
25 yeas ago

 It's 1998, and Ana Bianchi has recently moved to Rivercity with her family. She comes from a family of wizards and magicians. In the first days of school, Ana found it difficult to socialize because she was a foreigner, and we're halfway through the school year, and many groups have already been formed, At first she felt upset because she didn't want to move school, in other words, she's going through a phase of change. That's when she came up with the idea of taking part in the vote for the Student Guild to make new friends, a total stranger decided it was a way of communicating, but she didn't know who she was up against. 


Ana was passing through the courtyard when she saw some boys arguing in the second courtyard of Luke School, a boy with blond hair and green eyes sitting on the bench, and next to him was Justin with black hair and blue eyes, he was holding someone by the collar of his shirt. Ana has a vigilante spirit, she sees a situation that is wrong and will always try to correct it, in this case she interpreted that Justin was abusing a student, and decided to intervene: 


"You there! Aren't you ashamed of doing that to a schoolmate?" 


Justin is surprised and doesn't understand the girl's words, and he instantly loosens the boy's shirt collar, he seems to be a little confused, and he doesn't know the girl in question. 


"Oh, I'm sorry, but that's not what you're thinking..." 


Ana shakes her head in the negative and interrupts him: 


"There's no excuse for that, I'm going to report you now!" 


Justin tries to retort, but Luke gets up from the bench, slaps Justin on the back, turns his back to Ana and walks away as he speaks: 


"You don't have to explain yourself Justin, OK, do what you think is best." 



Ana stares at Luke's back, he's definitely challenging her, so she doesn't think twice and goes to the Coordinator's office, and decides to report what happened, but she doesn't know the names of those involved, and has no idea who they are, but she reports it anyway, and already takes the opportunity to sign up to vote for the President of the Student Guild, how she will win we don't know, but she needs to join an electoral slate, her main objective is to put an end to Bullies in the School, she can't stand that kind of behavior. She looks at the lists of groups that have signed up for the Election, and finds a group with open positions, she looks at the other groups, they are already complete and there is a group with more prominence, she at first reads the surname "Becker" but doesn't pay attention to the details, the break bell rings and she goes down to the cafeteria and gets in line to grab a quick snack, she finds a mixed group of girls and boys, they are standing in the middle of the queue talking, this already makes Ana irritated, when she notices someone picking up some snacks and taking them to the boys, she realizes that they are the boys who were in the courtyard (Luke and Justin), she immediately thinks: 



(Oh, it's those two boys again, plus they're slackers, making someone buy and take snacks for them, I need to find out their names, and collect evidence against them!) 


Ana sits down at the empty table, and stares at the two of them the whole time, but they don't even notice her presence and carry on chatting, she notices that they seem to be well known in the school, many people greet them, she decides to focus her attention on the paper she needs to fill in to apply to the Student Guild Election Voting group, there is a vacancy for Treasurer, they are recruiting people with a certain urgency, so she decides to fill in her details. 


Classes end, Ana usually makes her way home, she passes an empty lot, it looks like an abandoned shed, she usually spends some time writing in her notebook, she really loves writing and usually spends hours writing, the hour passes Ana decides to go home, because her parents make sure she does practice every day, they are very demanding in this regard, but when she is going down the stairs of the shed, she ends up meeting some boys, and one of them is wearing a school uniform, she notices that he is wearing the same school uniform as hers, she doesn't remember seeing him before, so she continues to watch them, and notices that he has a poster in his hands, she then remembers seeing him on the Guild Election panel, she tries to go unnoticed, but one of the boys sees her and says something to her, but she pretends not to hear and continues walking, heading towards a gap in the wall, the boy then insists and speaks up: 


"Hey girl, what are you doing here?! 

