Chapter 10_1

Hearing these words, Gu Yanyan's cheeks flushed red like a ripe tomato.

She didn't understand why Li Hanxian suddenly became interested in her, but she was determined to grasp this immense wealth firmly, so she took the opportunity to fall into Li Hanxian's arms.

Li Hanxian paused for a moment, then expressionlessly downed the red wine in one gulp.

He didn't know why, but it felt as if something was missing.

Compared to the woman from last night, they were worlds apart.

Wait a second....

The perfume Gu Yanyan was wearing was Feast Group's signature scent, Heartbeat.

"Why aren't you wearing Good luck Perfume anymore?"

As soon as he mentioned Good luck Perfume, he reflexively thought of Rong Shengsheng.

Damn it, that woman had already left a deep impression on him.

Gu Yanyan looked up, confused, and asked, "What Good luck Perfume? I've never heard of it, is it a new product from Feast Group?"

In an instant, a shade of incredulity flickered across Li Hanxian's cold eyes.

Feast Group was a renowned luxury perfume brand, and as the company's CEO, he was especially sensitive to fragrances.

There was no way he could have mistaken it!!

With a large sweep of his hand, he grabbed Gu Yanyan's shoulders, turning her back to him, and forcibly tore off her clothes.

Gu Yanyan was both shocked and thrilled—was Li Hanxian in such a hurry??

She didn't resist, merely murmured timidly, "Mr. Li, you... don't be in such a rush, there are still people here."

Yu Jinqing, who was watching the scene unfold, snapped back to reality, realizing he was 'the people' in question, quickly said, "I'll leave now and won't disturb your good moment!!"

As he spoke, he did so reluctantly.

It was rare to see Li Hanxian losing control over a woman, and he wanted to witness this spectacular scene a little longer.

Gu Yanyan's back was bare; not to mention birthmarks, there wasn't even a mole.

Li Hanxian confirmed it, she was not the woman from last night!!

He decisively pushed Gu Yanyan away and said coldly, "Get out!"

Gu Yanyan, not understanding the reason, clutched her clothes, her eyes brimming with tears, and cried, "Mr. Li, why? Do you think my figure is not good?"

Li Hanxian, increasingly annoyed, raised his voice, "I told you to get out!"

Gu Yanyan was sensible enough not to anger Li Hanxian further and hastily left with her tail between her legs.

Outside the door, Yu Jinqing's ears were pressed against it, listening intently to the movements inside.

The door suddenly opened, and he walked away in a flustered manner, guiltily touching his nose.

Seeing Gu Yanyan exit in tears, he blanked out and hurried inside, "Boss Li, why did Yanyan run off? Were you too rough? Did you scare her?"

"I know that aside from that one time five years ago, you haven't touched a woman again, and after abstaining for so many years, you must be frustrated, but you should still learn to be gentle with women."

Li Hanxian took a deep breath, his striking eyes even more frosty amidst the swirling smoke, "She's not the woman who wore the mask last night."

"What? Not her? Did Manager Lu actually deceive us? I'm going to confront her right now!"

Soon, Lu Ya appeared, cowering, and upon realizing that she'd been exposed, she had no choice but to confess everything about the previous day.

Yu Jinqing slammed his hand on the table angrily, "Do you think we're all fools?"

"Young Master Yu, please spare me! I was just afraid you would blame me, so..."

Lu Ya knelt down crying, "I won't dare do it again."

Li Hanxian extinguished the cigarette butt in his hand, uttering each word distinctly, "Bring the woman from last night here!"


"What are you waiting for?" Yu Jinqing demanded impatiently, "Hurry up and call someone!"

"Yes, yes, yes....."

Fearing further hesitation, Lu Ya hastily left, her steps quick and frantic. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed Rong Shengsheng in a panic, "Where are you now? Hurry to the nightclub, Mr. Li is waiting for you!"

"Mr. Li? What's he waiting for me for?"

"He likes your dance!!"

On the other end of the phone, Rong Shengsheng fell silent, never expecting that Li Hanxian would appreciate her dancing.

She didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

However, it was already late, and she didn't want to go dance for Li Hanxian.

"Manager, I'm really sorry, I've just gotten home from work, I won't be coming to the nightclub tonight."

"You must come!! I'll give you a hundred thousand!"

"A hundred thousand..." Rong Shengsheng gasped, then firmly said, "I'm on my way!!"

A few minutes later, Rong Shengsheng, wearing a mask, hurried into the private room. She bent over and respectfully said, "Mr. Yu, Mr. Li, sorry to have kept you waiting, I will now perform a dance for you."

Considering the hundred thousand yuan, she suddenly found Li Hanxian much more pleasing to the eye. If it weren't for him, she wouldn't have made a hundred thousand tonight.

Li Hanxian tilted his head slightly, his finger curling in a beckoning motion, "Come here."

Rong Shengsheng obediently walked over, but before she could steady herself, the man's long arm reached out and pulled her over.

Li Hanxian smelled a familiar scent and his furrowed brows softened. He reached out, intending to remove the mask.

Rong Shengsheng was terrified and quickly dodged, "Mr. Li, what are you doing?"

"Let me see what you look like."

Yu Jinqing also added from the side, "I'm curious as well."

Rong Shengsheng was in a panic. If Li Hanxian found out it was her, she would be doomed!!

After all, Li Hanxian already disliked her, and if he discovered that she had kissed him yesterday and he had been slapped, he would probably strangle her on the spot!!

The thought alone was frightening.

However, the more she evaded, the more irritated Li Hanxian became, until he just forcefully restrained her hands and pinned her entire body down on the couch.

Now, she was like a fish on the chopping board, completely at his mercy, without any ability to resist.

Just as Li Hanxian was about to take her mask, in a moment of desperation, she leaned in to kiss him, awkwardly prying open his lips with her lips.

Li Hanxian was taken aback, gradually losing himself in the kiss, slowly letting go of his grip.

Seizing the opportunity, Rong Shengsheng raised her foot and kicked out, pushing Li Hanxian away and turning to flee the room.

Li Hanxian's abdomen ached, veins popping on his forehead as he struggled to suppress his fury. With one kick, he sent the table flying, his eyes filled with rage, cold and ominous.

This woman, she slapped him yesterday, and today she nearly took his life!!

Yu Jinqing was startled, gaping in disbelief. This woman had quite the nerve...

Wasn't she afraid of dying??

He hurriedly tried to pacify Li Hanxian, "Old Li, this woman is just playing hard to get. Don't be angry. After all, Beijing is our turf. She can't escape us. We can find her even if she's hiding in a hole three feet deep."

Li Hanxian took a swig of strong liquor to suppress his anger, "Zhou Kuan, go check, what's this woman's name!!"


Rong Shengsheng was not an employee of the Charm Nightclub, having only come yesterday, so nobody recognized her, and thus no information was available.

The only thing left behind was a phone number.

And the owner of this phone number was called Rong Shengsheng.