Chapter 10: The Person He Wants_1

"Every time I touch her, she feels nauseous and wants to vomit. The psychologist said she has trauma in this regard and I can't rush her."

Jian Yukuo felt there was a certain malicious pleasure in Fu Yanlin's laugh, more like mockery and triumph.

Who could feel good encountering such a situation?

Jian Yukuo sounded very aggrieved, "I am a normal man, how can I not have needs? She neither kisses me nor sleeps with me for over a year, who could stand that?"

"So, you messed around with her roommate?"

"I am not a monk!" Jian Yukuo tightened his face and said angrily, "Besides, I was just playing with her roommate... damn it, she found another man immediately after we broke up, is she playing hard to get?"

Thoughts of the noises he heard outside Wen Sheng's room ignited Jian Yukuo's inner rage.

The moans from Wen Sheng were a severe blow to his masculine pride.

"You feel wronged?" Fu Yanlin sneered, "You are not content being a jerk and want to behave like an animal now?"

"Of course I feel wronged! Uncle, if this happened to you, wouldn't you be angry?" Jian Yukuo didn't dare to talk back, he had to bear with Fu Yanlin calling him an animal.

Who asked him to not be able to afford provoking this man? Even though Fu Yanlin was only two years older than him, he was still his uncle, he had to respect him due to seniority.

"I wouldn't be angry." Fu Yanlin exhaled a puff of smoke, calmly rolling up his sleeves, and said expressionlessly, "I wouldn't be as shameless as you."

"..." Jian Yukuo irately retorted, "If I had known, I would have forced myself on her! She is asking for it..."

Before Jian Yukuo could finish his sentence, he suddenly saw black and screamed in pain.

Fu Yanlin landed a punch squarely on his face, then, holding a cigarette in his mouth, he looked at him with cold disgust, "How did the Jian Family raise such a bastard as you, hm?"

Jian Yukuo was caught off guard by the punch, he was completely taken aback. All he could do was stare at Fu Yanlin in angry silence, "Uncle, why did you hit me?"

Fu Yanlin threw another punch, "You messed up my business because you couldn't keep your woman in line?"


"You feel wronged getting hit?"

Only then did Jian Yukuo understand that Fu Yanlin was furious when he came downstairs. Perhaps, when he was just about to get what he wanted, he was interrupted by a phone call which led him down to settle the score with Jian Yukuo.

Jian Yukuo considered himself unlucky. Who would dare lay a finger on him in Jiangzhou? Perhaps only Fu Yanlin, the troublemaker. He inflicted two punches on him and Jian Yukuo had to endure it silently, being humiliated by Fu Yanlin who told him "where's your backbone?"

Before Jian Yukuo could answer, Fu Yanlin threw away his cigarette, turned around, and walked towards the hotel parking lot.

Jian Yukuo was reminded of the crucial reason for his trip to Qingzhou. He yelled at Fu Yanlin's retreating figure, "Uncle, my grandfather sent me to bring you back! He is celebrating his seventieth birthday next month and you cannot be absent!"

If it weren't for the family's order to pass this message to Fu Yanlin, that he must attend their grandfather's big birthday next month, Jian Yukuo wouldn't come to Qingzhou to take this insult. However, if he hadn't come, he wouldn't have thought about having a conversation with Wen Sheng, nor would he have discovered Wen Sheng messing around with a guy.

Fu Yanlin ignored him, lit a cigarette impatiently after getting into the car.

That night in Qingzhou, the moon was bright, the stars were sparse, and the air was refreshing. Jianglan district was a calm place in Qingzhou, there were few people on the street at this hour. The streets soaked in the cool breeze, portraying serenity and peace.

Fu Yanlin leaned back in his driving seat, angling a cigarette in his mouth. Wen Sheng's beautiful clean face and her indifferent deer eyes flashed in his mind. Wen Sheng's icy sneer echoed in his ears: Get lost.

He exhaled a curl of white smoke, Fu Yanlin pulled out his phone and sent a text to a number without a contact name.

"You made me very unhappy."

He always got what he wanted.

Without fail.