the same marking on Chloe then summoned her Book of Earth's Symbols.

"May I ask, what you're doing?" Passion asked, floating toward Lustie, watching as she flipped through the pages.

Lustie was focused on finding the matching symbol in her book until she landed on it. Her eyes glowed then she closed her eyes. "I figured...That symbol is a Birthmark Type Sigil. This Sigil is named Sanctuary, which happens to be next to the Destiny Birthmark and the Heavenly Birthmark. Right here...two birthmarks that looks like the alternate version of Sanctuary. Karma and The Syndicates."

Passion looked at the different Birthmarks and crossed her arms. "So you mean these are equivalent to Ancestral Crests in our Galaxy?"

"Precisely. Habilee's book kinda explains why Karma and The Syndicates are pretty much fighting. Sanctuary has been broken off into two factions, both wanting to take over Sanctuary as a whole. Karma wants to take back Sanctuary to bring peace between Sanctuary and Destiny while The Syndicates want to take over Sanctuary to destroy Destiny and run the entire island..." Lustie explained, floating back behind me as Chloe, Charlotte and I continued to read the novel.

"Basically this is a generational thing. Naomi, Mariana, Dante, Chloe, Charlotte...and possibly Habilee all have the Karma Birthmark. Did Habilee write this as a way of telling Shiro what's going on?" Lustie thought to herself, now genuinely curious on what role Habilee could play in Karma.

"What is the book called?" Charismari asked, peeking over my shoulder to look at the book as well.

"Destiny's Hero...Bruh is this the chapter title as well?" Lustie asked, looking unamused.


While Lustie kept trying to solve Habilee's cryptic messages within her book with her sisters, Chloe, Charlotte, and I were caught within Habilee's world. I could really see myself in this story and she even had cool names for a few of my moves. Destiny Flare, Heavenly Impact, Sanction Defense...It was all too amazing to me.

By the time we got back to where Chloe was in the book, we noticed hours had passed and decided to take a step outside to get some fresh air. Once we got outside, Chloe took her seat on a bench and looked up at the sky.

"You know...being in Karma isn't all too bad in my opinion. Aside from always having to look over my shoulder...I have some actual great friends. Nao Nao and Mariana...Baylee and Dante. I just wish we didn't always have to fight. That's why I love Destiny Central so's so peaceful..." Chloe said, slightly fidgeting with her fingers, her gaze fixated upon the stars in the sky.

I looked down at Chloe as I stood beside her, noticing how she got so lost within the stars. I looked up at the sky as well, searching for the golden star my mom always tells me to look for in the sky. Once I spotted it, a smile settled on my face, my eyes fixated on the star.

"But I can't help, but to just really think about how I got here sometimes...what led me here. I'm grateful to still be alive, I am. I'm just..." Chloe continued then sighed softly, closing her eyes.

Charlotte looked at Chloe, gently wrapping her arm around her shoulder, comforting her. "We know, Chloe...and I honestly wish I could do more to help at the moment.."

I looked at Chloe and Charlotte then turned back at the sky, my eyes faintly shining as I understood how Chloe felt on the inside. I couldn't imagine how she could be feeling with limited communication from outside Sanctuary City. It was rare for us to meet when she's here, and it's hard to set up a date with her as getting in touch with is already difficult to begin with.

"Hey, how long are you in town for, Charlotte?" I asked, looking at Charlotte..

Charlotte looked at me then noticed my Ambitious expression. "I'm here until Saturday then I'm taking a flight to Houston, Texas for my match. Why?"

[What are you thinking of doing?]

I looked at Chloe, noticing her shimmering eyes gazing at me. 'I'm forging my own Destiny at this point. I'm saving Chloe. My bond with her is already high and I can also take this chance to Bond with Charlotte.'

[Forging— Wait what?]

"Forging your own Destiny...I think I understand what he means. You're no longer playing games huh?~" Lustie chuckled, crossing her arms and floating around me. "Finally deciding to take this shit seriously?"

'She looks so sad. I can't do her wrong anymore. I basically know what I have to do and I'm not gonna sit aside and wait for when plot tells me I'm ready to progress.' I said to Lustie.

"Charlotte, Chloe...I want to essentially spend the next few days with you two. You know when you're both free and we can all just hang out and have fun. Chloe, I could see in your eyes and your tone you were worried that after this you won't be able to see me again..." I said then walked in front of her then crouched down, gently taking her hand. "You don't have to worry about that anymore because we will find a way from here on out..."

[Chloe's heart has been stolen...]

[Bond with Chloe drastically increased!]

[Ambition/Love/Charm EXP +5500]

Chloe smiled at me, sitting up straight to properly meet me in the eyes. Her gaze spoke a thousand words, her heart fluttered constantly, and a faint blue glow appeared on her chest, a Love Sigil appearing just from how much she really liked me.

[Achievement Unlocked: Mark a woman using Love.]

Chloe didn't know what to say. It was almost like I made her world spin two times faster than normal, as if I asked her to marry me.

Charlotte noticed Chloe had completely and literally spaced out. "Uh-oh...I think you broke her..~ Chloe isn't used to a guy genuinely being this good to her...You can literally see her pupils formed into hearts.."

Passion looked at Chloe then snickered a bit, noticing Chloe's pupils were actually shaped like hearts. "Okay...Yeah. Shiro's got it, no debate. He literally broke her. You literally make her enter a state of euphoric love. She's Lovestruck."

"Lovestruck..? Oh yeah, Chloe looooooves you, Shiro~" Lustie giggled softly, looking at Chloe and watching tiny hearts float around her head.

[That's because Shiro spoke from the heart. Shiro finally used his abilities correctly! He finally knows how to truly mark women!]

My Love Demons cheered as this was a huge moment for me, celebrating my accomplishment while I was stunned at what I did to Chloe. I had marked Chloe with a True Love's Sigil without even having to max her out.

[You finally realize it huh? Yeah you can mark a woman using individual Love Markings, but the ultimate goal is to mark her with True Love. Every woman wants her Prince Charming no matter how small or large her story is. You are their Hero.]

Charlotte stood up, helping Chloe up and chuckled softly. "Well, I think we should call this a night. I've got to get Chloe home because she's done for..~"

I looked at Charlotte then smiled at her, breaking out of my trance. I stood up and stretched a bit. "Yeah, it's best we call this a night. What time are you free tomorrow?"

"I'm typically free during the afternoons whenever I'm touring around like this. You can catch me around Destiny Central or Twilight City hanging around with Chloe around that time," Charlotte said then took out her phone, wanting me to put in my number in her phone.

I watched as she handed her phone to me, so I could put in my number. I put my number in her phone and handed it back to her.

[Charlotte White has been registered.]

[Information Acquired.]

Name: Charlotte White

Age: 24

Birthday: January 1st

Height: 5 Feet 6 Inches

Weight: 125 lbs

Nationality: Caucasian/Italian

Status: Friends

Bond: 20%

Title: Destiny's Superstar

Occupation: Pro Martial Artists, Pro Wrestler, Mafia Leader

Most Desirable Trait(s): Talent, Charisma, Passion, Empathy, Luck

Least Desirable Trait(s): Disloyalty, Dishonesty, Wickedness and Evilness

Libido: Normal

Favorite Gifts: Books, Flowers, Fighting Gear

"Alright, you're in..~ I'll be seeing you tomorrow," Charlotte said, smiling at me.

"For sure..~" I replied, returning her smile with my own.

Charlotte and Chloe made their way back to Charlotte's car so Charlotte could take Chloe home. I made my way back to my car so I could retreat home for the night. I was excited for what tomorrow had in store for me, excited to spend the afternoon with Chloe and Charlotte.