Chapter 124 The Sky is Falling (Parts One and Two Combined)_2

Wong Ping could only follow them to the county town after hearing this.

As they passed the entrance to Darong Village, Boss Xu and Xu Fuzi were standing in front of the butcher shop, happily watching the bustle.

Suddenly, a government official clutched his stomach and said, "Oh no, I need to relieve myself. You go ahead, I'll catch up after a while."

After finishing his words, he led his horse into a small grove not far from the butcher shop. Once those people were out of sight, he came out of the grove to the front of the butcher shop, whispered a few words to Boss Xu, took the silver that was passed over, and rode off on his horse.

Boss Xu returned to his courtyard with a smile. A tall horse was still tethered in his yard, and his distant nephew Xu Ershi was sitting in the main hall; Yama Raja Xu was drinking and eating meat with him.