Chapter 32: Don't Restrain Yourself_1

After hanging up the call, Wen Sheng leaned on the balcony railing, feeling the breeze.

As she gazed out from her sixth-floor balcony, she took in the view of an old residential district. The sparse lights in the fading night testified to the stubborn vitality of the aging urban sector.

Wen Sheng had rented this apartment for its affordable price and because the agent had described how the low-rise buildings allowed for stunning views of the sunrise, transforming the sky from pale grey to golden, and how the evenings were often graced with breathtaking cloud formations.

However, in her three years of living here, except for her first evening's view resembling a Van Gogh painting, she had never had the chance to enjoy these sights. She was perpetually busy with business trips and meetings, working overtime to produce project analysis reports until dawn. She often saw the sunrise, but never had time to watch the sky blush with evening clouds.