~Chapter 27 Archangel Tomb & Locked Up Inside.~

~Heavens Gate, Heaven~

Azrael and Atlas are making their way to the gates of heaven, guarding it like they do everyday when Azrael finds something that makes him stop, Atlas bumping into his back as he halted. Atlas looked around, noticing a small pool of blood that was almost completely covered by Azrael. "..Az—"

"Atlas. Go. Right now. Get the other archangels." Atlas didn't question, he turned around and ran for the other archangels.

Azrael stepped closer, kneeling down to what used to be his brother. "Oh my...." There laid Uriel's body before Azrael.

~Michaels Conference Room, Heaven~

Atlas ran to the conference room, throwing the doors open. "MICHAEL! I THINK THERES A BODY AT HEAVENS GATES-!"

"What?!" He gets up and follows Atlas quicky.

~Heaven's Gate, Heaven~

Atlas runs back to Azrael. Azrael stands up to block Atlas's view again, he didn't want him to see what the corpse looked like, it even made himself sick to his stomach, and he was the angel of death. He'd seen things and done worse. Michael runs his way with Atlas but then stops in silence once he sees what was happening as a tear fell from his eyes. "No." He runs up to him as he falls to his knees. Raphael walks over and stops when she sees the corpse. She covers her mouth with her hands in shock. "Oh my…"

Michael breath hinged to sadness. "NOOOOOOOO URIEL!!!!" He cried as he held Uriel on his arms, Uriel's head was wrapped around the neck and there wings where cut. Azrael was shocked, disgusted and most of all…suspicious.

Michael put down his body as he was silent then his voice went to sad to stern. "Who did this?!....."

"I wonder wher Uriel is.* She walks out in a jumping walk. "Hello guys!" she spoke in happyness. "Whats going on here, i woke up from this noise." Says Astela, Uriel's girlfriend. Azrael looks to Astela, trying to say something, anything, but he couldn't bring himself to explain.

She looks a little bit worried. "Azrael.... whats going on?" she looks around. "And where is Uri?" Azrael looked back at the corpse.

Atlas took a quick glance at Astela before looking down again.

Astela covers her mouth. "Who is that... and why is he looking like Uriel?!" She holds her tears back.

"Astela…im so sorry." says Azrael. Michael can't believe this happened and he didn't see it happen. Astela collapses on the ground. "What happend?!!!" she trys to stay calm while tears falling down her eyes.

"I-I don't know Astela.....I was sent out here to this. But whoever did this, will pay." He says with anger to his eyes. She runs to her room cause she couldn't handle the sight and pain of this scene, the scene of her dead love, Uriel.

~Astela's Room~

She goes in and goes directly to her Desk, she pickes up and picture and looks at it. "I'll keep my promise my Star, till i dont love you anymore, so i will keep the promise always." she puts the photo on her desk where Uriel and Astela's first kiss is seen. She sits on the bed and goes directly to sleep with tears in her eyes and a hole in her heart.

~Outside The Hotel~

"I don't know why this fucking happens...why does it have to ha ha ya know, be a fucking circus!!!" Says Lucifer.

"Hm?" Comments Gabriel.

"Don't worry about it's not like you like ha ha angels care, right?"

"Lucifer, most angels do care about things like this....."

"If they did then they wouldn't have killed us in the first place not including the hellborns....."

"They only do that because they have too."

"Have too, HAVE TOO! You know what?! Why don't you go back to dad! I didn't want you or them here anyways!" He yells irritated and mad as his eyes glow red.


"I-I didn't want you help anyways. You don't care anyways.....I know Michael sent you.....but why I'm not sure but I'll figure it out. I won't put my daughter at risk! And father doesn't even care so that's off the table!"

"I'm not here to hurt our niece, if that's what you're implying?"

"Then why are you really here?"

Gabriel sighs. "Just to check on family even though we're not really on good terms, I just i wanted to know how you things are doing and to see how the hazbin hotel is going."

"I don't believe that but....you all give me no reason to trust or believe you again....." He says referring to Michael.

"I promise you that I'm saying nothing but the truth....."

..... Lucifer senses something is wrong. "What is.....something is wrong. Gabriel, I need to go to heaven! Please!" He almost looked distressed.

"I don't know if I could take you there…"

"Gabriel please, I must I'll-ill do anything." He bit his tongue to those words, he would never normally beg to Gabriel.

"Well…maybe..." Second thinks Gabriel.

"I wouldn't normally ask but...this.....something is wrong and idk."


"Gabriel. We should check it out.....I know you don't trust me HELL I don't you! But something happened."

"You're right we should...."

"Thank you!" Lucifer readies himself as the portal opens.

~Heavens Gates, Heaven~

"Astela wait!" He says her run off. Lucifer stepped through the portal but was cautiously. "Azrael! I sensed something was off what has....no, no no no no!" He runs over to Uriel with fear in his eyes it being one of his favorite brothers.

"Lucifer?" Michael looked surprised to see him but then saw Gabriel walked out of the portal and knew why. "Gabriel why am I not surprised.".

"Michael i- LUCIFER WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Yells Gabriel.

"Uriel! No, oh father why." He wiped his eyes as he held him in his arm as he saw the wings cut off and the wrapings around him as well as the cuts. He got angry. "Who did THIS?!"

"Lucifer...." Says Michael seeing him, it has been so long since he saw his brother.

"WHO DID IT?!" He said angrily as his eyes got red and his demon side showed.

"I...we don't know Lucifer...Atlas and Azrael found him this way...." Answered Michael.

"I'll KILL WHOEVER DID THIS?!" Yelled Lucifer in raged.

"Lucifer, that's enough! You know the rules of heaven...no violence...." Says Michael.

Gabriel gasps and looks away, no realizing what happened to Uriel and it made him uncomfortable and sad. "Uriel…" sadly says Gabriel. Azrael doesn't say anything, he just watches silently. "We shouldn't leave him there. Atlas, Azrael. Help me carry him to the angelic cemetery....." Comments Michael. They carry him off to the Archangel Tomb to bury him there.

~Archangel Tomb, Heaven~

Michael helps place him down with Azrael and Atlas. "..."

".... " Lucifer clenched onto his cane, tightly in anger.

"Does anyone wish to say any words?...." Asks Michael.

"....." Gabriel didn't know what to say.

Azrael takes a step back after helping with the body, his heals clicking behind him.

"I will....." Lucifer tried to hold his tears. "Uriel what happened to you wasn't fair.....you brought hope...." remembering how sad he was, that he wasnt heard before, about the humans and helping them. "You gave me hope to believe I could do anything and I now your gone....I won't let that die.....well get whoever did this...that is a promise."

".....Lucifer...you were always the brother who guide us all and helped when it was needed.....you will.." tears fell as he tried to handle it. "Be missed brother.....may father protect you in the world beyond this....."

"Tsk, father. He didn't even show up." He mumbled under his breathe as he saw the casket go down into the Archangel Tomb grave.

"Uriel…you never deserved this…" said Gabriel. The grave went down as they hear Raphael cry hard and everyone silent from the loss of there brother Uriel Morningstar.