Chapter 230: A Woman's Sixth Sense_1

Xu Yanshu was dressed in a flowing red gown, with her feet in the latest limited-edition high heels from JK, her wavy curls carelessly draped over her shoulders. As she walked, there was a swiftness under her feet, an inner and outer confidence that stemmed from her bones.

Such a woman, no matter where she appeared, was always dazzling and eye-catching. Her pride was innate, assertive, sharp, and capable.

Wen Sheng had seen this woman once before and the impression was deeply etched in her memory; she was called Selena.

Their encounter had been in a clothing store where they both took a liking to the same piece of clothing. Selena was determined to have it, and in the end, it was Wen Sheng who stepped back. It was just a piece of clothing; she was not willing to fight over it with a stranger.