Chapter 231: Meeting Face to Face_1

The server was hacked, yet Fu Yanlin remained composed.

When he heard from Liang Yundu that today's press conference had also invited Xu Yanshu, he immediately lost his calm.

"Leo, I was indeed negligent this time. The invitation was originally sent to Xu Shichen, and I did not expect Selena herself to come today," Liang Yundu said, looking at the inky darkness on Fu Yanlin's face and guessing that his muse, Miss Wen Sheng, must also be present at the event.

Chances were that the two had already run into each other.

Fu Yanlin thought for a moment, then walked to the window and dialed Zhu Qingjia's number on his cell phone.

"Mr. Zhu, are you with my wife right now?"

After a while, Zhu Qingjia's sardonic voice came through the phone, "Oh, Mr. Fu, you only now remember your wife is here? I thought you were busying yourself greeting other guests."