Boys Night

[Day: Monday]

[Time: Evening]

[Location: Destiny Central - Destiny Bar & Lounge]

I parked my car in front of the bar and lounge that rested in the heart of the city, the neon lights of the building shining brightly making it the main attraction at night. I stepped inside, smoothing out my clothes and searched around for Mark and the others.

As I walked around, the smells of alcohol and cigarettes immediately hit my nose, a familiar scent I was used to. I noticed Mason working behind the counter and gave him a head nod as we noticed each other. He pointed me in the direction that Mark and the others were.

Thanking him, I made my way to the lounge area. The sounds of cheers and boos were heard as an important basketball game was going on. I passed by a few waitresses, each one giving me a soft giggle. I couldn't help but to check each one of them out, enjoying the scene. The scent of perfume and fruit based alcohol was a stark contrast to the bar area's hard alcohol and cigarettes.

Soon, I made it to Mark and the others who were sitting at a booth, watching the game. "Yo, I hope I'm not too late."

Mark looked over at me and smiled, sitting back on his chair. "Aye, you're finally here man. Sit down, the game just got interesting."

I sat down beside Mark and looked at the TV screen. "Who's playing today?"

"We're watching the WBL, the Women's Basketball League. It's the Destiny Cheetahs against the Prime Stars. It's a really close game right now," Mark said, taking a sip of his drink. "Right now the two aces have been going at it. A cousin of Caroline's named Violeta San Ros against Haku Mahoe."

"Mahoe? That's one of my cousins from my Tribe," I said in recognition, watching the game more closely.

"Oh word? Well she's killing it out there. I know Caroline's family were known for their athleticism, but Haku has been going crazy, giving Violeta a run for her money. I noticed she does the same Tribal Howl that you do," Mark said, his eyes glued to the screen.

We all began to watch the game closely, watching each pass, crossover, and every attempted shot. My eyes closely followed Haku, a woman I never thought I would be able to see again. It felt really nice seeing her on the big screen.

As the game went on, Mark bought more drinks and food for us to enjoy. Our conversations about the game flowed very smoothly between us, each of us placing our bets on either the Destiny Cheetahs or the Prime Stars. The game was intense and I could see how high the emotions ran between the girls. It was the Worldwide Championships, Game Seven.

Mark cheered for Violeta, wanting her to bring the Destiny Cheetahs home yet another trophy. "C'mon! For three!" He exclaimed, standing up.

Just as Violeta shot the ball, Haku blocked the shot perfectly, causing it to fly toward her teammate. She let out a Tribal Howl then sprinted forward, gaining the ball in possession once again. She went for a dunk, but Violeta caught up in the nick of time, blocking the shot and both girls hit the ground.

"These chicks are going crazy right now," Jake said, on the edge of his seat as he watched.

"Both of them are in that mode. It's really hard to know who's gonna win. It's anyone's game," Eric added, his gaze critical and focused.

The game continued, both teams giving it their all. The lounge area was split between Destiny Cheetahs and Prime Stars, both sides cheering for their teams. We were all on the edge of our seats watching the close game.

Soon, the final whistle blew, signaling the end of the game. The Destiny Cheetahs had pulled off a narrow victory, and the bar erupted in cheers and applause. I watched Haku and Violeta exchange a sportsmanlike handshake on the screen, both showing immense respect for each other's skill.

Mark clapped me on the shoulder, his excitement palpable. "Man, what a game! Your cousin's got some serious talent."

I nodded, a proud smile on my face. "Yeah, she's something else. I'm glad I got to see her play."

Jake leaned back, taking a swig of his drink. "We need more nights like this. It's been a while since we all just hung out and enjoyed ourselves."

Eric nodded in agreement. "Definitely. Life's been too serious lately."

Mason walked over with a tray of drinks, handing each of us a fresh one. "On the house, fellas. That was one hell of a game to watch."

We raised our glasses in a toast, enjoying the camaraderie and the brief escape from the usual chaos of our lives. As the noise in the bar began to settle, I leaned back and let the warmth of the moment wash over me.

"So, Shiro," Mark began, breaking the comfortable silence, "what's the next move for you? Back to Sanctuary City soon?"

I took a sip of my drink, contemplating my answer. "Yeah, I'll head back soon. There's still a lot to be done there. But for now, I'm just glad to be here, catching up with you guys."

Jake nodded thoughtfully. "Sanctuary City's no joke. Heard things are heating up over there."

"Yeah," I replied, my tone more serious now. "The Gang War is still ongoing. But we've made progress. I just hope we can bring some peace soon."

Eric glanced around the bar, his expression pensive. "It's hard to imagine dealing with all that on a daily basis. Respect to you, man, for handling it."

I shrugged, a modest smile on my face. "Just doing what I can. We all have our roles to play."

As the conversation continued, we shared stories, reminisced about the past, and laughed at old jokes. The bond between us felt stronger than ever, and for a moment, the weight of our responsibilities seemed lighter.

As we talked, I noticed Caden was still too himself a bit. I set down my cup and looked at him. "You alright, Caden?"

Caden looked up at me, setting down his cup. "Yeah, just thinking about what you said a few hours ago. I just wanna say thanks for...y'know getting my head screwed back on my shoulders. The only reason why I even joined The Syndicates was because my sister was a part of that group. She's close friends with is Marshall by the way?"

"She's... lively," I answered, crossing my arms and looking up at the ceiling. "She's still a part of The Syndicates so we have to butt heads here and there."

"I see. Her loyalty to them does run deep," Caden said, looking down then let out a soft sigh. "I have a request."

I looked at Caden, wondering what request he was going to make.

"If possible...I want you to save Marshall. I don't want her to die in know die a villain. My sister and I really care about her and it would mean a lot if you got her away from Lane and the others," Caden said, looking at me with a serious and hopeful expression.

I let his words process in my head for a moment then a soft smile played on my face. "Yeah, I got you man. I'll save Marshall and have her back to you. You have my word."

Caden gave me a slight smile before looking down and closing his eyes. "Thanks man. That... actually means a lot."

"Now that we have that seriousness out of the way, Shiro you've got to teach us how you keep pulling these fine ass babes! I saw you with those waitresses, it's like they just gravitate toward you!" Eric said, leaning forward against the table.

I chuckled softly at Eric, resting my arm against the back of the booth. "I don't think I can teach that. There is really no secret to what I do. I'm just being myself."

"Bullcrap. How did you pull Aubrie and Ashley then?" Jake asked, crossing his arms and smirking at me. "They don't gravitate to just any old person."

"I was quite literally myself in those moments. I didn't really do anything special, right hand to the heart," I chuckled, letting out a soft sigh. "But if you really want to pull some chicks, we've got to get you all some new clothes. Some women will admire you more if you didn't dress like an Early 2000's Pimp."

Mark chuckled softly at my joke, taking a sip of his drink. Jake and Eric glanced at each other then looked back at me.

"The night is still young," I said, looking at my watch. "It's only 6:30 right now, so we can run by the mall then head over to Destiny's Pulse. There's loads of baddies for you all to pick up."

"Shit why not. Who are we to disagree with the master of women sitting across from us," Eric chuckled, shrugging his shoulders.

"No lies told, although I could've gone without that slick roast you tried to slide past us," Jake laughed softly, shaking his head.

I chuckled softly and ordered a Passionfruit Vodka and an Atomic Recharge for the road which was mainly for Passion and Lustie to enjoy. With our plans set, we all got up and left the bar and lounge.

I got in my car and rolled down my window, seeing Mark wanted to talk to me. "What's up?" I asked, my voice reaching over the roar of my engine.

"I'll meet you at the mall, gotta run by the bank real quick" Mark said, his voice reaching out to me.

I nodded at him, watching him drive off then looked at Passion and Lustie, handing them their drinks. "Alright babes, enjoy. Got a long night ahead of us."

Lustie sipped on her drink and made a happy noise as red sparks crackled around her body. Her ears wiggled and her tail wagged happily as she indulged in her drink. "Mmmn!~ Man I love these things!~"

Passion chuckled at Lustie's reaction to her drink and looked out the window, letting out a content sigh. "This is really nice..~ I'm glad we're here for a week and not just a couple days. We really needed this time to unwind."

"Honestly. If Sanctuary City wasn't as chaotic as it is, I would've stayed down here for a month if I could. I might extend it to an extra few days depending on how everything goes. For now, let's make every second count," I said, looking at the two.

"You've got it, babe~" Lustie giggled, putting on her seat belt.

"Yeah, I'd like that..." Passion added softly, her tail wagging slightly.

I smiled and put my car in drive then drove off. Lustie and Passion watched the scenery zip by as I drove to Destiny Haven Mall. The car ride there was in a comfortable silence, the three of us just enjoying each other's presences during the ride.

[Day: Monday]

[Time: Evening]

[Location: Destiny Haven Mall]

I parked my car in front of the familiar building of Destiny Haven Mall, a place I was all too familiar with. This was the primary location for most of my dates and the one location that everyone could enjoy themselves at. I noticed there were some new shops opened and some new improvements to the building.

Its imposing structure loomed over the bustling streets, beckoning visitors with its gleaming glass façade and soaring atrium. With multiple new levels that seem to stretch endlessly into the sky, Destiny Haven Mall was still a labyrinth of luxury and convenience.

Soon, Mark parked his car next to mine and got out with Jake and Eric. "Yo, we're here."

I looked over at them, noticing Caden wasn't with them. "Where's Caden?"

"He was getting tired, so Mark took him home. It's just us four for the rest of the night," Eric said.

"I see. Well, looks like it's just us four then," I said, getting off the hood of my car.

We all entered the ball, the smell of freshly baked pretzels and the sound of chatter filling the air. The interior of the mall was changed slightly from what I remembered of it last with some areas closed off for construction for the future stores that were being built.

We made our way to a high-end men's clothing store, the sleek, modern interior filled with stylish outfits on display. The mannequins wore the latest fashion trends, and the store had a chic, minimalist vibe.

"Welcome! How can we assist you today?" A sales associate greeted us with a warm smile.

"We need to upgrade these guys' wardrobes. Something stylish but comfortable," I said, gesturing to Eric and Jake.

The associate nodded and led us to a section with a variety of outfits. "We've got a great selection of casual and formal wear. Feel free to browse and try on anything you like."

Eric and Jake began sifting through the racks, picking out shirts, jackets, and jeans. Mark and I joined in, offering opinions and making suggestions.

Eric found a stylish leather jacket and some fitted jeans, while Jake picked out a few casual shirts and a blazer. They headed to the fitting rooms to try on their selections.

While they were occupied, I noticed Passion browsing through the women's section, her eyes lighting up at a beautiful purple dress. She looked at me, a hint of a smile on her lips.

'Go ahead, try it on,' I encouraged her mentally.

She hesitated for a moment, then took the dress and headed to the fitting rooms. Lustie followed, picking out a cute outfit for herself as well.

A few minutes later, Eric and Jake emerged, looking sharp in their new clothes. Eric's leather jacket and jeans gave him a rugged, stylish look, while Jake's blazer and casual shirt combination was both cool and sophisticated.

"Lookin' good, guys," I said, giving them a nod of approval.

"Yeah, these clothes feel great," Eric said, admiring his reflection in the mirror.

Jake adjusted his blazer and grinned. "Definitely an upgrade."

Just then, Passion and Lustie came out of the fitting rooms. Passion's purple dress hugged her curves perfectly, and she looked stunning. Lustie's outfit, a cute skirt and blouse combo, highlighted her playful charm.

'You both look amazing,' I said mentally, genuinely impressed.

"Thanks, babe," Lustie said, giving me a wink.

"Yeah, this dress is perfect," Passion added, her eyes sparkling.

We paid for the clothes and left the store, feeling refreshed and ready for the night ahead. As we walked through the mall, I noticed a group of girls checking out Eric and Jake, who were now exuding confidence in their new outfits.

"See? Already working," I teased them.

"Yeah, yeah," Jake laughed, giving a nod to the girls.

"At this rate, you might match Shiro's level of charisma," Mark teased, nudging Jake and Eric.

"Pfft, yeah alright. No need to hype me up that much," Jake laughed, shaking his head.

We continued to explore the mall, stopping by a few more stores and picking up a few snacks long the way. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and camaraderie, a stark contrast to the tension and animosity we once shared in the past.

After a while, we decided to call it a night and head to Destiny's Pulse so Jake and Eric could pick up a few girls on their own. The anticipation of seeing them in action was amusing. We all left the mall, got in our cars, and drove off to Destiny's Pulse.

[Day: Monday]

[Time: Evening]

[Location: Destiny's Pulse]

We all arrived at Destiny's Pulse, the familiar sight immediately calling out to me. The flashing lights with it's bright neon colors screamed for visitors to come in and enjoy a light night of dancing, drinks, and a moment to find new budding friendships and more. This was the perfect hangout place for adults and rebels wanting to get into the life of partying.

We made our way to the entrance, the bouncer immediately recognizing each of us and letting us in without checking IDs. It was now time for Jake and Eric to find their lovers amongst the sea of people on the dance floor, at the bar area, and the longe area.

I let them explore on their own, heading to the bar area and sitting down at a seat. The scent of tropical drinks filled the air of the area, enticing me to get a few. Mark joined me and we ordered a couple drinks while we watched Jake and Eric use their new confidence and charms to pull a couple women.

"Look at them, working over time for their women," Mark chuckled, taking a sip of his drink.

I nodded and chuckled softly, watching them. "It does seem to be working for them. They are managing to get some women."

Mark and I continued to hang out while Jake and Eric swam in their success of pulling a few girls and gaining their numbers. Jake and Eric went out onto the dance floor with some of the women to dance to their favorite songs that was playing. I watched as Lustie and Passion went out to the dance floor to dance with each other and enjoy their drinks.

The club was packed, the DJ spinning tunes that had everyone moving. The flashing lights and pulsating music created an electrifying atmosphere. This night was great, filled with laughter, growing connections, and a new brotherhood between us all. It felt nice having them as friends, as people I could trust and have around. My mind still occasionally drifted off to Caden as I hoped he would join us, but I knew he was alright and needed some time to adjust to the new and returning friendships we created.

As the night went on, I looked at my watch then clapped Mark on his back. "Alright man, I'm gonna head home. The girls are waiting for me at home."

"Alright bro, it was nice hanging with you again. It's been fun," he said, dapping me up.

I nodded and smiled at him. "Tell Jake and Eric to not party too hard."

"For sure. I'll be watching over them," Mark chuckled.

I nodded and began to walk out of the nightclub with Lustie and Passion following behind. Once we exited the nightclub, we made our way to my car and got in.

"Today was fun," Lustie said, stretching and yawning lightly. "But I'm beat. All those Atomic Recharges got me crashing harder than the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs."

Passion let out a tired chuckle, leaning her head against the window. "Tell me about it…I'm actually beat and us Dragons are known for our stamina..~"

"Having fun can tire you out..~ Don't worry, we'll be home soon and you two can sleep as long as you want," I said, starting my car.

As we drove off, the lights of Destiny's Pulse faded into the background. Reflecting on the night, my actual return back to Destiny Central was great and the day was very memorable for me. It was a day to truly remember.