Chapter 129 He Is Not a Good Person_3

Qian Yixiu made up an excuse, saying that Uncle Hua was particularly skilled at planting deep-water lotus roots and harvesting them, which made Qian Hua, standing beside her, produce a dry laugh without the heart to expose her lie. In the end, Qian Sangui could not resist his granddaughter's coquettish act and was forced to agree. The task was left for Qian Hua to handle.

They also agreed that, in order not to draw too much attention to their own family, it would be said that the Zhang family had also invested money in this lake excavation and lotus planting.

The next day, Qian Hua gathered workers to dig the pond. It was the slack farming season and just before the New Year, many people were eager to earn some extra money for a more abundant celebration. There were many applicants, including labor from Green Willow Village and Darong Village.

Qian Hua enlisted twenty-five strong and healthy young men.