Chapter 16: Enter and Call Slowly_1

Upon hearing the final words of Fu Yanlin, Meng Wei's face became even more unpleasant.

But regardless, the other party was a Unicorn Company, they had to be treated with respect.

No matter how dissatisfied Meng Wei was, he had to swallow his frustration.

When the meeting was over, Meng Wei went to see off the group of four.

Wen Sheng should have gone with him, but as they exited the conference room, Meng Wei specifically turned back to tell her, "It's enough if I see them off."

How could she tolerate Wen Sheng upstaging her again?

Wen Sheng had no intention of competing with her so she went back to her office.

Shen Guannan asked about the meeting situation on WeChat, asking whether Changjing Capital had a chance to invest. Wen Sheng told the truth, Shen Guannan didn't express much opinion, just implying that he would follow up next week.

However, this made Wen Sheng ponder.