Tribal Leader Pt. 1

[Day: Wednesday]

[Time: Evening]

[Location: Home - Sanctuary City]

The sun began to dip under the horizon, enveloping Sanctuary City in a calm golden hue. The share house was still steep with excitement from the heist, the girls celebrating their huge victory. As the party went on, Ani went around the house looking for me, checking every possible room in the house.

Ani made her way downstairs, her mind racing as she couldn't find me. Ani stepped into the shared living room, her brow furrowed with concern. The house was still lively, but I was nowhere to be seen. She glanced around, hoping to catch a glimpse of me in one of my usual spots. No luck. She sighed and headed towards the kitchen, where Jessica was munching on an apple, her eyes glued to her phone.

"Hey, Jess, have you seen Shiro?" Ani asked, trying to keep her voice casual.

Jessica looked up, blinking in surprise. "Shiro? Uh, no, I haven't seen him since the heist. Maybe he's in his room?"

Ani shook her head. "Already checked. His room is empty. Not even his Lustie or her sisters are there."

Jessica frowned, now looking a bit concerned herself. "Weird. Maybe Baylee knows?"

Ani nodded and made her way back to the living room, where Baylee was sprawled on the couch, flipping through a manga. "Baylee, have you seen Shiro?"

Baylee looked up, raising an eyebrow. "Nope. Not since the heist. He didn't say anything about going out, did he?"

Ani shook her head again, feeling a small knot of worry form in her stomach. "No, he didn't. I'm starting to get worried."

Baylee sat up, setting her manga aside. "Let's ask the others."

The two of them descended the stairs together, finding Faith and Melissa in the gaming area, engrossed in a video game. Ani cleared her throat, drawing their attention.

"Guys, have either of you seen Shiro? He's not in his room, and no one seems to know where he went."

Faith and Melissa exchanged puzzled glances.

"No, we haven't," Faith said slowly. "He didn't say anything about going out?"

Ani shook her head. "Not a word. It's so strange. He always tells me when he's heading out..."

Melissa's concern deepened. "It's not like him to just disappear without telling anyone. Not after our big win..."

At that moment, Joy walked in from helping Chloe in the garden, wiping her hands on a towel. "What's up, everyone? You all look worried."

"We can't find Shiro," Ani explained quickly. "Have you seen him?"

Joy's brow furrowed. "No, I haven't. This is odd. Did he leave a note or something?"

Ani sighed. "I've looked everywhere. There's no note, no message. It's like he just vanished."

The girls all looked at each other, the same worry reflected in their eyes. "Maybe he just needed some air," Baylee suggested, though she didn't sound convinced.

Ani took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. "Alright, let's not panic. I'm sure he's fine. We'll just keep looking and hopefully, he'll turn up soon."

As they split up to search the house and its surroundings more thoroughly, Ani couldn't shake the uneasy feeling settling in her chest. I was always so reliable, so consistent. This sudden disappearance was out of character and it made her uneasy. She just hoped I was safe, wherever I was.

[Day: Wednesday]

[Time: Evening]

[Location: Verdant Grove]

Ruby sat in the middle of the natural arena of the forest, surrounded by the trees circling the area and waited for me. She didn't care how long it took, she just hoped to see me. Soon, a sudden snap of a twig caught her attention, causing her to open her eyes and look up.

"I hope you weren't waiting for too long, Ruby," I said, my voice reaching out to her from the sounds of the nature around us.

"You came here quick...I guess neither of us could wait for this moment," Ruby said, slowly standing up.

The two of us stared each other down for a few moments, the gentle breeze causing the leaves of the forest to rustle. Ruby closed her eyes, taking a deep breath then exhaled slowly.

"This is our fourth battle, and the battle I'm hoping will settle things between us. The stakes are high for the both of us. Either of us will be going down," Ruby said, her tone a mix of determination and anticipation.

I stared at her, placing my hands in my pockets. "Before we begin...tell me something. Why do you work for The Syndicates? There has to be some viable reason for you to have this much loyalty to them."

Ruby took a moment to think about my question. Why was she working for them? Why was she so loyal to them. She finally found her answer, her eyes shining with a certain willpower. "I am working with them because of Lotus. He saved my life when I had no one else. Gave me the power to exact my justice against those who wronged me. I know of their evil deeds, I know of the terrible experiments as I am one of them but I can't bite the hand that feeds me."

"But you can reject the offerings that are handed to you. What keeps you placed there despite Lotus harboring a second chance to you? There has to be another reason," I said, my tone steady and curious.

"Lotus is like the father I've never had. Sure he's a mad scientist. Yeah, he's insane in the head. The countless women he's killed for his experiments and his Alchemy...Those screams never leave my head, but.." She began, her gaze drifting away from mine.

"But?" I questioned, pushing further.

"...He promised me something. He promised me that he would give me Ultimate Power. He promised me the gift of The Elixir of Life... Ultimate Panacea. The Fruit of Ambrosia." Ruby admitted, her tone now becoming softer.

"And you honestly believe that? I can bet he told Eliza and all of his other successful experiments that. He locked her up from seeing the light of day, treated her like a prisoner and a slave. Do you want that? You'd sacrifice your freedom just for Immortality?" I asked.

"Why do you speak as if you know him like I do?! You don't know him like I do! The things he will do if I step out of line!" Ruby yelled, her tone more aggressive and hostile.

"Do you really know him though? Do you? Do you understand the things he will do to you? The things he's done to Eliza? I've read the files. She's told me her testimony. You don't know him as much as you'd like to believe you do," I said, crossing my arms, keeping a steady gaze at her.

Ruby clenched her fist, gritting her teeth from annoyance. She knew I was right, but she wouldn't admit it. "That does matter! What matters our fight. If you win, I will join you without question. I'll allow you to break the chains that have been holding me down for so long. But if I win...I will kill you and the entirety of Karma! Do you understand these conditions?!"

I closed my eyes then sighing softly as I took my jacket off and tossing it to the side, the wind carrying my jacket aside. "I understand..."

For a moment, we simply stared at each other, the silence between us charged with unspoken words and unresolved tension. This final battle had been a long time coming, a culmination of our clashing paths and conflicting ideals.

In the distance, the sounds of nature continued unabated. Birds chirped, leaves rustled, and the distant babble of a brook provided a soothing backdrop to the impending storm.

"You know," Ruby said, breaking the silence, "this place is almost too beautiful for what we're about to do. Almost makes me feel bad."

My gauntlets appeared on my hands and I began to adjust them. "Then maybe you should reconsider."

Ruby laughed, a cold, grim sound. "Reconsider? Shiro, you know me better than that. This is the only way it could ever end."

I took a deep breath, feeling the energy of Verdant Grove coursing through me. I now had the experience I needed for this, and prepared myself mentally and physically for the challenge ahead. I knew Ruby was formidable, but I also knew that I had something she lacked: the strength of my convictions, and the support of those who believed in me.

"Enough talk," I said, my voice steady. "Let's finish this."

Ruby nodded, her eyes blazing with intensity. "Agreed."

The wind picked up, swirling around us as we both assumed our fighting stances. The energy of Verdant Grove seemed to pulse in time with our heartbeats, the ancient trees standing as silent witnesses to the epic confrontation that was about to unfold.

I felt a moment of calm wash over me, a clarity of purpose that sharpened my focus. This was my moment, the culmination of everything I had fought for. I locked eyes with Ruby, seeing in her gaze a reflection of my own determination.

The battle was about to begin.

Ruby bellowed, her energy surrounding her body then she launched herself toward me. "This is where this ends!"

I propelled myself toward Ruby and my eyes flashed gold. "Come at me with your best, Ruby!"

We clashed, sending a shockwave around the arena and causing the birds to fly away. We clashed, blocked, and parried each other's attacks, each strike having a strong determination behind it. Ruby swiftly dodged my next attack, countering with a sweep kick but I jumped over her kick and countered with a spinning kick.

Ruby ducked under my kick, grabbing my ankle and attempting to slam me to the ground. I placed my hands on the grass, contorting my body to throw her off me. Ruby grunted as she rolled to the side, standing back up on her feet. She noticed fireballs heading her way, quickly acting and absorbing the flames then launched a massive fireball toward me.

I caught the fireball, grunting softly as I was being pushed back. I successfully deflected the fireball, sending it in the air then sensed Ruby had appeared in front of me. Her strike outmatched my reaction, landing a powerful blow to my midsection and knocking me away.

I recovered onto my feet, smacking my fists together and my gauntlets shined brightly. "I guess you weren't kidding when you said you'd be at full power!"

"Ha! Thinking praising me will get you off the hook?! Your pretty boy act will not save you this time!" Ruby bellowed, rushing toward me.

I closed my eyes, activating my Unleashed State and heightening my senses to its maximum. Ruby began to launch a series of strikes at me, but I evaded and parried each one with ease, my senses never betraying me once.

Ruby yelled as she launched her next strike at me, but I countered by pushing her arm down with my forearm and countered with a swift right hook to her jaw. Ruby staggered a bit from the blow then groaned as I landed a gut strike, following with an uppercut to knock her in the air. Ruby recovered quickly, perfectly blocking my crescent kick and repelling me back.

Ruby landed on the ground, sweeping me off my feet then pressed a fireball against my side to blast me in the air. "You're mine!" She bellowed as she propelled herself in the air with her flames, throwing a swift axe kick at me.

The hit connected, sending me crashing to the ground. As I hit the ground, a small crater formed from the impact, a large smoke cloud forming around me.

Ruby landed on the ground, getting back into her stance and watching the smoke cloud fade away. 'Get up...I know you aren't finished yet..'

Ruby continued to watch the smoke cloud clear, slowly inching forward to the crater. Once she made it close enough to where she could see, she noticed a hole in the ground. Her eyes widened a bit, but she stayed alert, now searching around for me.

Ruby noticed multiple geysers erupting around her, her eyes shifting quickly between each one. She kept her mind steady, awaiting any movement that would give me away. "Where are you hiding?!"

Ruby heard rumbling underneath her, looking down then groaned as a super geyser erupted under her, blasting her in the air. Ruby opened her eyes, noticing me above her and her eyes widened with pure surprise.

I bellowed as I struck her with a Destiny Flash, knocking her to the ground. I propelled myself to the ground with Wind Energy, meeting her before she hit the ground then landed a Dark Destiny Flash, launching her into the forest.

Ruby grunted as she crashed through branches and bushes, soon recovering back to her feet. She caught her breath, huffing softly. 'What the hell..? Why couldn't I sense him? Where the hell did he go?!'

Ruby searched around for me, hearing rustling behind her that caught her attention. She swiftly turned around, noticing a baby dragon emerging from the bushes. She noticed it was green and had a lush patch of flowers upon its body. Feeling at ease, she lowered her guard...but that was a mistake.

Ruby noticed the dragon's body shine brightly, her eyes widening then groaned as a light explosion knocked her away. She slammed into a tree and let out a pained cry. She fell onto one knee, coughing a bit.

"What...the hell..?" She said softly in between her grunts, slowly making it back to her feet.

Suddenly, a barrage of Energy Bombs flew toward her, swiftly dodging them but noticed none of them detonated. A tick sounded off then each bomb exploded in a chain reaction, forcing Ruby to take cover. She grunted as she covered herself from the chaos ensued around her.

She opened her eyes, seeing mist floating around her and stood up. She quickly looked around, slowly growing more aggravated from my trickery.

"This isn't the battle you want, Ruby,"

Ruby heard my voice, still searching around for the source where my voice came from. She grunted as a seemingly invisible force struck her, causing her to stumble to the side. Another hit her, causing her to lose her balance.

"I will make you acknowledge me.."

A rush of strikes began to land upon her body, catching Ruby off guard each time. I appeared in front of her and landed a wind enhanced strike to her midsection, blowing away the mist around the area and revealed my position. Ruby stumbled backwards, holding her stomach then looked up and noticed me.

I rushed forward, surrounding my arm with Heavenly Energy. I feinted my Heavenly Impact, forcing her to focus her defenses high then landed another Destiny Flash to her stomach and send her flying backwards. Ruby rolled backwards, landing in the lake.

I walked forward, rolling my shoulders and sensing powerful fiery energy coming from her. I watched as a faint red glow formed in the water, stopping myself in front of the lake. "Finally decided to level up huh? Well, now I'm getting all fired up!"

[Rolling slots...]


[Miracle! All Energy Potency +100%, Speed +100%, Strength +100%]

Ruby slowly emerged from the water, a dome of fire surrounding her body and her eyes flashing a crimson red. Ruby let out a battle cry, half of her hair becoming ablaze, the other half shining brightly and sparkling with a blinding light. "I...I won't lose...I won't lose to you, Shiro Moji!"

I grunted softly as Ruby's aura became more intense, sensing her rising ambition to defeat me with everything she had. I noticed a glow on her chest, realizing she was truly awakening her Philosopher's Stone that was implanted within her.

"Shiro...her power level is rapidly increasing. I can't get a clear reading on where her peak is..!" Lust-E exclaimed, hovering beside me with a defensive gaurd.

"I am Lotus's ULTIMATE creation! The Seraphim! Now you will see my true power!" Ruby bellowed, six fiery wings manifesting on her back. "Hekhal!"

The glow intensified, spreading throughout her body. Ruby's form began to shimmer, the air around her crackling with energy. Flames of pure, radiant white burst forth, swirling around her in an awe-inspiring display. The flames coalesced, forming intricate patterns that wrapped around her limbs and torso.

Ruby's transformation was swift. The Holy Flames solidified, creating a resplendent suit of armor that gleamed with an ethereal light. The Hekhal, her Holy Armor, was both beautiful and imposing, each piece intricately designed to reflect her formidable strength.

Her eyes now glowed with a fierce, golden light, and two wings of fire sprouted from her back, fanning out majestically. In this Angelic Form, Ruby looked like a divine warrior, every inch of her exuding power and grace.

"Behold, Shiro," Ruby declared, her voice echoing with an otherworldly resonance. "The Hekhal, my Holy Armor. With this, I wield the power of Holy Fire."

She raised her hand, and a sword of pure flame materialized in her grasp. The blade burned with a white-hot intensity, illuminating the grove with its brilliance.

I took a step back, my mind racing. I could feel the immense heat radiating from Ruby, the sheer force of her power pressing against me. But I knew I couldn't falter now. I had to find a way to counter her newfound strength.

Ruby wasted no time. With a powerful flap of her flaming wings, she launched herself at me, her sword poised to strike. I barely managed to dodge, the searing heat of the blade grazing my cheek. At this moment...she had began to outspeed my reaction time.

"You can't hide from me," Ruby taunted, her voice ringing out like a bell. "Holy Fire, purify!"

She swung her sword in a wide arc, and a wave of white flames surged towards me. I leaped back, summoning upon my Water Energy to create a barrier, but the Holy Fire was relentless, burning through my defenses with ease.

As the battle raged on, I realized I needed to think more strategically. Ruby's Holy Armor and flames made her nearly invincible, but every power had its limits. I focused on her movements, searching for any weakness I could exploit.

Ruby, meanwhile, was relentless. She moved with a fluid grace, her attacks precise and devastating. Each swing of her sword sent torrents of Holy Fire at me, and her wings allowed her to maneuver swiftly, keeping me constantly on the defensive.

"You can't win anymore, Shiro," Ruby said, her voice calm and assured. "The power of the Philosopher's Stone is beyond anything you can imagine."

I gritted my teeth, refusing to back down. I had faced impossible odds before, and I would do it again. Summoning all my strength, I prepared for my next move, determined to find a way to turn the tide of the battle.


I heard a faint voice call out to me, the world around me seemingly pausing in time as I silently responded to the voice. I looked around, but found no physical body around me other than Ruby, who gracefully hovered in the air.

"Listen...You don't have enough time. You need to stop her. If she continues like this...she will die. She's quickly burning through her energy and life force."

"The Philosopher's Stone's power will eat away at her until her final breath..."

"Tengoku is right, Tribal Leader. If you truly wish to save her and have her acknowledge must stop her at all costs. Destroy her Philosopher's Stone."

'But if I do that...She will die anyway. I want her alive. I want to give her a new life. Break the chains that bind her down," I responded to Tengoku and Jigoku.

"This is the only free her. Jigoku and I will make sure she lives. We can sense your desire to save her. Trust in our word, Shiro. Tribal Leader. Use our power to match hers.."

"Ascend...and beat the odds as you've done countless times before.."



Ruby watched as I slowly got down onto one knee, raising a suspicious eyebrow. She watched closely, wondering what I was doing. "Giving up?!"

Closing my eyes, I allowed Tengoku's and Jigoku's words to sink in. I felt the pulse of my tribal lineage coursing through my veins, a dormant force waiting to be unleashed. With a focused mind, I began to chant softly, "Lokahi, Lokahi."

The chant grew louder, each repetition strengthening my resolve as I stood up. "Lokahi, Lokahi!" I repeated, my voice now a powerful echo through the sacred grove. I let out my Tribal Howl and the sound echoed across the forest.

A surge of energy erupted from within me, igniting my core. My body began to transform as I embraced my True Tribal Roots, awakening the Tribal Leader within. My form shifted, my physique becoming more defined, exuding raw power and ancient wisdom.

Around my neck, Power Beads materialized, each one glowing with a vibrant energy. My tribal tattoos, etched across my skin, began to shimmer with a mix of blue and red light. The colors swirled together, symbolizing the harmonious balance of Nigoku, the Mojisolan deity I was destined to embody.

The ground beneath me seemed to resonate with my transformation, the very earth acknowledging the return of its true leader. I opened my eyes, now glowing with a fierce determination. I felt an unparalleled connection to my ancestors, their strength and guidance fueling my spirit... especially my Father's strength and energy.

I flexed my fingers, feeling the power coursing through every fiber of my being. The Nigoku Form was not just a physical transformation; it was a profound awakening of my heritage, a testament to my role as the head of his tribe.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I stood tall, ready to face Ruby. The Holy Fire she wielded would be a formidable challenge, but I now possessed the strength of my ancestors and the wisdom of my deities.

As I prepared to step forward, the vibrant glow of my tattoos illuminated the path ahead. I knew that this battle would test me like never before, but I was ready. I was ready to save Ruby from her own demise.

"Ruby," I began, my tone steady and determined. I looked up at her, my eyes shining a bright gold. "I will break every chain that holds you down! I can promise that!"

Ruby stared at me, and for a moment, her expression softened as she heeded my declare. She closed her eyes then a small smile stretched across her lips. She opened her eyes, her gaze meeting mine. "Shiro! I have already made my vows! There is nothing you can do to win!"

The final confrontation with Ruby awaited, and I, in my Nigoku Form, was prepared to meet it head-on. The moon shone brightly in the sky, setting the stage for the final battle between us.