Chapter 9_1

Li Hanxian frowned and asked coldly, "Whose child is this?"

Zhou Kuan had a strong impression of these two children because the boy's eyebrows and facial features were simply a miniature version of Li Hanxian, far too alike.

"Mr. Li, have you forgotten? This is Rong Shengsheng's child, who accidentally broke the ancestral bracelet of the Li family at the airport a few days ago..."

"I know," he said.

Miaomiao stretched out her soft little hand, tugging at Li Hanxian's clothes, and said in a babyish voice, "Handsome brother, it was me who accidentally broke your things, you can hit me or scold me, just please don't make my mommy pay."

Li Hanxian snorted with laughter.

This woman, Rong Shengsheng, really was cunning.

Asking for five million was one thing, but now to have her children come and plead?

Did she think that by doing this, he would soften his heart?

"Go back and tell your mother, paying debts is a matter of course, don't think about pulling any tricks behind my back, I'm not buying it."

Miaomiao immediately started crying sadly, looking pitiful.

Seeing her, Li Hanxian's eyes, cold as ice, melted in an instant. At that moment, he suddenly wanted to bend down and hug her, to agree to all her requests.

No sooner had the thought surfaced in his mind than he immediately suppressed it.

He must not fall for Rong Shengsheng's trap!

"Hanxian." At this moment, Rong Wanwan got out of a luxurious Porsche. She had made a special effort to dress herself up today, wearing an exquisite piece of jewelry around her neck, a black dress hugging her sensual figure, and amber-colored curls falling to her waist. She was also wearing the signature perfume of Feast Group.

She revealed a beautiful smile and came over, affectionately linking her arm with Li Hanxian's, "Let's go, I've already made a reservation at the restaurant."

Li Hanxian hesitated for a second before remembering that he had promised Rong Wanwan the previous day that they would have a meal together.

He frowned, becoming irritated.

Being with Rong Wanwan, every minute and second was agony.

"Handsome brother..." Miaomiao, not giving up, cooed softly again.

Rong Wanwan turned her head and frowned at the sight.

When she noticed Qinqin, her eyes widened in an instant.

This little boy looked so much like Li Hanxian!

Her heart suddenly tightened, holding her breath.

Which shameless woman had secretly given birth to Li Hanxian's child?

Rong Shengsheng finished cleaning the stairs, turned around, and couldn't see the children, so she rushed out in a panic. When she saw Qinqin and Miaomiao with Li Hanxian, she pounced over like a cat with its hackles raised.



She touched Miaomiao's little cheek with distress, "Did someone bully you?"

She looked up at Li Hanxian, protective as a mother hen, and said angrily, "Mr. Li, if you have any grievances, come at me, don't touch my children."

Li Hanxian's brow bore a murderous intent, "Stop pretending here, isn't it you who instructed your children to come and plead?"


"Enough, I don't want to waste words with you, if you don't return the money this month, I'll see you in court."

After Li Hanxian finished speaking, he plunged into the car.

Rong Wanwan was still staring coldly at Qinqin, as if her gaze was a sharp knife, wishing she could carve flesh from Qinqin.

Qinqin, scared, hid behind Rong Shengsheng.

Rong Shengsheng also noticed Rong Wanwan's gaze and instantly broke out in a cold sweat, taking a sharp breath.

Why was Rong Wanwan staring at her child like that?

Could it be that she had discovered her identity?

But how could one tell by looking at a child?

If that's the case, with Qinqin and Li Hanxian looking so alike, could someone just conclude that Qinqin is his child??

This is absolutely impossible!

There are many people in the world who look alike.

As soon as she got in the car, Rong Wanwan couldn't wait to ask, "Hanxian, is that child your illegitimate son? Have you been having children behind my back?"

Upon hearing this, Li Hanxian's gaze turned cold, "What are you always fantasizing about?? One minute you're suspecting me of having an affair with that woman, the next you're suspecting me of cheating with a company janitor, and now you suspect I have an illegitimate child. Will you ever stop?"

So far, he hadn't touched any other woman since that night five years ago.

Since Rong Wanwan wasn't pregnant, how could he possibly have a child??

It's just... Rong Shengsheng's son does bear a resemblance to him.

Who would have thought that Rong Shengsheng, with his plain appearance, could have such a beautiful child.

He actually wanted to know who the father of those two children was.

"Buzz buzz—"

The phone rang, interrupting his thoughts.

He took out his phone and saw it was a call from Yu Jinqing.

"Old Li, come over, it's the same old spot."

"I'm busy tonight; I'm not coming."

"Oh come on, Yanyan is here too!! She's eagerly waiting for you! If you don't show up, she'll be heartbroken."

Hearing this, Li Hanxian couldn't help but recall the taste of that woman again, captivating him, lingering in his mind for a long time.

His blood began to boil, and his fingers tapped lightly on his thigh. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded in agreement, "Then, I'll come over in a bit."

After hanging up the phone, he glanced at Rong Wanwan, "Jin Qing needs me for something tonight, so I can't join you for dinner. Go by yourself."

Rong Wanwan's eyes widened in shock, "What? You..."

"Zhou Kuan, stop the car."

The car came to a sudden halt.

Rong Wanwan stared blankly, "Hanxian, you... You're just going to leave me behind?"

Li Hanxian pulled out a card and handed it over, "Buy whatever you want; consider it compensation."

"I..." Rong Wanwan certainly didn't want any money!!

She had prepared everything for tonight, waiting for the moment to drug Li Hanxian's wine during dinner, so they would end up sleeping together...

And then, marriage would definitely be on the agenda.

But now...

She gritted her teeth in reluctance, wanting to scream and shout, but she feared angering Li Hanxian and had to let it be. She swallowed her anger and forced a smile, feigning gentleness and generosity, "Hanxian, you go ahead with your business. We can always reschedule, no rush."

Li Hanxian was pleased with Rong Wanwan's attitude and nodded, "We'll reschedule for another day then."

Having said that, he closed the car door without any hesitation.

He had no feelings for Rong Wanwan whatsoever.

Even though that night, five years ago, he had been smitten...

At the Charm Nightclub, in the VIP room.

The man pushed the door open, bringing a chill with him. His tall and slender figure exerted a powerful presence.

Gu Yanyan was nervously fidgeting with her fingers, her cheeks blushing, her heart racing.

"Mr. Li..."

She moved closer of her own accord, sitting next to Li Hanxian and pouring him a glass of red wine, "I've been looking forward to seeing you for so long, and finally, here you are."

Li Hanxian glanced sideways at her. Today's Gu Yanyan wasn't wearing a mask, her eyes sparkled like almonds, and her cheeks were peachy, all making her quite attractive.

Yu Jinqing showed a sly smile, "Yanyan, you need to perform well tonight. My brother has been avoiding women for years, he's not even interested in his fiancee, but he has taken a liking to you."