Earth's Savior (Season 2 Finale)

[Date: 999/999 - M0Nd4Y]

[Time: 999:59 AM]

[Location: Heavenly Bay]

I looked at my phone, noticing the time and date were completely glitched out. My surroundings looked bizarre, the entire area was distorted and trippy. Iridescent energy rose from the ground all around me, there was no other soul around in this part of Destiny Islands.

"Heavenly Bay, my home...where the Syndicates actually first started," A voice said from beside me.

I turned my gaze to the source of the voice, noticing Lotus leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. I stopped walking and faced Lotus, my gaze serious and cautious.

"You've finally made Destiny's Hero. Made it to your final stop. Here in Heavenly Bay, I have all the power I need. While Axel, Sebastian, and Lane worked to stall you, we've begun to work on reactivating the Temple of New Beginnings and opening the Gate Between Worlds..." Lotus said, pushing himself off the wall.

"Gate Between Worlds?" I asked, watching Lotus carefully.

"Yes...the Gate Between Worlds. As you know, there are are Three Gates Between Worlds on Earth. All three within the most sacred areas of Destiny Islands. Mt. Destiny holds the Gate leading to Utalia, Heavenly Temple holds the Gate leading to Aetheria, and finally...Mt. Sanctuary holds the gates leading to Esoria," Lotus explained, his cloak flowing as he walked forward.

"You know...The Syndicates wanted to take over the entire island. This is no ordinary Island...this island was turned into some sorts of a resort when that accursed man bought this island. This was holy Sacred Grounds!" Lotus exclaimed, outstretching his arms and rose his head.

I stared at Lotus, getting a bit of an uneasy feeling inside. "I am aware..."

"Are you though? Noelle Grant...aka Habilee Heart wrote a book about the history of Destiny Islands, but this island wasn't called this at first. It wasn't even an island! This island once belonged to a much bigger continent named... Exzodia," Lotus explained, lowering his arms to stare at me.

'Exzodia..? That continent that once held the 12 Zodiacs? I thought that was a myth. That was real?' I thought, a bead of swat rolling down my cheek.

"But alas, that is a history lesson for a different time. You're here to get to Mt. Sanctuary correct? Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's not happening. Ardor isn't finished with her work yet and plus she's missing one important piece. Something you have," Lotus said, taking a step forward.

"Which is..?" I asked, meeting Lotus's gaze unflinching.

"The Crest of Love," Lotus said, smirking widely.

Without warning, Lotus dashed toward me and summoned a sword, it's blade shaped light a bolt of lightning. He slashed the sword at me, but I swiftly dodged his attack, activating my Unleashed State and summoned my gauntlets.

I began to parry and evade each of his slashes, parrying his next slash and delivering a swift blow to his chest. Lotus grunted as he was slightly knocked away, skidding backwards and chuckling. He stood up straight and caught his breath, a laugh escaping his lips.

"Well done! I can sense you've gotten better since our last bout a month ago. A lot stronger as well, so let's see if you can keep this up," Lotus said, walking backwards and distorting the city around us, changing the entire layout.

I looked around and noticed tall buildings imposing around me, the neon lights flickering around the entire area. I searched around for Lotus, noticing he was gone then hurried off to find him.

"No way he has Reality Warping here..! Can Alchemy even grant you that?" I asked, running down multiple alleyways and blocks to find Lotus.

"As far as I'm concerned, no. At least not normal Alchemy. Heavenly Bay seems to work as some type of Domain, seemingly one that Lotus created! The only way to Mt. Sanctuary is if we kill Lotus!" Lustie explained, flying beside me and searching around for Lotus as well.

"As if the third bout with Lotus couldn't get any harder," Talenta said sarcastically, hurrying behind us.

As we searched around for Lotus, we entered a plaza area, a grandiose building imposing over us. We stopped to look around then noticed shadow creatures emerging from the ground, their eyes shining a bright yellow.

"Eek! Shiro look out! Those are Soulless! They have the ability of damaging and absorbing your soul! It's best if you don't get hit once!" Lustie warned, landing on the ground and the tip of her tail turned into a blade.

I nodded and braced myself for the battle ahead with my Love Demons against a swarm of Soulless that surrounded us. I tossed off my jacket, letting it flow in the wind and got into my stance.

"Let's do this, ladies!" I said, dashing forward toward the Soulless.

A Soulless rushed toward me with a piercing screech and went for an attack, but I dodged and countered with a powerful strike to their chest. Noticing I took it down in one blow, I knew these entities were not very durable but what they lacked in durability, they made up in sheer numbers.

I began taking down as many of the Soulless as I could, keeping in mind how much Stamina I used. Once I began to see my stamina depleting, I stepped back and let my Love Demons tag in.

"I'm gonna recharge Stamina! Someone cover me!" I called out.

Charismari warped toward me and deployed her Cross and casted a holy barrier around us. "You are safe in here, Master..~"

"Looks like it's my time to shine! Let's go Passion!" Lustie laughed as she rushed forward, leaping straight into the sea of Soulless.

Passion rushed in after her, awakening her Dragon Soul and smirking widely. "Let's do this, sis!"

Lustie and Passion began working together, taking down as many Soulless as they could at once. A group of Soulless began to swarm around the two, but Romancia saved them with a powerful blast of Spirit Energy and knocked the Soulless away.

Talenta rushed and warped around the area, striking down Soulless in all directions while Luckie began to used her Talismans to cause shards of ice to rain down upon the Soulless.

"There's too many of them! We can't keep this up for much longer!" Ambitia called out, using her Elven Magic to crowd control the Soulless around them.

"They just keep respawning! There has to be a host!" Sensitia informed, using her Fairy Magic to take out as many Soulless as she could at once.

I looked around the area to find the host then noticed someone standing atop of the grandiose building. "I think I found him..."

I ran out of the barrier, rushing toward the building while evading and dodging the attacks of the Soulless. I leaped forward, covering my feet in iridescent energy and running up the building. The Soulless screeched at me as they began scaling the building as well, giving chase after me.

Lotus stared down at me with a smirk, leaping down the building and summoning his Fire Sword, slicing through the Soulless and landed on the ground. I leaped on the top of the building and looked down at Lotus.

"Hmph...there he is. Time to finally put an end to this madness!" I said, leaping down the building, using my Wind Energy to safely land on the ground.

I stood up and noticed more Soulless appear around me, looking around then got into my stance. Lotus chuckled as he got into his stance as well.

"While I am the host you seek, I don't want to fight you in these I'll help you take down my creations," Lotus said, preparing himself for a battle against his alchemic creations.

"After we wipe all of these Soulless out, you will be next," I said, preparing myself also.

Lotus chuckled lightly, readying his blade. "We will see..."

Lotus and I rushed into the swarm of Soulless, striking them down with relative ease. Lotus took one half of the Soulless while I took the other half, cutting down the number of Soulless relatively quickly.

I took down each of my Soulless with a mix of Element Control and my natural abilities that I was equipped with. Each finishing blow, I landed a True Destiny Flash, boosting my power by 1% per successful blow which worked well in my favor since I was able to take most of the Soulless down in one blow.

Lotus sliced through the Soulless with ease, showcasing his elemental prowess against the soullesss and his variety of weapons. Once each Soulless was taken down, Lotus and I were back to back. Glancing back at each other, we turned around and jumped backwards to create space.

"This ends now! I don't have time for any more games!" I said, getting into my stance to battle against Lotus.

Lotus got into his stance, smirking at me and chuckling softly. "This does end now...with you dying! I will show you TRUE Alchemy. It's time for you to fall, Hero!"

Lotus bellowed and launched himself toward me and slashed his sword at me, but I dodged his strike, going for an immediate counter attack. My hand phased through his body then Lotus blew me away with a powerful burst of wind energy.

Lotus propelled himself after me, landing a lightning infused kick upon me and sending me crashing into a building. I rolled backwards along the floor then recovered back onto my feet and launched myself toward Lotus.

"Come at me with everything you've got!" Lotus laughed, dodging each of my attacks then kneed my stomach.

I coughed in slight pain, groaning as I was knocked across a room and slammed into a wall. I stumble forward, clutching my stomach then huffed lightly. 'He's string...but I didn't get here...just to fall!'

I let out my Tribal Howl, transforming into my Tengoku Form, hues of silver and blue energy surging around by body and my tribal tattoos glowing a bright blue.

Lotus's smirk widened as he witnessed my Tengoku Form. "Oho! Now this is a spectacle, your Tengoku Form now isn't it? This has gotten interesting.."

I lowered my stance then propelled myself toward Lotus, my body flickering with my heightened speed and agility. I let out a bellow as I landed a powerful blow upon Lotus's face, knocking him through a window then propelled myself after him with my wind energy.

Lotus recovered in the air and dodged my attack and held his hand out toward me, forming multiple energy blades behind him. He fired each one toward me, but with the Autonomous Reflexes my Tengoku Form offers, I began evading each energy blade with ease.

Lotus landed on the ground and chuckled softly, his eyes shining brightly as he launched himself toward me. "That's the spirit! Give me more of that power!"

I launched myself toward Lotus with a bellow, my golden eyes shining brightly. "I'll destroy you, Lotus!"

We clashed, striking each other's faces and knocked each other away. Both of us slid backwards then we ran toward each other, engaging into a fierce hand to hand combat.

Lotus went for a high kick, but I blocked it then pushed his leg away, launching him and myself in the air with leaping kicks. I followed it with a spinning crescent kick, knocking him back to the ground.

Lotus flipped off one hand and snapped his fingers, distorting the area and purple crystals formed around me. "Disappear!"

I looked around myself then noticed the crystals shining brightly, each one detonating in a dark magic explosion. Lotus smirked as he noticed the explosion then grunted as I caught him off guard with a True Destiny Flash, white lightning flashing upon impact and knocking him away.

Lotus rolled along the ground then recovered upon one knee, his body becoming cloaked in Light Energy then he launched himself toward me at light speeds. I activated my Unleashed State on top of my Tengoku Form, evading each of Lotus's light speed strikes.

"You can't touch me!" I bellowed, infusing my arm with Dark Energy, landing a powerful Dark Destiny Flash to Lotus's stomach while he was cloaked in Light Energy.

Lotus groaned and coughed, dark energy bursting from his back due to my powerful blow. Lotus stumbled backwards as he clutched his stomach, grunting and gritting his teeth. 'A Dark Destiny Flash..? What the hell is that..?'

I didn't give Lotus any time to rest as I immediately launched my next strike, but noticed Lotus warping backwards to create distance between us. "Don't tell me you're having second thoughts!"

Lotus chuckled as he caught his breath then a spark flashed in his chest, a Philosopher's Stone activating within him. "No...this only just beginning!"

Lotus let out a roar as iridescent energy surged around his body, his form changing into his true appearance. Black markings formed on his forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. A second set of eyes opened beneath his first, ergokinetic arms formed above and below his original setof arms.

"You have no chance against me anymore. This is my true form. This is my Heavenly Form, Final Lotus!" Lotus laughed, his aura sparkling around his body, pulsating with raw power.

I grunted softly as I braced myself for Lotus's true form, my gaze locking onto his. Lustie landed beside me, transforming into her Ascended Demon Form, knowing I wouldn't be able to take Lotus on alone.

"Let's end this guy once and for all! Transform into your Mystic State and let's get this started!" Lustie said, getting into her stance.

I nodded and closed my eyes. "Grand World..."

With that chant, a flash of divine blue energy sparkled around me and combined with my aura, my aura now shifting between hues of silver and light blue. I opened my eyes and got prepared for the final phase of the battle against Lotus.

"This location will be your final resting place!" Lotus declared, flying toward us at high speeds.

Lustie rushed forward and clashed with Lotus, grunting softly as she was quickly overpowered but I swiftly came to her aid and kicked Lotus back. Lotus rushed forward once again, launching six energy beams toward me at once.

Talenta rushed forward and used her shield to block the attack, allowing Luckie to rush forward and knock Lotus into the air with her nine tails then Flirtoria appeared above him in her Sky Nymph form and launched a powerful bolt of lightning at him.

"Is that all you've Love Demons got?!" Lotus laughed, absorbing Flirtoria's attack then released a powerful burst of energy to knock Talenta, Luckie, and Flirtoria away.

Lotus warped toward me and grabbed me with one of his energy arms, tossing me in the sky and landing rapid punches upon my body, each strike gradually increasing in strength and speed. I grunted as I was able to dodge his attacks, the barrage of blows too fast for me to react to.

"Now die!" Lotus laughed, blasting me away with his six beams of elemental energy.

I crashed into the grandiose building, coughing a bit of blood. I landed on my feet and grunted as I stumbled forward, feeling my heart racing quickly. My ears rang loudly and my head spun, but despite the pain, I could feel them, hear them cheering me on, bestowing their Faith upon me.

With a powerful bellow, I transformed into my Redeemer's Form, stacking it on top of my Tengoku Form and Mystic State. Lotus's eyes slightly widened at my form, feeling yet another boost in my power.

'What the— Is that the Savior's Form that Ardor mentioned..? It has to be, that energy is too powerful for it to not be,' Lotus thought, bracing himself for an all out battle.

Before Lotus could react, I appeared in front of him and launched him away with a powerful blow. I propelled myself forward and began rushing Lotus with a barrage of attacks, but he managed to push me back and clash with me.

We began rapidly clashing fists, each blow causing powerful shockwaves around the plaza area until I managed to land a hit on his face and blow him away.

"Everyone! Go!" I bellowed, jumping backwards and began to charge up my Unity Overdrive.

"Let's weaken Lotus down! Follow me and strike together!" Lustie called out, flying toward Lotus at high speeds.

Lotus watched my Love Demons rush toward him and braced himself for them. He dashed toward them then grunted as he became constructed by Flirtoria's roots then groaned as Luckie knocked him in the air with her tails.

Passion began to fly swiftly around in the air, rapidly striking him from all directions then Sensitia knocked him to the ground with an axe kick. Talenta and Charismari rushed around him at near invisible speeds, slicing through him and a barrage of delayed slashes hit him.

"Nice! Keep it up!" Lustie cheered, rushing into the fray.

Romancia and Lustie landed powerful chop strikes upon Lotus at the same time, allowing Ambitia to launch Lotus in the air with her Elven Magic. The Nine Love Demons let out bellows and became streaks of energy as they all collectively landed attacks at the same time.

"Unity!" I bellowed, my Crest of Love shining brightly.

Lotus groaned softly after being overwhelmed by Lustie and the others. He looked up and his eyes widened as he noticed my attack.

"Overdrive!!" I roared, firing a full power iridescent energy beam toward Lotus, the beam striking him and causing a massive, titanic explosion.

I panted softly, slowly lowering my arms then noticed the environment warping back to normal. I looked ahead, watching the smoke cloud clear and reveal Lotus in a weakened state.

Lotus chuckled softly and looked at his hand, noticing his body slowly turning into ashes. "Who knew...a Savior would be this strong..?"

I stared at Lotus, watching him slowly disappear into ashes, his body fading away slowly. Once he was fully gone, I let out a soft groan and fell to my knees, reverting to my normal form.

"One...down..." Lustie said tiredly, reverting to her normal form as well.

"Only one more to go..." I finished her sentence, taking this chance to rest and recover stamina before heading to Mt. Sanctuary.

[Location: Heavenly Bay - Mt. Sanctuary]

I made it to the summit of Mt. Sanctuary, noticing Feleti sitting in the middle of the arena like area with his legs crisscrossed and his eyes closed. The northern lights shimmered in the sky, casting upon an iridescent glow upon the arena.

I stopped in front of Feleti, looking at him and closed my eyes then sat down in front of him. "Feleti..."

"So you've finally made it huh? You took longer with Lotus than I anticipated...but in the end, you made it," Feleti said, opening his eyes and turning his gaze to look at me.

Ardor watched us from a distance with Vuta and Failnaught, crossing her arms with a smirk and giggled. "It's finally happening...the Kaua Lahui, the Tribal Battle!~ From their first bout until now, both Tribal Leaders have grown strong!"

"If Shiro was able to defeat Lotus, he certainly is powerful in his own right," Failnaught said, crossing her arms as she watched.

"However, against Feleti, he barely stands a chance taken Feleti is now connected to us. Either way, Shiro will lose. Whether he defeats Feleti or not...he doesn't have the necessary energy to transform into his Redeemer's Form," Vuta said, holding her hands in front of her.

Feleti and I met each other's gazes, the two of us standing up to face off. Feleti transformed into his Failnaught Form, dark red aura emitting from his body and his hair shifting red to match her appearance. I transformed into my Nigoku Form, my Power Beads forming around my neck.

"As the Tribal Leader," I began.

"As the Tribal Leader," Feleti began.

"I will defeat you!" We both declared at the same time, getting into our stances.

Feleti launched himself toward me, throwing the first attack, but I dodged his strike and countered with a staggering blow to his stomach. I followed it with a high reaching kick then threw a launching strike to his midsection.

Feleti blocked my next attack, pushing my arm down then struck my stomach, causing my to hurl over. He slammed his elbow against the back of my head, following it with a powerful knee strike to knock me back up.

"As always, you've always been weaker than me!" Feleti bellowed, palming my chest and blowing me away.

I rolled backwards, recovering one knee then stood up slowly. My gaze continued to meet Feleti's then I got into my stance again, iridescent lightning crackling around my body. "Sure...back then I was weaker than you, but today that all changes. I'm no longer the same little boy you all knew, cousin.."

Feleti laughed softly, getting into his stance and glared at me. "Is that so..? Then show me your strength!"

Feleti lunged forward with a swift punch, but I blocked it with the palm of my hand, moving his fist to the side then delivered a powerful gut punch to his stomach. Feleti groaned as he doubled over, stumbled backwards but I didn't give him time to recover and ran forward.

I struck his face with a rising knee, knocking him into the air then grabbed his ankle and pulled him back down. I let out a bellow, striking his face with a Destiny Flash, knocking him away. Feleti grunted as he rolled backwards, recovering onto his feet then fell onto one knee.

Feleti chuckled softly as he slowly rose back to his feet. "You honestly think you can leave Hawaii for 12 Years...and all of a sudden be acknowledged as Tribal Leader?! You and the entire Mojisolan Tribe are just a bunch of washed up idiots with stupid ideals!"

"The Mojisolan Tribe honors Peace and War then everything in Between! You wouldn't know that since you rejected all three when your father killed mine!" I retorted, swiping my arm and glaring at Feleti.

"The Tribal Leader shouldn't rule with Peace or Love or Balance in mind! Dominance, Tyranny, Destruction... THAT'S true power! Weaklings have no right to call themselves Leaders if they have no goal of obtaining such power!" Feleti countered, his tribal tattoos shining a blood red color.

I glared at Feleti, my tribal tattoos shining a light purple color. I took a deep breath then exhaled, getting into my stance. "I should've known since we were were always fake. Both Ani and I trusted you...but I guess our trust was misplaced.."

"Tch...that bitch of a maiden. I should've killed her along with Celene, but alas... once I kill you... Earth's Savior will finally be dead," Feleti said, getting into his stance as well.

Feleti and I dashed toward each other with a Tribal Roar, throwing a powerful punch at the same time to one another. Feleti managed to dodge my attack, landing a clean punch to my jaw and staggered me. He began landing critical strikes to my body then knocked me away, launching himself after me.

I recovered onto my feet and slumped over, my Crest of Love shining brightly upon my chest. I looked up through my lashes then swiftly dodged Feleti's attack, his eyes widening in slight shock. I roared as I slammed my fist into his stomach, causing him to cough heavily before getting blown away.

"If I didn't carry so much Love within me, I wouldn't be where I am today! The difference between you and me is that I have people who ACTUALLY believe in me! You have nothing but enemies! No one TRULY believes in you!" I said as I walked forward then went into a full sprint.

{Ability Activated: Destiny's Superstar.}

{Ability Description: All Wrestling Moves now have 100% more efficiency.}

Feleti noticed me sprinting toward him then blocked my Superman Punch, grunting as my fist broke through his guard. I wrapped my arm around his neck and landed an inverted headlock backbreaker, using my aura to blast him into the air.

I quickly got up and caught Feleti in a vertical suplex then dropped him into a cutter. Feleti groaned as he bounced back up then I rose to my feet once more. I let out a Tribal Howl, sprinting forward and striking him with a Spear, driving my elbow into his midsection and crashing to the ground.

Ardor whistled and giggled softly. "Oh wow~ Did you see that? Now that's what I call a good sequence~"

Failnaught grumbled softly as she watched, her eye twitching in annoyance. "He dare use my Tribal Form and lose to some guy using the form of Tengoku's and Jigoku's inbred child?!"

"That inbred child is Nigoku, the Bridge between Peace and War. I understand now liking your nephew but still respect him, sister..." Vuta said, watching the fight.

Feleti stood up slowly then grunted heavily then let out a bellow, his blood red aura surging powerfully around his body. "Enough! That's enough playing around! Now it's time for me to truly kill you so prepare yourself, Shiro!"

I checked my stamina meter, glancing at the holographic display that appeared to the right of me.

[Current Stamina: 50%]

'I need to end this quickly and end this now. If I don't...' I thought, memories from the first day Lustie came to me to now flashed in my head. 'I will lose everything..!'

I stomped my foot down and got into my Tribal Stance, my eyes shining a bright gold. "Let us finish this, Cousin!"

The wind began to howl, snow beginning to fall and forming a light hailstorm around us. Feleti and I watched a snowflake float to the ground then once it fell, we launched toward each other and bellowed. We struck each other's faces, a flashback from when we were kids flashing in our minds and a flash of light shined.

"Ready? Begin!" My father said, raising his hand.

"Good luck, Pepe!~ Good luck, Leti!" A younger Ani cheered from the sidelines next to my mother.

A younger Feleti stared at me with a confident smirk and ran toward me, launching a swift kick toward me. I blocked the kick and dodged his next strike, countering with a swift jab at his face. The young Feleti stumbled backwards and looked up, grunting as I landed a flying kick to his face and knocked him back.

The young Feleti recovered onto his feet then rushed forward with a staggering blow to my stomach, stomping his foot down and delivering a powerful uppercut to my chin. He jumped up and knocked me away with a drop kick into a nearby tree. A coconut fell from the tree and hit my head in the process.

"Oh! Sweetheart, are you okay?!" My mom asked standing up straight.

'I'm okay...I fight for you the most, Makuahine...but most of all...' The current version of me thought.

Feleti stood in front of me and watched as I stood up from the snowy ground, bracing himself for what I planned to do next.

"I also avenge my father!" I bellowed, letting out a powerful Tribal Howl, the Golden Star above shining the brightest and my aura bursted into swirls of Silver, Gold, and Red.

"Fight! You must not lose!" Tengoku cheered for me.

"If you lose, everything you've worked for will be gone!" Jigoku called out to me.

I let out a bellow and propelled myself toward Feleti and before he could react, I knocked him into the air with a kick to his chin. I leaped into the air, grabbing one of my power beads and it began to glow then I pressed the bead against him, causing an explosion to knock him back down.

Feleti slammed into the ground but quickly recovered onto his feet and ran toward me at high speeds. "At the end of the day, your father still won't come back! He's dead for good!"

I watched Feleti's attacks, dodging and evading each strike with precise and calculated steps then delivered a powerful blow to his jaw then one to his midsection. I landed a swift spinning kick along his head, causing him to twirl around and land in a weakened state.

"And at the end of the day, I am the ONLY Tribal Leader!" I roared, my Redeemer's Form flashing upon my body. "Now take this! Divine Impact!"

"I won't go down like this!" Feleti yelled, surrounding his arm in his blood red energy.

I roared, surrounding my arm in Divine Energy and landed a devasting blow to Feleti's cheek just as he landed his attack upon mine. There was silence that followed our attack, only the sounds of the howling wind and the sounds of hail falling to the ground.

Feleti let out one gasp and slowly fell to the ground. I watched as he fell to the ground, staring down at him. Memories of my childhood with Feleti rushed into my head, a single tear rolling down my cheek as I stared at him.

I picked Feleti's body up then walked toward the edge of the mountain, looking down at the bottom. "You fought well, Feleti...but this is lose..."

I took one last look at Feleti before tossing his body down the mountain in tradition to the Kaua Lahui. I watched as his body slowly disappeared into the distance, closing my eyes and exhaling softly.

{Mission Complete: Killed Lotus and Feleti.}

{Completed Tribal Storyline. Completed Earth's Savior Arc.}

I turned around and opened my eyes to look at Ardor, Vuta, and Failnaught. "It's over. Your puppet is dead, now it's time for you to give up.."

Ardor smirked at me and giggled softly. "Oh really? Is that what you think..?~ You're gonna stop us?"

I took a step forward and glared at Ardor. "Lotus told me your plan and I'm not about to let that happen!"

Ardor laughed softly, hovering toward me with a sinister gaze. "Don't move.."

Suddenly, my body froze and my eyes widened with shock as I couldn't move. Ardor flew toward me and palmed my chest in the location of my Crest of Love, her demon arm shining brightly as she ripped the Crest of Love out of my body. I let out a groan of pure pain, falling upon one knee and grunting as my entire body felt weakened.

"Master!" Lust-E yelled, flying toward me to check on me.

"Oh no!" Suru yelled, hurrying toward me as well.

"Shiro!" Lustie called out then grunted as she looked at Ardor.

"Come with me, my nieces! Except you, Lustie...I don't want to leave him too weak," Ardor commanded with a taunting laugh.

Lustie and I watched as my Love Demons turned into orbs of energy and floated around Ardor. The ground began to rumble and a stone structure began to emerge from the ground, the doors opening and revealing a temple in front of us.

"You can choose to stay on Earth and we leave you alone...or you can follow us and save your precious Love Demons...but be warned...Esoria is nothing like Earth. We will make your life hell..." Ardor said, stepping inside the temple with Vuta and Failnaught.

I watched them escape and grunted as I slowly stood up. "No...get back here..."

Lustie helped me stand and noticed the doors were still open. " need to rest and we can always go after her after she's well rested. For now...we need to take a break."

I panted softly and closed my eyes, nodding my head. "Okay..."

Lustie took me inside the temple and sat me down then looked at the portal of energy in front of us, a determined look evident in her eyes. 'Don't worry everyone...Shiro and I will come save you...'