~Chapter 16 Vox's Plan.~

~Outside The Hotel~

Shadōmu stands up with his body shaking. "Where the fu#k am i?" hes scanning his sorundings, and sees the Hotel.

"Maybe i can get help there." He makes his way to the hotel hardely with blood all over his body. He goes inside the hotel.

~Hotel Lobby~

"Man, this looks like a circus." he said with searching for people. "Hello! Anybody home?"

Alastor hums to after the deal with Angel.

Shadōmu sees a red haired demon. "Hello fella, are you the owner of this Circus?"

"Circus! No no my fine fellow this is THE HAZBIN HOTEL! I am Alastor RADIO DEMON! Have you come for redemption? Oh Charlie?!"

"For redemption? PAHAHAH, no i need some bandages, and this was the nearest building i saw."

Charlie appears behind him. "Oh, are you not the hell Princess?" He looks at her with a curious smile.

"Yes! I'm Charlie Morningstar! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!"

"Thanks? Soo, do you have some bandages for me?"

Charlie smiles. "I'm not actually sure, sir.....Let me check with Al" Charlie walks over to Alastor.

Alastor smiles as he pulls out wrappings. "Perhaps we can interest you in a deal?"

"What kind of a deal?"

*Interesting, question dear fellow. Let me say it will benefit both. I'm sure your a shadow demon, correct?"

"A demon? You really think i am a demon?"

"Well, you are in hell dear boy. Damage you take, will heal up faster than normal demons. But your not invincible."

"I cant say much, but i can say that i am far away of being a demon. So alastor i think is your name, when i do the deal, what do i get and what do you get?"

"My friend you her what I spoke up healing faster less damage, a sort of amunity. For me a ask for a favor or two, I ask you to remember who gave you this deal and arrive."

"Well, I'm good at killing, so, ILL DO IT." he puts his hand in front of alastor ready to shake. "Shake my hand and we have a deal." Says Shadōmu.

Alastor takes his hand as he smiles evilly as the room begins to light up green and the ceiling cracks and the grounded shakes making everyone fall to the floor. Shadōmu feels his body feel like his skin is antimanium. Tougher then diamonds but his skin and body feels the same. He feels a cold shower on his neck, while his wounds are healing.

"Pleasure making a deal. Please stick around. You should meet the rest. Husker?!"

"Who is Husker? He asked.

Husker cleaning a glass behind the bar before picking up a bottle to drink from. "That would be me- another of HIS victims that made a deal."

"Oo a new bad boy!"

"Thats right little red hair." He looks down at Niffty.

She looks at shadōmu. "Wanna be my patient?"

"No now, I am going to search for a job, just call me when you want to use your favor on me."

"Aw man.....i guess I'll have to find a new patient hehe~" Niffty runs off to chase bugs again.

~Angel Dust's Room~

Angel lays on his bed as he cries about it all. Cherri knocks on the door. "Angie." Angel Dust looks up from his pillow and hears Cherri Bomb. "Go, away!" Cherri sits next to him. "Why the fuck did you make a deal with Alastor?!"

Angel shrugged. "Not like it matters. Let the overlords fight over my soul."

"Your a fucking dip shit sometimes so we could have found you another way! I mean....you have been fighting being with Valentino just to have to deal with anotha dipshit!" Cherri hits is arm.

Angel smirks kinda. "Well it's too late now, might as well deal with it." He gets up and starts walking downstairs as Cherri follows.

~Hotel Lobby~

Shadōmu looks from the distance at Cherry bomb. "Wow is she beautiful" he thinks.

Cherri sees it. "Fuck are u staring at?"

"ähm, um, a.. at the painting behind you." he says with his voice shaking.

She looks behind her at a ripped painting. "Oh yeah so sexy." She says crossing her arms with sarcasm.

"Yes." his eyes slowly falling back at cherry bomb.

"Um hm right." squints her eye at him. "So yeh ur myterious thing kinda wants me to know something." She moves her hair out of her face.

"uhm...I dont wana know anything, but maybe you wana know something about me, ONLY ONE THING! Just ask." he blushes.

"Where are you from?"

"From another realm, my powers got degraded, you can say i got kicked out of there, because i done something." his face turning into a sad looking.

"Like heaven?"

"In someways, yes like heaven.

"Oh well m sorry for bringing it up." Says Cherri.

"Its okay, its the past, i look at the future." he says with convidince. "You wana ask another question?"

"Fuck yeah." She thinks. "Oooo what does ur power actually do?"

"I can teleport from shadow to shadow, create weapons and objects out of shadow, and can create creatures out of it." he explains. "Okey, soooo, what did you do that you enden up in hell?" He asks.

"Im fuckin Australian we are literally come from criminals and i fought a lot."

"Sounds interessting, so how did you died?"

"That's a secret only Angie Knows."

"Cherri, no i dont wanna know, i can feel it still hunts you sometimes, i dont wana hear it till you trust me 100%." he smiles at her."

"Fuck it, it's fine it was ages ago, it was early 1920s. I was with my gang and we were fighting with another gang who tried to kill one of our members but they had explosives we didnt, except for me, i am the only one but i never said anything so when they threw an explosive, it hit me where the x is on my top which was where i was hiding the bomb so thats how i died. Cherri tears up.

Shadōmu wiped a tear from her eye.

"Thanks it fine it hurt for a second but then i ended up here."

"I think you glad that you have this white skin guy over there." he smiles at her while he is blushing.

"Yeah i am, he is the best."

"I dont know him, but he seams nice." he said while hes drinking his drink.

"So is he the man drinking a drink in front of a girl and not offering her a drink. This is not the drinks i know?" Shadōmu puts the bottle and glass away and summons an other bottle from the shadows, fills 2 glasses up. "Here, this alcohol is from my realm. Cheers." They hit each other's glass as they drink together. And soon after Shadōmu leaves to search for a job.

~Vee Tower~

Valentino was talking to Vox as the room lit up again. "The fuck is happening!" Valentino says angry as Anthony's contract lights up and then tears right Infront of his and Vox's face.

"That fuckin! Little-ergh! Twink!" He walks off mad to his room to get guns.

`"the fuck??"`

Vox blinked in disbelief and confusion.

`"no...no your not."`

He glared at the moth demon, brightening his screen further.

"I'm gonna show that little BITCH to mess with ME, ME!" Says Valentino.

`"haha...your not going over there."`

His eye gained a black swirling pattern as static crackles around them.

"My contract disappeared Vox! That's is the LAST STRAW!" He was digging up his guns.

Vox grabbed val by the fluff and made him look at him, his screen was almost blindingly bright

`"NO."` his eye had the same swirl effect to it.

"I will NOT stand by as that little ||C***|| gets away with this! You won't stop me this time Vox. This is business and that's what I do!" Demands Val.

`"Valentino we have a reputation to uphold. This is NOT it. Do you really wanna make people think that we can't control the Sluts we own?? If we're gonna kill that twink it's gotta be in secret. We gotta do it like an assassination...they can't know it's us otherwise we lose respect..."`

"Then who do we have do this "little" deed."

`"Ill figure that outttttt, maybe arackniss? He fuckin HATES Angel Dust."

"Oh, gossip. How did you find that one out? I didn't know he had something against that little twink. But no, it's to obvious."

`"i have my ways. Fine then we'll hire someone, someone, good with this line of work."`

"Fine...." he grumbles. "But I really wanted to show him who's boss."

`"I know you do Val but what would that do for our image." He mused.

"Oh, that's not fun come on, Vox. He said putting hand on his shoulder with his evil smile. "What are secret between friends?"

`"We're not friends, we work the same business."` He picked the hand off his shoulder as if it was gross and contaminated.

~Outside Vee Tower.~

"Hmm, this looks interesting?" he looks at the V-tower. "Maybe i can get some work there?" He makes his way to the V-Tower. Shadōmu rings the bell at the V-tower. "Hello, anyone there?"

Vox heard the door bell and walked to the door having been late and picked up the contact numbers and read it over a few times before walking upstairs to where Valentino resided. "Val did you have one of your whores come by?"

"Fuck no! They fuckin no better than to show up personally, well ha ha, unless I call them in of course."

He hears the knock at the door once again. "Now who is it?" He walks back a little bit irritated. Vox answers the door with his normal smiling TV host facade.

`"Why hello my fellow sinner..what brings you here?"`

"I am seeking for a job, and i heard rumors about you 3, so i thougt that yoz have a job for me." Says Shadōmu

Who the FUCK is it Vox?!`" Vox smiles awkwardily after Valentino says that. "May you excuse me for a moment."` He turned to Val's direction. "HUSH"` He looked back at the sinner. "Anyways sorry about him, why don't you come and we'll discuss a plan for you." He says as he smiles and his eye swirls with an idea. He walks into the building.

"Any kind of job, i dont ask questions, ill just do it." he looks at Val with a death stare and smile.

`"Well that sounds promising.....would you like to work as my assistant? Things get pretty busy here, haha! Uh..we could really use the extra help"`

"Sounds fun."

`"Be careful with what you touch, the British one flips out if even one tiny thing of hers is out of place hahaha!"` Vox said while mentioning Velvette, they continue to walk through the building as they speak.

"Okay, just show me where i have to work, and what i have to do." he smiles at Vox with confidence.

`"Good, I like your attitude! We need more people like you working for Voxtek DON'T WE VAL?"`

He aggressively smiled at Val. Who was in the doorway to a different room.

"I'll just do my jobs with my heart and blood, cause here at Voxtek we have an IMAGE to uphold." he smiles while he looks at Valentino.

"I understand." he says to Vox while getting a snack out of the shadow.

`"yeah, no just so you know you'll be my assistant, NOT his"` He pointed at Val.

"Ah, it's your kink not mine." He says sitting on the couch as he looked behind and waved on for a second before just sitting down again.

`"Yea, also if anyone here Specifically the British one or Val offers you a drink, don't take it."` He clears his throat.

`"Anyways, what are your rates....you know or the payment or whatever-"` asks Vox.

"Not much, just 20 dollars per week, because i can create food and drinks from my shadows." He smiles at Vox. "And i dont take drinks from here, ill promise."

`"Good, good! Are you sure that's all your charging? That's a bit cheap-"`smiles Vox.

"From where, where i came, that was enough to buy a house, and I can create everything out of my shadow, like food or drinks." Creates a bottle whiskey out of the shadow. "You wanna try?"

`"No thanks, I'm good. But uh...in hell 20$ can barely get you by anywhere."

"I can teleport from shadow to shadow, so transport is not a big deal for me." he smiles at Vox.

`"Well then."

"I have a guest bed at the Hazbin hotel, but usally i will sleep in abonden houses, because from where I come, everywhere was death, and i like to sleep at abandoned places."

"The Hazbin Hotel you say?" Vox's eye swirled as he had an idea.

`"Well today is pretty tame, we're usually very busy. I would require help with paperwork, scheduling to get my screen fixed or other repairs, actually giving repairs if the repair guy is too busy....and that's kinda it."

"Why do you need to be repaired? And what part?"

"Ugh!" Valentino gets up. "Hey Vox, can he take care of our, little dilemma? He IS already in the Hotel that would make the job easy."

`"hush hush val-"` comments Vox (Val denied: 3)

"ehhhhh...."` He glanced at val "things just get broken sometimes- but uh....usually it's just the screen..."`

"I can try to repair it, i have some knowledge with it"

"I have books on it, I recommend you read them sometime soon"` commands Vox.

"I will begin right away with it.."

Vox just seems surprised by the blatant obedience, he really didn't know how to feel about the power he had and he stands next to Val.

"Impressive he he he. Maybe you could do me a favor. What's was your name?" Valentino said checking him out.

"I will get the vinegar."` He glares at Val.

"Don't be that way Vox. He says pinching his TV screen cheeks. "I have a client, or to say ex one that needs. Well to be taught a lesson he won't forget."

Vox burns his motor hot enough to burn Val's hand on purpose.

"Ow ow! Fuck fuck! Asshole! Pleasure I'm sure. Valentino. Owner of The Porn Studio." He holds out his hand with his big ring.

"Shadōmu. Consider it done."

"Good." Valentino smirks evilly as he walks back over to the couch and sits down in his normal pimp sitting.

"He he he, I'll pay you handsomely for this, more than little TV is offering you."

Vox made a mad face with showing his teeth a bit as well as a quick sigh at the end.

"Alright. One favor, whatever, gets him out of my hair."

"Understood." He disappears into the shadows.