Family Day

[Day: Tuesday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Home - Destiny Central]

The morning sun began to rise over the horizon, casting a warm glow around the entirety of Destiny Islands. The house was more calm than yesterday, but still busy with activities with Krystal making breakfast for everyone, the girls getting ready to go to their classes, and Chelsey getting her daughter ready take Adrianna to her daycare.

I made my way downstairs, a soft yawn escaping from me as the effects of the boys night began to hit me. I made my way to the kitchen to find Chelsey enjoying breakfast with Adrianna and gave them both a smile as I walked toward them.

"Buenos dias, Mami," I greeted, gently raising her head.

Chelsey looked at me, locking eyes with me then giggled softly. "Buenos dias, Papi~"

I planted a small kiss on her lips then looked at Adrianna, rubbing her head gently. "Good morning, Princess..~"

Adrianna giggled softly as I rubbed her head, smiling brightly at me. "Good morning, Papa!"

I kissed the top of her head and walked to the stove, seeing a note Krystal left for me and smiled at the plate that sat in the microwave for me. I took the plate out of the microwave and made my way to the table to enjoy breakfast with Chelsey and Adrianna.

"Sorry I wasn't available to pick her up yesterday, I was out with the boys last night. We all finally made amends and got along," I said, sitting down beside Chelsey.

"No it's okay, babe. Caroline told me everything that Mark told her so she was the one who picked her up from daycare," Chelsey said, gently caressing my cheek, her thumb gently rubbing against my skin. "Are you free today?"

"Yeah, I'm free. Why?" I asked, taking a bite out of my pancake.

Chelsey smiled and watched Adrianna color in her coloring book. "Today is Family Day at her daycare and since you're in town for the week, Adrianna wants you to join us. Isn't that right, bebé?"

Adrianna giggled as Chelsey rubbed her head then leaned back against her, looking up to meet Chelsey gaze. "Mhm! I want you and Papa to come with me to Family Day!"

I chuckled softly, taking a sip of my coffee then sighed softly. "Alright, I'll come with. "

"I would like to join this outing," Charismari said as she walked toward us.

"Me too!" Luckie said happily, trotting toward us in her fox form.

I looked at the two and smiled at them. "Lustie and Passion are out cold aren't they?"

"Sleeping like a sack of rocks," Charismari giggled softly, holding her arms under her chest. "I hope that's fine with you that we join, Chelsey. We won't impose. It's just a habit to accompany Shiro when he's out, just in case he gets into danger."

"I don't mind at all. We're all used to you already, so it's no problem," Chelsey replied, giving a smile to Charismari.

"Yay!~" Luckie giggled, yipping happily and trotted over to me looking up and standing on her hind legs. "Ooo~ Whatcha eating?"

I looked at Luckie then chuckled softly setting my plate on the ground for her. "Just some breakfast Krystal made. You can have the rest."

Luckie began to happily eat, even though she knows she doesn't have to, she just wanted to enjoy Krystal's homemade breakfast.

"Alright, I'm gonna get ready for the day," I said, standing up.

"Okay, we'll be waiting for you here," Chelsey said, her tone patient and sweet.

I nodded and began to make my way upstairs. I was pretty excited to spend the day with Chelsey and Adrianna, my heart racing with anticipation to see what all we were going to do for Family Day.

[Day: Tuesday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Little Destiny's Daycare]

I parked my car in the parking lot of the daycare I was now familiar with. I stepped out of the car with Chelsey and Adrianna, looking upon the building and noticed the changes that were made. The playground was made to be much bigger and more spacious, the building was remodeled to be a bit larger, and overall the entire building was much cleaner with a golden star atop of the building.

"C'mon, Papa!~" Adrianna giggled, holding my hand and hurrying toward the entrance.

I chuckled at her excitement then hurried behind her. "I'm coming, sweetheart."

Chelsey smiled at us and hurried behind us, walking inside with us. "Don't leave me behind, you two."

Inside, the interior as just as beautiful as I remembered. Nothing much has changed about it except for the decorations preparing for the valentine season next month. The walls were decorated with pink streamers, hearts plastered everywhere, and the images of cupids around the area.

Chelsey led us to the auditorium and found a few seats for us. Sitting down, I sat Adrianna on my lap and the principal waited for a few more families to arrive before starting her announcement.

Once the seats were filled with families all around, she began her announcement. "Good morning, Little Destiny's Daycare!"

All of the children greeted her with excited good mornings and laughs. I looked around and smiled at the excitement the children had for today.

"Parents, my name is Mrs. Court and I'm pleased to announce that today is Family Day! I hope you're all excited because on this year's Family Day, we will all be taking a field trip to the Zoo!" She said excitedly, clapping her hands together.

Mrs. Court continued, "On this trip, we will provide the tickets and necessities for entrance of Destiny's Zoo and after we leave the zoo, we will be going to Destiny's Entertainment Center for games and food!"

This was beginning to sound like a great plan for the children and parents alike. A free trip to the zoo and a free pass to the Entertainment Center for games and food was like a dream come true for the kids around.

Adrianna was so excited for the day, she could barely sit still. Chelsey and I chuckled at Adrianna's excitement and Chelsey tried to calm her down with a gentle hand on her lap.

"Okay, for the parents who want to ride the bus with their kids, you can take the left exit. For those who want to personally take their children to the locations, you may do so now," Mrs. Court said, dismissing the assembly.

With that, we all began to get up and make our way to the designated area. Adrianna wanted to ride the bus so she could be with her friends so we followed the families who were riding the bus to the left exit. Once everyone was onboard and the seats were filled, the doors closed and the driver started the bus.

As the bus started, Chelsey leaned her head on my shoulder, holding my hand. "This is going to be a fun day," she murmured, her eyes closing for a quick rest.

I watched Adrianna laughing with her friends, feeling a warm contentment. "Yeah, it really is," I replied, squeezing Chelsey's hand gently.

We began to make our way to our first destination, Destiny's Wildlife Zoo, one of Destiny Central's many zoos. The journey to Destiny's Wildlife Zoo was filled with the children's laughter and parents' conversations. The anticipation in the air was infectious, making me look forward to the day ahead.

[Day: Tuesday]

[Time: Noon]

[Location: Destiny's Wildlife Zoo]

The bus rolled to a stop in front of Destiny's Wildlife Zoo, and the excitement inside was palpable. As the doors opened, children scrambled to gather their things, their energy infectious. Chelsey and I stood, helping Adrianna with her small backpack, and joined the line of families exiting the bus.

The zoo's entrance was a grand archway adorned with vibrant murals of animals, and a large banner that read "Welcome to Destiny's Wildlife Zoo!" The scent of fresh grass and flowers filled the air, mingling with the distant sounds of animal calls.

Adrianna tugged at my hand, her eyes wide with wonder. "Papa, look at the giraffes!" she exclaimed, pointing to the tall, spotted creatures visible over the fence.

I smiled, crouching down to her level. "We're going to see them up close soon, sweetheart."

Chelsey handed Adrianna a small map of the zoo. "Here you go, bebé. You can be our guide today."

Adrianna's face lit up as she took the map. "Okay, Mama!"

We followed the other families through the entrance, where zoo staff handed out tickets and wristbands. The air buzzed with the sounds of excited chatter and the occasional squawk or roar from nearby enclosures.

Inside, the zoo was lush and green, with winding paths leading to various exhibits. Signs directed visitors to different sections: the African Savannah, the Tropical Rainforest, and the Arctic Zone.

Chelsey and I let Adrianna lead the way, her little finger tracing the map. "Let's go to the African Savannah first!" she decided, bouncing on her feet.

"Sounds like a great plan," Chelsey agreed, taking my hand as we began our adventure.

As we walked, we passed a group of flamingos, their bright pink feathers almost glowing in the morning sun. Luckie, in her fox form, trotted alongside us, her ears twitching with curiosity. Charismari, ever the guardian, kept a watchful eye on the surroundings, though she couldn't help but smile at the joy radiating from Adrianna.

The path opened up to the African Savannah exhibit, where giraffes, zebras, and gazelles roamed in a spacious enclosure. Adrianna gasped in awe, pressing her face against the viewing glass.

"Look, Papa! They're so tall!" she said, her voice filled with wonder.

"They are," I agreed, lifting her up so she could get a better view. "Do you know what giraffes eat?"

"Leaves from tall trees!" she answered confidently.

"That's right. You're so smart, Princess," I said, kissing her cheek.

We spent the next hour exploring the various exhibits, each one more fascinating than the last. The Tropical Rainforest was a vibrant maze of colors and sounds, with parrots squawking overhead and monkeys swinging from the trees. The Arctic Zone offered a cool respite, where we watched polar bears frolic in the water and penguins waddle around their icy habitat.

By the time we finished touring the main exhibits, it was almost lunchtime. The zoo had set up a picnic area near the playground, where families could relax and enjoy their meals. We found a shady spot under a large tree and spread out our blanket.

Chelsey unpacked our lunch, a delicious spread of sandwiches, fruit, and snacks. Adrianna sat beside me, her cheeks flushed with excitement. "This is the best day ever, Papa!"

I wrapped an arm around her, feeling a deep sense of contentment. "I'm glad you're having fun, sweetheart."

As we ate, Charismari and Luckie joined us, both looking pleased with the day's events.

"This place is quite wonderful," Charismari remarked, her eyes softening as she watched Adrianna share her sandwich with Luckie.

'It is,' I agreed mentally, looking around at the happy families enjoying their day. 'It's nice to have moments like this.'

Chelsey leaned against me, her hand resting on my leg. "We should do this more often, even if it means dragging you away from your duties."

I chuckled softly, kissing the top of her head. "I think you're right."

After lunch, we headed to the playground where Adrianna and the other children played, their laughter echoing through the air. Chelsey and I watched from a nearby bench, enjoying the peaceful moment.

"This is perfect," she said, her voice content.

I nodded, feeling the same way. "It really is."

As the day went on, we continued to explore and enjoy the zoo, making memories that I knew we would cherish for a long time.

After spending two hours at the zoo, we all left the zoo to board the buses again. Once everyone was onboard, the buses took off to our second destination, Destiny's Entertainment Center, Destiny's Wonderland.

[Day: Tuesday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Destiny's Wonderland]

The buses rolled to a stop at the entertainment center, letting us out in a single file line. I looked at the entertainment center, remembering my last visit here with the Sanctuary City Girls and Karma. The building was just as I remembered it, nothing about it has changed and I knew Chelsey and Adrianna would love their time here.

As we stepped off the bus, Adrianna practically vibrated with excitement. "Look, Papa! There's a carousel!"

I chuckled, taking her hand. "Let's check it out."

Chelsey, holding hands with Adrianna on the other side, looked equally thrilled. "This place is amazing. We should come here more often."

Inside, the air buzzed with the sounds of electronic beeps, joyful screams, and lively music. The smell of popcorn and cotton candy wafted through the air, adding to the festive atmosphere.

"We'll start with the carousel," I said, leading the way. "Then we can explore the rest."

Adrianna beamed, her eyes wide with anticipation. "Yay!~"

The carousel was a beautiful, vintage-looking ride with intricately painted horses and carriages. As we approached, a kind attendant helped Adrianna onto a white horse with a golden mane. Chelsey and I stood beside her, ensuring she was secure before the ride began.

As the carousel started to turn, Adrianna's laughter rang out, her face lit up with pure joy. Chelsey and I waved at her each time she passed us, sharing in her delight.

Once the carousel ride ended, we explored the various attractions. Adrianna's eyes darted from one game to another, trying to decide what to do next. We played several arcade games, winning tickets that Adrianna eagerly collected.

"Look at all these tickets, Papa!" she exclaimed, holding up her growing collection.

"You're doing great, Princess," I said, ruffling her hair.

Chelsey pointed towards a row of prize counters. "Let's see what you can get with those."

Adrianna's eyes sparkled as we approached the counters, where a variety of toys, stuffed animals, and other prizes awaited. She carefully considered her options before selecting a fluffy stuffed giraffe, which she hugged tightly.

After the arcade, we headed to the mini amusement park section. Adrianna and her friends rode a small roller coaster, a teacup ride, and a miniature Ferris wheel. The parents took a break at the nearby seating area, enjoying some refreshments and watching the kids.

Luckie and Charismari joined us, looking around with interest.

"This place is quite lively," Charismari noted, her eyes following the children's antics.

"It is," Chelsey agreed mentally, sipping on her drink. "It's wonderful to see them so happy."

Luckie, in her fox form, hopped onto my lap, looking up at me with bright eyes. "What's next?"

I glanced at the map Chelsey had brought along. "How about the bowling alley? I think Adrianna would love that."

Adrianna's eyes lit up when we mentioned bowling. "Yes! I wanna try!"

"I nearly forgot she can hear us as well," Charismari giggled softly, looking down at Adrianna.

I chuckled softly and watched as Luckie got off my lap then picked Adrianna up. I led the way to the bowling alley, listening to Adrianna's excitement as we neared the area.

The bowling alley was a lively area filled with families and friends enjoying games. We got our shoes and found a lane, helping Adrianna with her small, brightly colored bowling ball.

Chelsey and I took turns showing her how to roll the ball down the lane. She laughed every time, even if the ball didn't hit many pins. Charismari and Luckie joined in with their human disguises, making it a fun group activity.

After a few rounds, we decided to explore the food court for a snack. The variety was impressive, from classic burgers and fries to exotic dishes from around the world. Adrianna opted for a slice of pizza, while Chelsey and I shared some sushi.

As we ate, we talked about our favorite parts of the day. Adrianna couldn't stop gushing about the zoo and the carousel, her excitement unwavering.

"This has been the best day ever," she declared, her cheeks rosy from all the fun.

Chelsey smiled, wrapping an arm around her. "I'm glad you're having such a great time, bebé."

I nodded, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction. "Me too, sweetheart. This has been a perfect day."

As the afternoon turned into evening, we finished our snacks and made our way to the final attraction: a laser tag arena. Adrianna was thrilled at the idea, and we geared up, ready for some friendly competition.

The arena was a maze of glowing lights and strategic hiding spots. We split into teams, with Chelsey and Adrianna on one side and Charismari, Luckie, and me on the other. The game was exhilarating, filled with laughter and playful shouts.

By the end of the day, we were all happily exhausted. The bus ride back to the daycare was quieter, with many of the children dozing off, including Adrianna, who fell asleep in my arms, clutching her stuffed giraffe.

[Day: Tuesday]

[Time: Evening]

[Location: Little Destiny's Daycare]

As we arrived back at the daycare, Chelsey and I carefully carried Adrianna to the car, trying not to wake her. We exchanged tired but happy smiles, grateful for the wonderful day we had shared.

Driving home, with Adrianna sleeping peacefully in the backseat and Chelsey resting beside me, I couldn't help but think about how perfect the day had been. It was a day filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories.

[Shiro, I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but you're being followed.]

I glanced in the rearview mirror, sighing softly. 'This again with Michael? I guess I shouldn't be surprised; I am driving a supercar, so I stick out…'

I began to drive around the city, trying to lose my pursuer, but he was stuck on my tracks. Finally, having enough, I parked my car in an empty parking lot. Chelsey looked at me, then checked the mirrors and sighed softly.

"I thought we were done with him…" Chelsey sighed, leaning back in her seat.

"Don't worry, I'll make this quick," I said as I got out of the car.

I closed the door behind me, and Lust-E dimmed the windows and made the car soundproof so Adrianna wouldn't know what was going on. I watched as Michael stepped out of his car, crossing my arms.

"I thought I told you the next time you crossed my path, I wouldn't be so merciful. You must really want to get hurt," I said, my tone steady and annoyed.

Michael stared at me, smirking as he raised his shirt to expose his gun. "You can't hide or dodge from a switch, fool."

Feigning a scared expression, I mocked, "Oooh, shiver me timbers! Oh no, he has a gun!"

"Look, you must not know who I really am if you think some gun with a switch is going to even graze my skin. I'm giving you a chance to turn around in your silly little car. If not, I'm not liable for your hospital bill because you're threatening the lives of my daughter and my girlfriend," I said, my tone low and dangerous.

Michael took his gun out, chuckling softly. "This gun came from The Syndicates themselves. Alchemy Bullets are faster than your reaction speed, so I'd be careful—"

"Man, shut that up," I interrupted, glaring and crossing my arms. "All you're doing is yapping, and I'm not listening to a single word you're saying. I'm giving you one more chance because I'm in a good mood, but that can change in an instant."

"You really don't want this smoke, Michael. Turn back around or else," I warned, my posture becoming more hostile.

Michael pointed his gun at me and fired. My iridescent energy flashed around my body, blocking the bullet and surprising Michael. I glared at him, rubbing my wrist.

"I gave you three chances…and you ignored all three. You set your own fate," I said dangerously, my eyes shining gold.

I let out my Tribal Howl, the sound echoing across the parking lot. I sprinted toward him and tackled him, driving him into his car. Michael groaned loudly as his back dented his car. I lifted my shirt, exposing my handgun, drawing it and pointing it at Michael.

"I tried to warn you," I said, my tone firm.

I aimed away from him and shot his tires, flattening them. Charismari sent a Heavenly Arrow through the engine, rendering it useless, and Luckie used her magic to steal all his money, turning it into Credi for her use.

I grunted as I smashed my foot against his face, weakening him. I dragged him by his collar to the curb, fear settling in his face as I planted his face against the curb.

"Wait! Wait!" Michael cried, panting heavily, his body covered in sweat.

I looked down at him, lowering my foot. "Oh, you're brave enough to try and kill me…but not brave enough to bite the curb?"

"I'll leave you alone! I swear it! You'll never see me again! Just spare me!" Michael begged, whimpering in fear.

I stared at him, then scoffed, stepping backward. "Get lost."

Michael quickly got up and hurried off, relieved that I spared him, his heart still racing with fear.

"Just one more thing," I said before he got too far away.

Michael stopped and turned around, his eyes widening as I closed the space between us with a crow hop. I landed a Superkick straight between his eyes, iridescent lightning flashing upon impact. Michael fell to his knees, then laid on the ground, knocked out.

I walked back to the car, exhaling. "He won't be bothering us any longer. We destroyed his car and Luckie took his money, so he literally has nothing."

Chelsey smiled, looking back at Luckie, who was flipping a gold coin. "Really?"

"Hey, mess with my Master, I mess with your pockets!~" Luckie giggled, leaning back in her seat.

Chelsey giggled softly, her gaze returning to me. She leaned toward me, kissing my cheek. "Gracias, Papi~"

"De nada, Mami~ Now let's get home before Adrianna wakes up," I said softly, starting the car again.

The drive back home was now peaceful, a comfortable silence settling within us. With Michael out of the way for good, Chelsey and Adrianna didn't have to worry about feeling followed anymore when they're out. That was one less problem I had to deal with.