~Chapter 15 Angel's Deal and Release~

~Porn Studios~

"ANGEL DUST! Fuck! Fuckin get over here!"

Valentino points down to the floor tapping his fancy shoes.

The spider demon. Had been talking to someone but as soon as he heard his name being called he would excuse himself before walking over to him boots clicking on the floor. "Yes, Valentino." He said looking to him.

"What! What the fuck is this?!" Points to the scene in movie where they were off on the dance. "Do it again!"

Angel Dust grumbled running a hand through his hair. "You can barely tell " he grumbled only to realize the sass. Shit he fucked up. "Wait no...I'll redo it."

Grabs his arm. "I've killed more with the attitude your giving me! Get out there and do it again!

Angel grumbles letting out a soft whine as he's grabbed. "I...I'm sorry Val. I'll go." He waits for him to let go so he can go.

Val tossed him to the floor. "Now get out there and DO IT AGAIN!"

Angel Dust hit the ground with a thud. "Yes Val." Scurrying to his feet he scrambled to the stage ready to shoot the scene again.

"Annnd action." Says Valentino.

He took a deep breath before he started dancing again letting the music guide him as he did the chorography.

Valentino smiled creepy as drool went down the side of his mouth to his movements of Angel Dusts body.

He continued to dance keeping with the beat until the end of the song.

Val gets up from his seat and approaches him as he pulls his arms to him. "Well done, Angel." He chuckles evilly as he squints his eyes looking at him, like a snack.

Angel grumbled taking a step back from him.

"Yea. Sure."

Valentino pulls him in as he holds his chin in his hands and blows smoke at him, filling his lungs with his auroma. "You deserve a reward."


He coughed slightly wiggling to get out of his grip. "No thank you."

"I WASNT asking." He says aggressively as he takes him by the arm and drags him into his private room, as he tosses him on the bed. He lays on Angel as he spills his pink dust into the air around them. Valentino laughs with a dark sadistic tone, he knew he had him and he knew that he owned him.

Angel gave a soft whine in protest as he is dragged away. He hits the bed immediately curling up. Feeling his body weight be shutters.

He kissed his neck as he moved his hands on his body a bit aggressively.

Angel Dust just lays there. Eyes staring at the wall.

Valentino forces his way in as he bites and marks him with his teeth as he makes pleasurable grunts to taking advantage of his little puppet.

Angel just laid there letting him do what he was going to do occasionally letting out moans and mumbles giving the moth demon what he wants to hear. Valentino grabs his chin too look at him as he sticks his long snake like tongue down his throat as he thrusts aggressively.

Angel makes tired eyes look up at him as he returns the kiss giving into the moth overlord.

"You are MY little slut! Angel, don't ever forget who owns you." Says Valentino. He continued to thrust in him aggressively.

"Yes Val. I know " He replied his voice almost monotone.

"Good." He smiles evilly as he continues on through the night. Angel just lay there letting him take advantage of him eventually falling asleep curling up.

~Hotel Lobby~

Angel Dust walked into the hotel. He looked worn out. A sigh as he made his way straight to the bar taking a seat. "Something strong Husky....make it a double."

Husker sees Angel enter with a sigh and watches him as he takes a seat at the bar and noticing how he looked, as he sets a glass down in front him after he asks and half leaning on the bar. "Wanna talk about it?" Asks Husker.

Angel shakes his head laying his head down on the countertop. "Let's just say it's been a longggg night. I don't want to even think about it." He shuttered trying to repress the memories from the hours before. In truth he was trying not to cry. Not in front of anyone.

"Heh- you'd think being that bastard's favorite, you'd be treated a lot better than you are now but hey, I'm just the bartender." Husker mumbles. "What do I know?" He gives Angel an encouraging smile.

"I'm always here if ya need to talk, a bartender becomes everyone's best friend especially when they're drunk enough."

"Your absolutely right Husker! Angel, let me offer you a proposal." Says The

Radio Demon with his legs crossed with his creepy smile and cane in hand. Husker looks over at Alastor then at Angel, waiting to hear what Alastor's proposal might be.

Angel Dust frowned lifting his head slightly looking over to Alastor. "And what exactly could you do?

"A proposal, IF you'll hear me out." He smiles hands on his cane as he stands up.

Angel Dusts eyes goes back to Alastor. "And what might this proposal be?"

"Splendid! I see greats things for you yes in de de."

🎶This way, good man, we've a deal to make!

I assure this is a good thing for both our sakes.

I'm happy to provide, but remember your side.

Of a bargain I know you can't refuse to take🎶

🎶All I ask is when I boost your station

Remember who gave you this grand ovation!

If I call on you for a favour or two

Don't forget it's now your obligation!🎶

🎶Smile like you mean it!🎶 Alastor takes his hand as he spins him and moves back in forth in a salsa way.

🎶Take a chance and you could seize it!

I'm sure you'll do just swell, you're only down in Hell

So come along with me and guarantee it!

Smile your way through it!

Grit your teeth and get right to it!

Forget the rigmarole and you can have it all

And make it that much better when I see you fall...🎶

He stands there as he smiles. "What do you say?" He says before continuing the song.

Angel lets go of his hand thinking about it a little unsure about all this, he had been on a leash for so long but at least with Alastor, he wouldn't be molested, he was thinking as he listened to him dancing along with him.

"I mean...I don't know...."

"Still not convinced, well then."

🎶Risk it all and we can seize it!

Until we hear that bell, we're both stuck in Hell

So roll the dice and see if you could be it!

Smile your way through it!

Embrace the darkness as though you knew it

You can stand up tall and act within my thrall

And I'll be there to watch you as you take the fall...🎶

"So what, my friend, whatever will it be?"

Alastor held out his hand with his wicked smile as he offered the deal and the room glowed green in demonic voodoo runes.

~Outside the hotel~

Cherri Bomb knock on the front door of the hotel, as this was happening Charlie happened to walk up to the door from going into town.

"Cherri!" She says seeing her with a big hug and a overjoyed voice.

"Yeah hi Charlie." Cherri hugs her back with a lot less enthusiasm.

"Come on in! I'm sure he is here." She smiles happy that she is there as they walk inside the lobby to look for Angel and happen to notice the room darkening to green.

~Hotel Lobby again~

"You go to be fucking kidding, you know what he's cable of, think about what your going to be giving?!" Says Husker worried for Angel in his own way.

Angel thought about huskers words and saw all the dark ruins and thought about how Valentino used him so much, he was done being his favorite thing at least with Alastor he wouldn't be. "Deal." He shook his hand as the room shook.

"Oh no!" Says Charlie as she ran in and saw him shake his hand right then.

"Angie?!" Says Cherri.

The room cracked and light up as a new contract lit up in the room.

"What have you done?!" Yells Cherri.

Angel looks over at Cherri with hurt in his eyes. "What I shoulda done long time ago."

"Your being fuckin stupid Angie! Val is gonna kill you!"

"That's not my problem anymore....." He said with a hurt expression.

"Angel, you don't know what you got yourself into!" Says Charlie as Alastor stands there and still smiles.

"Yea, I don't! But anything is better than what Val makes me do!" He said hurt expression and tears as he runs upstairs to his room as he cried.

"Angie...." Says Cherri.