A New Start

[Date: 999/999 - M0Nd4Y]

[Time: 999:59 AM]

[Location: Heavenly Bay]

What felt like a few hours went by since my final battle against Feleti and my Crest of Love being stolen away from me by Ardor. It was just me and Lustie again, just as it was when I first became a System Wielder. Lustie stayed by my side during the resting process until I finally felt strong enough to move again.

"Lust-E, can you do one more thing for me before we go through that portal?" I asked, glancing at Lust-E.

She nodded, hovering in front of me with a determined gaze. "What is it, Master?"

"Give everyone this message..." I began, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

Lust-E stared at me then nodded, closing her eyes and sending a mass message out around Destiny Central and Sanctuary City.

{Now recording....}