Chapter 9: The Truth in Tactics_1

At the entrance of the hotel, Jian Yukuo was puffing a cigarette, looking around in the night breeze, waiting for Fu Yanlin's arrival.

Jian Yukuo had been scared of his uncle since he was a child.

To call him a demon king would be polite.

Jian Yukuo was initially reluctant to seek his help, but he was running out of patience, coupled with a warning from the hotel against disturbing other guests or face the threat of involving the police. With no other options in Qingzhou, he decided to call Fu Yanlin in frustration.

Even though Fu Yanlin might refuse to help, Jian Yukuo wouldn't dare to complain. In the influential Fu Family, no one dared to boss around this uncle of theirs.

Ultimately, Fu Yanlin strolled out of the hotel lobby with an air of nonchalance.

Jian Yukuo was a bit puzzled, "Uncle, how come you are coming out from inside? Do you live here?"

You live here and I still need to come downstairs to meet you? Are you out of your mind? Jian Yukuo thought.

"Do I need to report to you where I come from?" Fu Yanlin gave him a glance, his look was leisurely and detached, but it sent a chill down Jian Yukuo's spine.

"That's not it...Uncle, what happened to your face?" Taking advantage of the hotel's lights, Jian Yukuo noticed some scratch marks on Fu Yanlin's face, it seemed like someone slapped him with long fingernails. The wound was clearly visible under the light.

Fu Yanlin touched the painful area with his tongue impatiently, "Got scratched by a little wildcat."

Jian Yukuo immediately understood that Fu Yanlin had company upstairs. He knew of Fu Yanlin's reputation; the playboy was sent to a juvenile detention center as a teenager for harassing female classmates, after his rescue by the Fu family, he was sent to America. His trail of women never ceased over these years, yet none was taken seriously into his home, all being a mess. It had always been a headache for the family, wanting to arrange a decent match for him, but Fu Yanlin remained unyielding.

However, this was merely a three or four-star hotel, and as the young master of the Fu family who was accustomed to extravagant lifestyle, why would he be willing to reside in such a place? Was he merely seeking thrill?

Had it not been for Wen Sheng staying here, Jian Yukuo wouldn't even bother to glance at such a dump.

Fu Yanlin glanced at Jian Yukuo, "Spit it out.".

Jian Yukuo then remembered the real issue at hand, and began to vehemently complain about being cuckolded by Wen Sheng, asking to borrow a couple of men to drag the cheating man out and beat him to death.

"I want to see that bastard who dares touch my woman!"

"Your woman?" Fu Yanlin's dark eyes locked onto him quickly, carrying a tone of mockery.

Jian Yukuo was taken aback by his gaze, deflated, he retorted, "To be precise, my ex-girlfriend."

"Broke up?"

"Just broke up the day before yesterday."

"Why did you break up?"

"She caught me with her roommate...on a whim, she broke up with me." Jian Yukuo said sullenly, "Isn't it normal for men to have a little fun outside? As long as I know my way home, isn't it enough? Women are so damn dramatic! It's my fault, I spoiled her too much, she thought she was the cream of the crop!"

Fu Yanlin took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket and lit one of them. The flickering light illuminated his angular face, he took a puff before asking, "After breaking up, what ground do you have to dictate who she can be with? Who do you think you are?"

Jian Yukuo was choked by Fu Yanlin's words, blushing and turning pale alternatively, "Uncle, it's easy to say that, but who knows if she cuckolded me before we broke up! I never touched her! And she let outsiders touch her! Damn!"

"How long have you been together?" Fu Yanlin asked.

Jian Yukuo replied, "A year and a half."

"One and a half years, nothing happened?" Fu Yanlin looked at Jian Yukuo with a stern and cold expression, "Who would believe that?"

"Nothing really happened!" When Jian Yukuo got to this point, he became even more furious, "We were together for more than a year, she didn't even let me kiss her!"

"Is that so?" Fu Yanlin couldn't help but laugh.