Chapter 650: No Longer Alive (5)_1

Dao Xuzi bristled at the challenge, "Are you questioning my medical skills?" His eyes bulged like bells, "I'll have you know, you can insult me, but you should never doubt my medical skills..." He looked towards the crowd, "Don't you have a doctor? Li Yi, come and take her pulse..."

Li Yi wasn't there, but Li Jiaya was, and she quickly shouted, "I'll go get my dad right away..." and then she turned and ran.

"Don't..." Wang Baozhu's face was in terrible discomfort, and after the old man announced her pregnancy, she even felt a pain in her abdomen. However, she couldn't admit it, nor could she let Li Yi come back to confirm the diagnosis, so, ignoring the pain in her foot, she got up and ran out, "You are all mocking me, I might as well not live..."

Nobody expected the girl to run, and by the time they realized, she was heading towards the river. They were stunned for a second, which was all she needed to get a good distance away.