~Chapter 28 Locked Inside & Charlie's Wish.~

"Lucifer.....I" Michael reached for him.

He moved his arm away. "Yea yea.....I'm leaving... " He said putting on his hat. Take me back home Gabriel...I wouldn't want to ruin Michael perfect life." He said looking up at him with hate but also was sad.

Gabriel. We'll talk about this later, letting him in and the rules as well as other things. Michael says seriously.

"Okay.." sighs Gabriel.

Lucifer follows Gabriel for the portal to open. Gabriel opens up the portal and Lucifer and him walk through it.

"Goodbye.....Samael....." the sky in heavens went gravy as it rained in heaven on this day to the loss of an Archangel and a family member to them all, a brother and lover and friend too all. Michael goes back to his office in deep thought about everything. Azrael watched as Michael left. He needed to confront him, here and now. He quickly walked away after Michael left.

After a long time, Astela finally visited Uriel's grave. "Hey Uri...." she wipes her tears away. "How is it, up there?" She kinda chuckles. "Oh, we are "Up" here....."

She knees down and cuddles his grave. "I dont know where you went after this, and I dont know who did this to you, but whoever did this, they will pay." she remembers that she promised Uriel, to smile in bad situations to be happy fast, so she standed up and smiles at his grave. "Thank you" she said in a warm tone. "Thank you for always staying at my side and always be my brightest star in the whole galaxy, i just wish we could see the supernova we watched chenturies ago again, together" she turns around and goes to the exit, but befor she goes out, she says. "Goodbye my Big star, i will miss you forever." after that she went to her room, smiling the whole time. As she promised.

~Astela's Room, Heaven~

She goes in and goes directly to her desk, she pickes up and picture and looks at it. "Ill keep my promise my Star, till i dont love you anymore, so i will keep the promise always. she puts the photo on her desk where Uriel and Astela's first kiss is seen, she sits on the bed and goes directly to sleep.

~Michaels Conference Room, Heaven~

Michael walked into his office, slamming the door trying to hide his tears, to the loss of his brother Uriel. Leonardo saw this and followed him. Leonardo walked in, he was oblivious to the situation of their beloved brother passing away. He noticed the raining in heaven and got worried so he went to ask Michael.

"hey uh....Mike? Hope I'm not interrupting anything but do you happen to know why it's raining? I didn't think that was a thing here.."

After he entered he closed the door quietly behind him, walking over to Michael as he spoke.

"...." Michael sobbed a little ".....I can't believe this happened Leonardo...." Leo saw him sad and didn't like him like that. He reached for him to comfort him. His best friend and boss. Azrael threw the doors open. "MICHAEL. We need to talk." Leonardo stopped midway to about to comfort him when Azrael barged in.

Michael looks over at Azrael, his demeanor changed. "Leonardo will you give us a moment.....Well get in touch later....." When Azrael had entered the room he practically jumped and his wings puffed up from surprise and he just...L o o k e d at Azrael for a moment before looking to Michael and nodding. "Alright." He then left giving a slight glare to Azrael as he did, if he found out Azrael had even laid a finger on Michael they'd be down another angel.

"Yes.....it's...hard for us all. I'm sorry you had to be the one to find him Az..." Sniffles Michael. Azrael didn't buy his words one bit.

"Michael. Where were you last night."

He raised an eyebrow. "I was in my office for a short time but then I left not long after. Wh-why are you asking?"

"Because I talked to Uriel before he died. He said he was going to talk to you."

Michaels tone changed. "Oh I see." He walks around Azrael as he puts a hand on his shoulder. "Azrael. You wouldn't be assuming I did something to our brother would you?" He said with a couple of his true form six eyes showing as he tried to hide his anger.

"Then why don't you. explain what happened."

"Azrael. I don't have to explain my schedule to you. I'm far to busy. But if you must know." The room became heavy as he leaned over Azrael and he magically locked the door. "But I'm assuming your saying I killed my dear brother. Azrael." His eye glowed blue to this as whispers was heard again.

"Uriel was last seen with you. Very suspicious, don't you think?" says Azrael tightening his grip of his scythe in his hand.

"Take.it.back. I would do NEVER HURT MY BROTHERS!" Michael was both angry and appauled by his words.


Michael grabbed him by the neck tightly. "I think that you need some time to think about THIS." His voice changed as he pulled out Excalibur and raised it, too strike Azrael but something stopped his hands from raising as they shaked and he was silent for a moment.

"LET ME GO!!" Yelled Azrael. Michael tossed him in his angelic jail Cell #1. "You can come out when you think about what you said to me."

Azrael kinda gave up and sat down on the ground. "worth it."

~Hotel Lobby, Hazbin Hotel.~

Lucifer comes back through the portal with Gabriel, he threw down his hat as he had a pained expression. Charlie heard him come back from the portal. "Dad! is everything okay?" he looked up at her and held her hands in his. "Charlie, I..." He looked down with loss of words. "...someone ...died."

"Alot of people die dad, it's just how.....sadly hell is."

"No, Charlie!-" he bites his tongue to his words. "Someone in Heaven, died.....a...a family member...."

"Died?" She said with a bit of anxiousness in her voice and worry in her eyes. "People can die in heaven? What if, they can't be saved from here and there?" She thinks herself."Wh-what do you mean?"

"Charlie...." He touched her face softly. "I lost a brother and an uncle to you.....one of the best...."

"H-how?! An angel died but how?"

"I-....I don't know...but..." His grip tightened as he was in deep thought.

"Dad?" Charlie went to reach for him to comfort him.

"...I'm going to find out." He said as he released her hands and walked off with his eyes turning red trying to hide it from Charlie. He didn't want her to see he was hurting.

"Dad?! Wait!" She felt saddened as she kind of held herself in front of Gabriel.

"I would just leave him alone for now charlie …" says Gabriel.

She looked down. "Yea....I guess your right....I'm....going to my room.....thanks for your help Gabriel....."

"You're welcome, Charlotte."

~Charlie & Vaggie's Room~

Charlie entered the door as she looked saddened. "Why does it keep getting harder than it has too be ...why can't it's work out without violence....."

"Because, they refuse to see it the way you see it, mi amor."

"Yes I know." She walks over to the balcony window and looks up at the sky with the stars out for once because of Astela.

~Charlies Wish Parody~

🎶Isn't truth supposed to set you free?

Well, why do I feel so weighed down by it?🎶

🎶If I could show them everything I've seen. She reaches out towards the town.

🎶Open their eyes to all the lies then🎶 she has flashbacks of her conference with heaven and how it came out to be.

🎶Would they change their minds like I did?🎶 She remembers how she wanted to make the hotel after meeting Vaggie.

🎶But when I speak, they tell me, "Quiet"🎶 Charlie remembers them trying to silence her in heaven's court.

🎶But how can I when I've already started speaking!?🎶 She remembers speaking out to them with Emily about it all, there song together.

🎶Oh, this is where we've beennnnn🎶

But it's not where we belong! She stomps her foot being strong as she looks at Hell and then up at Heaven.

🎶And I may be young, but I know I'm not wrongggg!!!🎶

🎶So I look up at the stars to guide me🎶 She leans on the balcony and up a the stars for the first time.

🎶And throw caution to every warning sign!

If knowing what it could be is what drives meeeee

Then let me BE the first to stand and sayyyyyy🎶

🎶So I make this wishhhh

To have something more for us than this.

So I make this wishhhh. She looks up at the brightest star.

🎶To have something more for us than THIS!!!🎶 A star lights up.

Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah

Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, ah-ah

More than this, oh-ah-ah-ahhhhhh 🎶 The star gets bigger and brighter.

🎶I knew I needed room to grow.🎶 She leaves the room and goes down the hall as Vaggie sees her go as she sings.

~Hotel Hallway, Hell.~

She sings as she walks through the hall seeing everyone and what there doing as she goes on and sees her dad hard working in there and her mom worrying about him. 🎶Yeah, I did what I was told when mother told me "no"....🎶

🎶Now I've got all of this freedom in my soullll🎶 she said with tight fist in the air.

🎶I've got no lid on, so it overflowssss🎶

Cause I've got no limitations and no hesitationssss🎶

🎶Ohhhh where I should even beginnnnn

I'm past dipping my toes in

But I'm not, NO, I'm not past diving innnnn.🎶 She sings while looking over at Husker and Angel Dust. Angel smiles at her as she sings this heart warming song.

Husker looks back at Charlie with confusion and blinks once, continuing to drink while leaning on the bar. "There she goes again-"

~Cannibal Town, Hell~

🎶If I could just be pointed in any given direction.🎶 Charlie looks around at her people and the cannibals, with a literal sign that says look up at the sky.

🎶On where to go and what to doooo🎶

🎶My heart is beating and my head's held high.🎶She lifts her head high and strong.

🎶The way you always taught me toooooo.🎶She sings thinking of her dad and how he told her his lofty dreams and stories when she was a child.

🎶So I look up at the stars to guide me. She looks up at the sky once again.

🎶And throw caution to every warning sign

I'm sure there will be challenges that find meeeeee🎶 a demon was someone puking. "Ewww, oh gosh!"

🎶But I can take them on one at a timeeee🎶

🎶So I make this wishhhhh

To have something more for us than this.🎶 She takes another step toward as the star gets bigger and brighter than before.

🎶So I make this wishhhhh

To have something more for us than THIIISSSSSSSSSS🎶

🎶Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah (so I make this wish)

Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, ah-ah (to have something more)

More than this, oh, ah-ah-ah

To have something more for us than this!🎶

The star shoots down light a shooting star, as she sees it fall and her eyes sparkle with hope and awe. 🎶So I make this, wishhhhhh to have something more for us than THIS!🎶