Chapter 124 The Sky is Falling (Parts One and Two Combined)_1

A government official cursed, "Still ride in a cart? Acting like he's a noble! A peasant who's committed a crime, bring him into Yamen and beat him with a plank, and see if he still acts so arrogant."

As soon as his words fell, the cries of Lady Wu and Qian Manxia grew even louder.

The leading government official saw that Qian Sangui truly wasn't feigning his sickness, and he also feared that the man might die on the way. After feeling the silver in his hand and considering what they said about Shopkeeper Cui and Huang Tie, he said to the cursing official, "Whether he has committed a crime is not for us to say; the Master County Magistrate will be the judge of that. But if he dies on the road, it will be difficult for us brothers to explain ourselves." He then waved to Qian Hua and said, "Hurry there and back, we are pressed for time."

Qian Hua hurriedly sent Qian Xiaofeng to Xie Huzi's house to borrow a donkey cart.