Destiny's Hero Pt. 2

[Day: Wednesday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Matsugaya University]

I sat in Habilee's office reading her newest series called Destiny's Hero, a book that was inspired off the history of Destiny Island's history. The protagonist apparently was a blessed child who possessed all three Birthmarks of the three ancient bloodlines: Sanctuary, Destiny, and Heavenly.

Within the story, apparently Heavenly Bay used to be one with Destiny Island before being banished by Destiny herself for their unlawful practices, or as Lustie confirms, they practiced Esorian Magic. Habilee went in deep in this story with the history, her writing, her imagery, the emotion within the all fascinated me. Just like it always has.

"I actually wrote that thinking about you and the little situation you have going on...I uh, kinda hear about it from the girls when they gossip with me. It had me can I reach this information to him and warn the public about The Syndicates.." Habilee started, explaining her thought process when writing this new series. She couldn't help but watch me read her works, her eyes sparkling with a joy she couldn't explain.

"This is actually amazing, and I like how you made the main character me essentially..~ Think you could add a few more hints, I think your fans can almost get the idea..~" I said, teasing her about the main character's design.

[Habilee liked that a lot...]

Habilee blushed madly, quickly hiding her face in her book. She was blushing so much, I could see her forehead coming slightly red from the heat of her body. "L-Listen! I...I was simply just... getting ideas and whatnot. You happened to be on my mind...and it fit the scenario well!"

I laughed softly, setting the book down on the desk. I let out a soft sigh, reaching over to lower Habilee's book. "I'm just teasing, Ms. Heart..~ I actually like the design and can't wait for your next installment..~"

[Bond with Habilee increased.]

Habilee gave me a nod, watching me lean toward her. She closed her eyes as our lips locked together for a soft kiss. I began to pull away slowly but Habilee got up quickly, hastily pulling me in for a second more passionate kiss.

"Geez...It's only 10:30 in the morning and she's fired up," Passion said, crossing her arms.

"It's the Shiro Effect, plus don't hate because your action happens off screen. Yeah it's lazy writing, but cut my Creator some slack. Bro cooked up 40 chapters and the job's still not finished," Lustie said, her tail wagging as she watched me and Habilee kiss.

"One day I will learn how to break that damn wall just as good as you. This has to be some type of favoritism," Passion muttered, giving Lustie a side-eye.

[Lustie is kinda...y'know the new mascot now.]

"I am?" Lustie gasped, her tail and ears raising in surprise.

"She is..?" Passion asked dully, her left eye twitching slightly.

[Seems like The Creator has big plans for Shiro and Lustie. Shiro's already been confirmed as the new Head MC, plus c'mon Lustie is a likable mascot.]

"I am quite a capture am I?~ You might be mom's favorite, but I'm The Creator's favorite. And as the mascot what perks do I get?" Lustie asked, curious about this new step up.

[Since you're Shiro's main companion, you're obviously head of the harem. Also, you're basically the COO of this shit and Shiro obviously the CEO.]

Passion rolled her eyes and flipped her hair. "Whatever, Mascot. Mascot or not, plot can't save you all the time. Even Pikachu can lose a battle."

Lustie chuckled, noticing Habilee and I sharing goodbyes with one another. "Cry me a river, Dragon..~ Remember who got a dedicated chapter and who didn't..~"

[Damn. (・o・)]

[Me personally, I wouldn't let that one slide. That's just me though.]

Passion grumbled as she floated after me and Lustie. She knew Lustie was only teasing, but for some reason it hurt her ego this time. She landed on my shoulder, letting out a soft sigh which immediately caught my attention.

'What's wrong, Passion?' I asked, walking down the halls to go outside.

"Mmm... Nothing much, just lost another argument," Passion answered, her tail slightly wagging. She raised her head and let out a huff. "Tell me how to break the fourth wall! I wanna join the fun of quipping and making inside jokes!"

I chuckled softly, subtly reaching over to gently rub Passion's head. 'I'm sorry, Passion but that isn't something I can teach. Although Lustie, E, and I seem to break the fourth wall often and others do it at least once, it's not something everyone can do.'

[The reason you can't do it is because it's a gag. A running joke. Only us three have full mastery over it. The reason it can't be taught is because it will be forced and to be forced...means to lose all validation.]

Passion didn't understand a single thing Lust-E said and just accepted defeat. "Gatekeeping...Earth's number one tactic of hiding information. Can't believe you all actually picked up on Earthling behavior."

I chuckled at Passion and Lust-E as I walked out to the courtyard. I took my seat at a table then set my bag on the table. I took out my phone and noticed Chloe had texted me

{Chloe: Good morning, handsome! I finally figured out a way to get some service! I just wanted to let you know that I had a dream about you last night ♡ ♡. It was amazing...I really want to see you today. I can't stop thinking about you.}

I felt my heart skip beats while reading Chloe's text, hearing her voice in my head as I read each word. My entire body grew excited, a nice tingly sensation running from my head to my toes. I decided to text Chloe back to set up a date, just the two of us. I wanted to do a simple outing with her so I invited her out to get ice cream.

{Chloe: I'd love to. Maybe...we can get a hotel tonight?}

"Ooohh..~ She wants you to break her..~" Lustie chuckled as she read our messages.

Passion read our messages as well and her tail swayed. "I feel as though she deserves it..~ I mean you two have great chemistry and you can save her by marking her. She won't have to work as a Stripper anymore.."

I smiled at Chloe's message and replied, letting out a satisfied sigh after sending my text. I set my phone down, stretching my arms, a satisfying pop of my bones sending a wave of relief throughout my body. As I rummaged through my bag for my laptop, I heard a bit of commotion. As I activated my Level 2 Unleash, I could hear the commotion better. It sounded like Aubrie yelling out my name to warn me about something.

"Shiro! Look out!" Aubrie yelled, warning me about Caden approaching me.

I looked over, noticing Caden rushing toward me with vengeance within his soul. I quickly got up and activated my Level 5 Unleash, swiftly dodging his attacks. "Heh, seems like someone's still mad!"

Caden groaned as I palmed his stomach, the blow sending him rolling backwards on the ground. He coughed a bit and slowly stood up, holding his stomach. He looked at me and noticed my smirk, his eyes beginning to be filled with hatred.

A crowd began to form once again, the onlookers awaiting for the fighting to begin again. People began to gather around, even Jake and Eric wondered within the crowd, curious to see what was going on.

"You must've thought I was going to be an easy hit and run like the old days huh? Pathetic," I said, rolling my wrists and getting ready to fight Caden. I began stretching my legs then got down on one knee. "I know you want your revenge for Monday...and I'm not gonna allow it."

Caden noticed my demeanor change and felt a strange pressure build up around him. He reached behind him for his handgun, but decided against it since he knows I can just dodge the bullets. With no allies behind him anymore, he began to feel his skin crawl as he was face to face with me.

"Maluhia.." I said softly before getting up and letting out my Tribal Howl then ran toward Caden. "Get ready!"

I feinted my first attack, causing Caden to block. I smirked at him, sensing his self doubt and his fear. I went for another attack, but stopped before it connected, noticing how he flinched.

I chuckled softly at Caden then pushed him back. "You come to me and attack, and yet you flinch at my moves. You are the same bastard who kidnapped Whitney and took her away from me...the same man who tried to kill me and Mark. The same selfish, ignorant, self absorbed bastard I've always known! Caden...I hate you with every fiber of my body."

Caden glared at me then scoffed, balling his hands into fists. "That's rich coming from the orphan who came up from just hand outs and luck! You don't think I know your background? You took Whitney from ME! She was mine before you showed up..."

I laughed softly, shaking my head then sighed softly. "Kaua.."

The area was silent as no one knew what I meaned by Kaua. In my tribe, Maluhia means peace or "this is your time to surrender". We always start off with Maluhia in any conflict. Kaua...if someone from my tribe says Kaua, it's bad news. Kaua means War or "I'm showing no mercy".

"Your beef with me was off of jealousy huh? You don't like me because you were jealous?" I asked, laughing in his face because of how ridiculous he sounded.

Caden was extremely angry by this point, running toward me with a fierce attack. His attack landed true, but he noticed how I just took it. He hit me with another hit, and another. Another punch! No matter how many punches he threw, I took every last one as if I were protected by iron armor.

"Are you done..?" I asked, my eyes faintly glowing.

Caden began to see Passion behind me in her dragon form and took a step backwards. The onlookers began to notice Caden cowering back, not knowing why he randomly began to fear me. Mark, Ashley, Aubrie, and Whitney noticed me power up.

"Running away, Caden? You're one of the higher ups of The Syndicates...and you're scared of me? Before I wasn't so sure on how I should tackle you. I've spared everyone else. Mark. Jake. Eric. But you..." I said as I walked toward Caden, the Mark of Passion shining on my arm. "I will not be showing any mercy..."

I rushed toward Caden, swiftly landing a spinning kick to his stomach. As I knocked him back, I rushed forward and performed a Destiny Flare, each kick keeping Caden in the air as a halo formed beneath me.

Passion knocked Caden upwards then I sprung up into a Super Kick, iridescent lightning flashing upon impact, blowing Caden through multiple tables then the halo shined purple, boosting my Passion Trait. The crowd was completely stunned by my athleticism and strength.

"Kaua!" I bellowed, stomping my foot down then let out my Tribal Howl, my hair becoming slightly messy and primal like.

"Whoa...uhm and you tell me to chill out. You're out here going Beast Mode," Lustie said, scratching the side of her head.

"His mind is more clouded than normal...unlike when he says Maluhia. He's more in control, but now he's beast like. Wrathful even." Passion said, watching me as I stalked Caden, waiting for him to get up.

I prepared myself as I waited for Caden to get up. I nodded my head as Caden got up, a sadistic smirk stretching on my face as I watched him. Caden finally got up in a dazed state, his entire body hurting and tingling from the pain. He turned around to see me charging at him at full speed. I bellowed as I lunged toward him, driving my shoulder into his midsection, tackling and forcing him to the ground with an explosive impact.

The crowd went crazy as I finished Caden with my favorite wrestling move, The Spear. As Caden was in immense pain, I got up unfazed and looked down upon Caden. I noticed Caden was wearing the same ring Vance wore. I got down and took his ring off his finger then thought about Habilee's book.

'This will do for now...We can study this accessory later with Mari and Luckie,' I thought to Lustie and Passion, making my way out the area.

"Seems like that ring is what controls us. Holy Equipment," Lustie said as she followed me. "Hopefully Charismari can help us figure out a way to combat this."

'It's gonna have to wait though. I do have a few errands to run,' I said to Lustie, getting my bag and walking off, fixing my hair.

[Errands? What kind?]

'Gloria wants me to meet her dad so I'm gonna go over there after I get some groceries for the house,' I answered, checking my watch for the time.

[Oh man...I'm still thinking about Gloria's mom. She kinda scared me not gonna lie.]

"Image her dad..." Lustie shuddered, rubbing her arms.

I shuddered as well, but I put on my best face. I was quite excited to meet Gloria's dad because I would have met her parents and hopefully would have both of their approval.

[Day: Wednesday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Matsugaya University]

"One more thing, Shiro." The dean said to me, taking off her glasses.

I looked back at the Dean, listening closely to her.

"If you're gonna fight someone...refrain from nearly paralyzing them. Caden was sent to the ER because of the damages you've done to him. Do you know how badly that will damage our image? We are not Sanctuary University," The Dean said, giving me a stern look. "I like you, Shiro and you single handedly carry our university academically. I don't want to see you in handcuffs for excessive force."

"Oof... Can't lie though, Caden is still a normal human. He doesn't have the same endurance like Vance does. There was a high possiblity that he could've died after that Destiny Flare," Lustie said, looking at me.

'Tch...that's twice plot has bailed his ass out. And he tells me that I'm lucky. Bitch I know I am,' I thought to myself then sighed and calmed my nerves.

"I understand, Ms. Vega. I promise to not beat someone's ass into oblivion again...on campus," I said half jokingly, giving her a smile.

[Charisma EXP +2500]

The dean chuckled softly at my joke then rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah. Now get out of here.."

I left her office and began to make my way down the hall. I closed my eyes and let out a soft sigh. 'I guess I did go a bit too far...but I just hate his face..his voice. After what he did...after everything's he's done. Helping ruin Ashley's kidnapping Whitney. I want him dead.'

"I understand your feelings, but killing him is easier said than done. Just show him a little more mercy for now. We've basically put him out of commission for now and snatched his shit. I find that as a huge win!" Lustie said, landing on the top of my head and wagged her tail.

I smiled at Lustie then nodded to myself. 'I guess..~ Alright let's stop wasting time and get to Gloria's house.'

"Yeah, let's go!~" Lustie said happily, excited to see Gloria.

[Day: Wednesday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Gloria's House]

I parked my car in front of Gloria's house, getting out of my car with a gift for Gloria using one of my Luscious Boxes. I fixed my clothes and checked out myself using my window to see my reflection.

"Damn I look good. I'd date me," I chuckled softly, making my way to the front door. I rang the doorbell then waited for an answer.

'After this, we've got to pick Chloe up at five from Twilight City. E, can you remind me for the event at 5?' I asked to Lust-E.


'Alright...Geez it's taking longer than normal innit?' I thought to myself, checking my watch.

The door swung open and I looked up, thinking I was being greeted by Gloria or her mom but when I looked up, I noticed noticed a tall well fit man in front of me. He stared at me, noticing me holding a large teddy bear in my hands that was to be for Gloria.

"So you're the guy my princess keeps talking about huh? Hawaiian huh?" Gloria's dad asked, his voice stern yet curious.

"U-Uh...Yes sir! Mr. Aoi sir!" I said, standing up straight with perfect posture.

"Dad, is that Shiro?" Gloria asked as she walked up, peeking from behind him, noticing me. "Shiro!~"

I watched as Gloria squeezed her way by her dad, happily hugging me. I hugged her back, embracing her in a loving and endearing hug. We let each other go and I gave Gloria her gift which she seemed to like a lot.

"Dad, meet my boyfriend Shiro. Shiro, meet my dad!~ He's a veteran and even has a super cool badge from when he was in Japan! You have to show him, Dad!" Gloria said, wanting her dad to show me the badge he obtained when he was deployed in Japan.

Her father looked at me then sighed softly, finally cracking a soft smile for Gloria. "Alright, alright. I'll go get it, you can come in Shiro."

I smiled at her dad, nodding my head and thanking him. Gloria led me inside after her dad went inside to get his badge from his bedroom. Gloria and I sat on the couch, having casual conversation and telling each other about our day.

After a few minutes, the stairs began to softly creek as Gloria's dad came back downstairs with his badge of honor in hand. He came to the living room and showed me the badge Gloria was talking about. The badge was white and gold with a few kanji written on it meaning "Strong and Fearless."

"I got this badge after I had saved a few allies from death in battle. I nearly lost my life in the process, but it was worth it in the end." Gloria's dad said, showing me his badge.

Lustie and Passion took great interest in the badge. Lustie wanted to touch it, but before she could Mr. Aoi took the badge away and put it in his shirt pocket.

"So tell me about yourself, son. How did you meet Gloria and how were you the one to have taken her heart?" Mr. Aoi asked, sitting down in his chair.

I glanced at Gloria, noticing her perfect smile and her growing excitement for me to tell the story on how Gloria and I met. I smiled at her then looked at Mr. Aoi, getti ready to tell the story.

"So basically, Gloria and I met during orientation during Freshman Year. She was the one who approached me though and since then we've been close. It wasn't until last month when I finally asked her out," I explained to Mr. Aoi, noticing he was listening closely.

"I see. Well you aren't the perfect guy for her, but I can see you make her very happy so I give you my approval. I'm sure you've already met my wife?" He asked.

Lustie, Passion, and I shuddered thinking about my encounter with Mama Aoi.

"Yeah, I've met her and she's a pretty cool lady. Headstrong, but pretty cool," I said, chuckling a bit.

Mr. Aoi chuckled at my answer then sighed. "Headstrong is an understatement...but yeah I understand you. I'm not gonna flip out like she did, but I will tell you that since my daughter has chosen you, you are now partially responsible for her when you take her out. At any point there is a scratch on her body..."

"Dad!" Gloria called out, stopping him from finishing his sentence.

'At least I'm not having to test my manhood. I am still terrified tho. Bro is built and could snap me like a twig..' I thought to myself.

"Me too and I'm a demon..." Lustie said, chuckling softly.

The three of us hung out together in the living room for a bit longer, Mr. Aoi and I getting to know each other better. He shared a few stories about his time in the military and even gave me advice just in case I wanted to join the military.

After an hour went by, I decided to call it a day so I could get ready to pick up Chloe. It was nice talking to Mr. Aoi and getting life lessons from him. I've learned a lot from him and it boosted me up a bit, getting me pumped for my date.

As I made it to my car, I looked at the front door to see Gloria waving at me with a smile on her face. I waved at her back, getting into my car and driving off.

[That was nice...I actually enjoyed that.]

"Me too, he was quite nice when compared to Mama Aoi, but he still had the same protectiveness over Gloria," I said, driving toward Twilight City to pick up Chloe.

"Hopefully Gloria invites us for a family dinner. I'm wanna see how they eat during dinner!" Lustie said, her mouth watering from the thought of food since she was hungry.

I smile and chuckled at Lustie, shaking my head a bit. "Maybe in the near future, but for now let's focus up. We have an important date to complete."
