Chapter 33: What is Face_1

Wen Sheng waited nearly an hour before Fu Yanlin came out of the shower.

An hour-long shower for a man seemed rather vain. As a girl, she only needed twenty minutes to get cleaned up.

The thought of all that hot water flowing and how much it must be costing in utilities made Wen Sheng cringe.

With indifference, she glanced at the man enveloped in steam and couldn't help but sneer.

It was clear he was self-sufficient, bringing along his own toiletries, towels, and even pajamas, seemingly making himself at home.

Underneath the dining room lantern, Wen Sheng wore a blank expression. Her doe eyes filled with impatience and indifference, "I'm not used to strangers in my home, you should leave."

"Habits can be changed." Ignoring her tone, Fu Yanlin calmly raised an eyebrow. His face exuded arrogance and rebelliousness, "You'll get used to it."