Chapter 129 He's Not a Good Man_2

"We're not short on money now, and I don't want to earn this hard-earned money anymore."

Old woman Qian had Li Zhanchun help write another letter to Old man Qian, asking Shopkeeper Cui to deliver it to the provincial city, urging them to come home soon. Helping out with making sausage could possibly earn more than what they made from running a stall in the city.

The old lady no longer wanted to stay at her daughter's home; she was eager to return and gather relatives to make sausage.

Qian Xiang was reluctant to let the old lady go and said, "It's fine if Xiu'er goes back to teach them how to do it. Mom rarely comes by; stay a few more days."

The old lady shook her head, "Those two daughters-in-law at home are not peace of mind. If I don't go back and keep an eye on them, what if they tell their natal families or their sons-in-law's families to do it on their own?"