Sanctuary Defenders Pt. 2

[Day: Wednesday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Sanctuary University]

It's been a few days since I started training the girls to at least have some skills on the field and everything has been going smoothly. On this afternoon, Jessica had called an unexpected club meeting and gathered us in her club room.

"What's up Jess?" Baylee asked, taking her seat at the table.

Jessica waited for all of us to enter and take our seats, her expression a mix of seriousness and anticipation. "Naomi just texted me and said Sargent Phoenix finished her reconnaissance around Central Black Sanction Bank. She sent me that layout for the bank and its security levels at different times of the day."

Jessica displayed the layouts on the projector behind her. She turned back, holding her arms over her chest. "This bank is one of the largest banks in Sanctuary City. It has three floors. The first floor is where there is the least security, maybe a guard here and there. The first basement floor is where most of the security will be, Alchemists and trained Guards, the bottom floor is where the jackpot is. The vault is there but it is heavily guarded by nothing but alchemists."

Jessica continued, pointing at the screen with a pointing stick. "Since it's the afternoon, the security levels are in the Yellow meaning it's not too bad, but it's not too good for us either. We would need to move carefully."

Joy looked at the screen then raised her hand. Once she was acknowledged by Jessica, she spoke. "Uhm...How will we get in? What route are we taking exactly?"

Jessica understood the weight of her inquiry, turning back to the projector. "There are 12 cash trucks that arrive and deliver cash to the bank every hour through the back. There is an elevator they take to ride down to the first floor and deliver the money by foot to the second floor. That is the route we will take."

"It is easier said than done though as the place is guarded pretty well by security and they have cameras nearly everywhere," Jessica finished explaining, crossing her arms and turning her gaze back to us.

"I suggest we give roles out to each other. If we all storm in there, we will run into the possibility of getting compromised and arrested by the SCPD. There are six of us, so we should split into two different teams," I began, my eyes shifting between everyone in the room.

"How will we being split?" Melissa asked.

"The Support Team: Faith, Melissa, and Joy. You three will provide support from outside by hacking the security cameras and the comms. You'll also be lending drone support to make sure our entry and escape is a smooth in and out. The Attack Team: Me, Jessica, and Baylee. We will be the ones going in and doing the looting. Both teams will be accompanied by Phoenix and Naomi to make sure nothing goes wrong," I explained, my tone steady and firm.

Jessica nodded her head, accepting the set up. "Alright, that works for me. We should probably head out before it gets to late. At night, the security ramps up tenfold and gets into the red zone. Does everyone understand their roles?"

We all nodded in agreement and with that, we set out for our first Heist. Everyone was already feeling the adrenaline kicking in, a sense of nervousness and excitement coursing through their veins. I was also excited as this would be the first I've ever done a mission like this where I am basically leading the entire coup. I calmed my nerves and mentally prepared myself, ready for anything that could be thrown at us.

[Day: Wednesday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Sanctuary Central]

The van was spacious, its interior filled with high-tech equipment and screens displaying live feeds of the bank across the street. The atmosphere inside was tense but focused. I stood at the front, a holographic map of the bank projected in front of me. The rest of the team—Jessica, Baylee, Faith, Melissa, Joy, Naomi, and Phoenix—sat around me, listening intently.

"Alright, everyone," I began, pointing to the map. "Here's the recap of the plan and why we are here. We need to collect at least $250,000 or more to pay off Raymond for the weapons he built for us. This is a high-stakes operation, so we need to be precise and efficient."

I turned to the Support Team first. "Allow me to recap the team setup as well. Faith, Melissa, Joy, Phoenix—you guys will be our eyes and ears. Your job is to hack into the bank's security systems and equipment, provide drone support from the air, and guide us through the building. Faith, you'll handle the main security feed. Melissa, you'll manage the drones. Joy, you'll monitor guard movements, and Phoenix, you'll take care of any technical issues that come up."

Faith nodded, her fingers already flying over her tablet. "We've got this, Shiro. We'll make sure you have a clear path."

I smiled at her confidence before turning to the Infantry Team. "Jessica, Baylee, Naomi, and I will be going inside. Our job is to get in, take as much money as we can, and get out without being caught. We'll enter through the side door here," I pointed to a less-guarded entrance on the map, "and make our way to the vault. Naomi, you'll handle the guards. Jessica and Baylee, you'll assist with the vault and the cash. I'll deal with any alchemists we encounter."

Jessica cracked her knuckles, a determined look on her face. "We're ready. Let's do this."

Naomi checked her equipment, her expression serious. "Just make sure we have constant updates from the Support Team. We can't afford any surprises."

I nodded. "Exactly. Communication is key. We stay in touch at all times. Any questions?"

Baylee raised a hand. "What's our exit strategy?"

I pointed to the back of the bank. "There's an emergency exit here. Once we have the money, we head straight there. The Support Team will guide us to avoid any reinforcements."

With the plan laid out, I looked around at the team. "Alright, everyone. Let's make this count. We move in ten."

The team dispersed to finalize their preparations. Faith and Melissa double-checked their hacking gear, Joy set up the drone controls, and Phoenix tested the communication links. Meanwhile, Jessica, Baylee, Naomi, and I suited up, donning our disguises and checking our weapons.

As the countdown to the heist began, the van buzzed with a mix of nervous energy and determination. We all knew what was at stake, and we were ready to do whatever it took to succeed.

"Time to move," I said, my tone low and steady. "Let's go."

The team exited the van, blending seamlessly into the crowd as we made our way towards the bank. The heist was on, and there was no turning back now.

{Mission START: Black Sanction Bank Heist!}

{Easy Task: Collect $250,000}

{Normal Task: Everyone makes it out safely.}

{Hard Task: Complete in an hour or less.}

{Luscious Task: Collect $1M, Defeat all Alchemists, Complete Heist with no reinforcements called.}

We approached the bank's side door with practiced precision, each step calculated. We made sure to look around to make sure we were still in the clear.

I glanced at Faith through the earpiece. "Faith, status?"

"Security feeds are looped. You're clear," Faith's voice crackled back.

Naomi swiftly picked the lock on the side door, and the team slipped inside. The bank's interior was a stark contrast to the bustling city outside; quiet, almost eerily so.

"Melissa, drone up," I ordered. A small, silent drone zipped out of Melissa's backpack, rising to scan the hallways ahead.

"All clear so far," Melissa confirmed, her eyes glued to the drone's feed.

We moved quickly and quietly, guided by the Support Team. Faith directed them to avoid guards, and Joy relayed their positions with pinpoint accuracy. As we approached the vault, I signaled Naomi to handle the guards posted there.

Naomi moved like a shadow, her steps silent and swift. She incapacitated the guards with calculated strikes, ensuring they couldn't raise an alarm. "Guards are down," she whispered.

"Good. Jessica, Baylee, your turn," I instructed.

Jessica and Baylee rushed to the vault, working in tandem to crack the security. Jessica's fingers danced over the keypad, while Baylee manipulated the intricate lock mechanism. Minutes felt like hours as they worked against the clock.

"How much longer, ladies?" I asked, glancing back at them.

"About 20 minutes before Faith's hacking device takes effect. The security measures inside this vault is top notch.." Jessica answered, raising her mask to wipe off the sweat from her face before pulling it back down.

I nodded, looking back forward then noticed three alchemist guards approaching. I stepped forward, knowing it was my turn to shine. "Nao, protect the girls. I'll handle these three.."

Naomi nodded, keeping a protective stance in front of the two girls and watched my battle closely. "Stay safe.."

"You picked the wrong bank to rob, crooks! I don't know how you managed to slip by so effortlessly, but this is where it all ends," The first alchemist said, readying his lightning blade.

I chuckled as I walked forward, my gauntlets appearing on my hands. "Alright, let's see how good you truly are!"

I launched myself forward, swiftly ducking under the first alchemist's slash then countered with a sweep kick. Before the alchemist fell, I caused a burst of wind to knock him in the air and followed it with a powerful roundhouse kick, knocking him away.

"You won't get away!" The second bellowed, firing superheated bullets at me.

I looked back over my shoulder and adjusted my mask, the Crest of Talent shining on the forehead of the mask. I dodged the bullets then chuckled darkly. "Is that all you've got..?"

The second alchemist noticed Talenta materialize beside me, her face becoming pale. Before she could react, I appeared in front of her and knocked her in the air with a powerful uppercut. I grabbed her ankle and spun her around, hurling her toward the first alchemist. The two crashed into each other and groaned loudly in pain, now incapacitated.

The third alchemist dashed toward me, launching swift strikes toward me but each attack met the air as I swiftly evaded his strikes. I began to parry all of his attacks then jumped up, drop kicking him back. The man grunted as he rolled back, but recovered onto one knee with his gun drawn. He began to rapidly fire bullets at me, the Crest of Luck flashing in place of the Crest of Talent and caused the bullets to completely miss.

Jessica and Baylee watched in awe, their eyes sparkling with amazement watching the fight that took place in front of them. They began to internally fangirl and squeal over me, showing their undying support for me. Naomi was nothing short of impressed as she watched me fight, a smirk playing on her face beneath her mask.

{Alert: Boss Alchemist Approaching}

I looked at my watch then looked up, noticing Ruby stepping forward and smirked. I adjusted my gauntlets and chuckled softly. "We meet again.."

Ruby looked around her and noticed her allies along the ground, her eyes faintly glowing. She returned her gaze to me and got into her stance. "I know you did this, Shiro Moji. This will not escape my grasp!"

Ruby launched herself toward me and let out a battle cry as she launched her first strike at me. I swiftly dodged her attack then began to evade each of her strikes, my steps calculated and fluid. It seemed I was merely dancing around her as I knew how she fought and it didn't surprise me.

"Why are you still working for those punks? Come over to the winning side and we will protect you," I said, continuing to evade her attacks.

"Like I would ever betray them!" Ruby bellowed, moving at lightning speed and landing a strike on my chest. "I would never side with criminals like you!"

I grunted as I slid backwards then found my footing and chuckled softly. I adjusted my mask then my eyes flashed gold. "Then I guess I'll have to beat you for a third time.."

I got down onto one knee, closing my eyes. My tribal tattoos began to glow, my hair flashing between my normal hair color and a silvery white hue. "Maluhia..."

I stood up and let out my Tribal Howl, my aura surging around my body and causing high winds. Jessica and Baylee looked surprised, feeling the energy radiating from my body. They grunted as their Love Sigils activated and an orb of Iridescent light floated toward me.

" that power..?" Jessica asked in awe.

"That is his Tribal Roots," Naomi answered, her heart racing with excitement as she watched closely.

I looked at Ruby with a calm expression, tossing off my long coat and taking on my stance. Tengoku's Symbol faintly glowed on my back and I could feel her presence around me. "Let us begin."

Ruby dashed toward me and bellowed as she launched her attack, but I dodged her attack once again then countered with a swift jab to her face. Ruby barely dodged but grunted as a second strike hit her midsection, her eyes widening in shock as she was blown backwards.

'What..? He...only threw one attack..' Ruby thought to herself.

I walked toward Ruby, my eyes shining ominously as I stared at her. Ruby noticed afterimages rushing toward her then grunted as invisible forces began to strike her, her mind racing with thoughts of how I could be moving with such speed. After the last staggering strike, I took place of the last afterimage, delivering a powerful palm strike to her stomach. A pulse of energy circled my hand then launched Ruby into a wall.

"I am constantly evolving, Ruby. There's no way for you to ever defeat me. Now choose, become an enemy forever and die with the rest of The Syndicates or know my mercy and be spare of Judgement," I said, snapping my fingers then my cross appeared behind me.

Ruby grunted softly, her gaze meeting mine before she closed her eyes and lowered her head. She stood up then closed her eyes, taking off her Syndicate Badge as her will to live outweighed her desire to continue serving The Syndicates.

"I yield.." She said softly, taking a few steps backwards. "But this isn't over, Shiro. I won't accept this defeat. I won't accept you...until we've fought at full power. You haven't seen what I can truly do. With that said, when you're ready to truly face me, meet me at Verdant Grove."

I watched as Ruby retreated then reverted to my normal state. I sighed softly then noticed a notification appear in front of me.

{Ruby's Attraction Meter rose to 50%}

{Talent/Stamina EXP +20,000}

With our clearing set again, Jessica and Baylee went back to working on hacking the vault door. Minutes felt like hours as they worked against the clock.

"Got it!" Baylee finally exclaimed as the vault door swung open.

Inside, stacks of cash and valuables awaited. We quickly began loading the money into bags, our movements efficient and practiced. I kept a watchful eye on the hallway, alert for any signs of trouble.

"Time check, Phoenix?" I asked.

"Five minutes until the next guard patrol," Phoenix replied. "You need to move, now."

"Everyone, grab what you can and head to the exit," I ordered.

With the bags filled, we made our way to the emergency exit. Faith's voice guided us through the maze of hallways, avoiding any potential encounters. As we reached the exit, I glanced back to ensure no one was left behind.

"Exit clear," Joy confirmed.

We burst through the door into the alleyway behind the bank, blending into the shadows as we made our way back to the van. The adrenaline was high, but we remained focused.

Once inside the van, I took a deep breath. "Good job, everyone. We did it."

The team erupted in quiet cheers, the tension finally releasing. We had pulled off the heist without a hitch, and the payoff was more than enough to cover their debt to Raymond.

As the van pulled away from the bank, I looked around at his team, pride swelling in my chest. They had proven themselves capable and united, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


"Not so fast!"

I looked at my mirrors and noticed multiple police units chasing after our van. "Shit..!"

"Those are Marshall's units, Shiro! We need to get the hell out of here!" Phoenix warned, her tone a mix of concern and urgency.

"I got this, switch with me Naomi," I said, wanting to take control of the van.

Naomi nodded and swapped places with me, allowing me to drive the van.

The van careened down the streets of Central Sanctuary City, its engine roaring as I gripped the steering wheel tightly. The team's adrenaline was still high from the heist, bags of cash secured in the back. Beside me, Naomi kept a vigilant eye on the road ahead while Jessica, Baylee, Faith, Melissa, Joy, and Phoenix held on tightly.

"Marshall's units are on our tail!" Phoenix called from the back, glancing at the rearview screen displaying the pursuing police cars.

My eyes narrowed as I saw the flashing red and blue lights gaining on us. "Hang on tight, everyone. This is going to be a rough ride."

I swerved around a corner, tires screeching, as we entered a narrow alleyway. The van barely fit, scraping against the walls, but it bought us a few precious seconds. Marshall's units followed, sirens blaring, but they were momentarily slowed by the tight fit.

"Stop you vehicle now!" Marshall yelled through her intercoms.

"We need to lose them before we hit South Sanctuary," Naomi said, her voice tense. "They'll have roadblocks up if we don't shake them soon."

"On it," I replied, my mind racing as I navigated the maze-like streets. I had driven through this part of the city countless times, but never with so much at stake. I not only had to worry about myself this time, but I had to worry about everyone who was with me now.

Faith, clutching her tablet, was monitoring their position. "Take a left here!" she shouted. "It leads to a construction site. We might be able to lose them there."

I followed her directions, taking a sharp left turn and speeding towards the construction site. The unfinished buildings provided a labyrinth of obstacles. I zigzagged through the narrow paths, trying to stay ahead of the police cars.

"They're still on us!" Jessica shouted, looking out the back window. "They're not giving up!"

Just then, a police car managed to pull alongside the van. An officer leaned out, aiming a weapon at our tires.

"Not today," Naomi muttered, rolling down her window. With a swift, practiced motion, she threw a small explosive device at the police car. It detonated with a flash, causing the car to swerve and crash into a pile of debris.

"Nice one, Naomi!" Baylee cheered, but our celebration was cut short as more police cars appeared.

I pushed the van harder, the engine straining as we broke through the construction site and back onto a main road. The open road ahead offered no cover, but we had no choice.

"We need more speed!" I yelled, glancing at Faith. "Can you boost the engine?"

Faith's fingers flew over her tablet. "I'll try. Give me a second."

As Faith worked her magic, Melissa kept an eye on the police cars. "They're getting closer!"

"Almost… got it!" Faith said, and suddenly the van surged forward, the modified engine roaring to life with newfound power.

I grinned as we gained a few car lengths on our pursuers. "Good job, Faith! Now, let's get out of here."

We raced through the city, weaving through traffic and dodging obstacles. The police were relentless, but my skillful driving and Faith's tech support kept us just ahead.

"We're nearing the bridge to South Sanctuary," Joy said, checking the map. "But there's a roadblock up ahead."

My mind raced. "We're not stopping. Everyone, brace yourselves."

The van hurtled towards the roadblock, and just as we were about to hit it, I swerved, taking a sharp turn down a side street. The van clipped the edge of the barricade, but we made it through, leaving the police scrambling to adjust their pursuit.

"We did it!" Jessica exclaimed, relief evident in her voice.

"Not yet," I said, eyes focused. "We need to get back home."

We continued their breakneck escape, finally crossing into South Sanctuary City. The familiar streets and buildings offered some comfort, but we couldn't relax yet.

As we approached our safe haven, our share house, the police sirens faded into the distance. I pulled the van into the garage, the team spilling out, exhausted but victorious.

"Everyone okay?" I asked, looking around.

"Yeah," Baylee said, breathing heavily. "That was intense."

Naomi nodded, her usual composure returning. "Good job, everyone. We made it."

Faith grinned, still holding her tablet. "And we got the money. Raymond will be pleased."

Jessica, Melissa, Joy, and Phoenix nodded in agreement, the adrenaline still coursing through their veins.

I finally allowed myself to relax, a small smile playing on my lips. "Alright, let's get inside and unwind. That was a wild one."

As we headed into the share house, the weight of our success and the challenges ahead settled in. The adrenaline still pumped within us, a successful heist like this was nothing to scoff at. At the end of the day, I was happy that everyone was safe.

{Mission COMPLETE!}

{All Tasks Complete!}

{Reward: Ambition/Talent EXP +50,000}

{Credi Earned +1,000,000 (+500,000 Perfect Clear)}