Chapter 651: Fought (6)_1

Unable to marry Yang Dani, Wang Wen thought about becoming related to her instead, reasoning that with time, opportunities might arise, and then he could have both her and her sister by his side.

If Yang Ruxin knew of Wang Wen's thoughts, she would definitely feel as if her world was thunderstruck, thinking these people's way of thinking did not belong to human beings but were probably from Mars.

Originally, Erni had just come to check on the situation, but suddenly she felt as if someone was watching her. The look made her very uncomfortable, she hastily looked over and directly met Wang Wen's gaze. Her heart trembled, and she quickly averted her eyes, her face coloring slightly—not from shyness but from annoyance, because Wang Wen's gaze made her feel extremely uncomfortable, as if he wanted to devour her.

However, Wang Wen misunderstood, thinking she was simply shy, which pleased him. He thought about finding a chance to encounter her alone, perhaps then...