Chapter 001: Take a Look_1

End of August.

Some remnants of heatwaves were still rolling in Nanwan City at night, slightly agitating. Many people were taking a stroll in the street-side parks to catch a cool breeze.

Nine o'clock in the evening, GA Bar.

The bar had just opened for business and the night was just starting to warm up.

The music was absolutely blaring.

In a booth some way to the left, clusters of boys and girls were gathering. At the edge, a girl casually leaned on a soft pillow, her long legs crossed and rested at the corner of the table, effortlessly languid.

The ends of her hair, no longer than her chin, were loosely tied into a cool low ponytail, her slightly short bangs out of control, slid to obscure her already small face.

Her simple black T-shirt barely covered her waist, faintly revealing her pale, slender waist, which was tantalizing.

"Hey boss, did you receive your admission letter?"

A skinhead guy, not yet twenty, elbowed her arm, looking at her suspiciously.

In the dim light, she slightly raised her head, her oval face, almond-shaped eyes half-closed, the corners of her eyes carrying an involuntary hint of rogue-ish charm, as if they could spirit you away.

Jiang Ruan said nothing, took out a transparently packaged fruit candy from her pocket, tore off the wrapper, tossed it into her mouth. The pure fruit flavor spread in her taste buds, only then did she slightly curl her lips.

Lu Yizhou, seeing her careless appearance, heaved a deep sigh: "Boss, exactly how much did you score? School is about to start, you're not letting anything slip, did you really not get in?"

Jiang Ruan responded with a smile, her being full of laziness, unconventionality seeping from her bones.

"Forget it, if you flunk out on getting into college, I'll support you later, my nouveau riche family has plenty of money."

Lu Yizhou, seeing Jiang Ruan silent, thinking he had touched a sore spot with her, casually made a pledge.

He had known Jiang Ruan for two years. Back then he had just arrived in Nanwan City, rebellious and uncontrollable, angering a local infamous thug, almost getting beaten to death. Jiang Ruan was just sitting there watching, a huge lollipop in her skinny arms.

Licking it and swinging her legs, while watching.

Her gaze was so calm, he almost thought she was blind and didn't see his pathetic near-death state.

Somehow, he yelled out.

"Save me!"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Ruan responded to him.

"Transfer or cash?"

Facing the young girl's nonchalant expression that hid her blatant extortion.

At that moment he couldn't help but curse, "You're fucking insane!"

"Oh." She nodded, turned around to leave.

He freaked out, fearful for his life at the hands of these hoodlums, so he gave in.

"Transfer, transfer!"

Jiang Ruan turned back to him, and gave a slight smile. He would never forget that look in his entire life.

Then... he saw how Jiang Ruan swiftly, accurately, and ruthlessly knocked down those big guys within a minute. The back alley filled with screams.

She was incredibly agile and ruthless to the extreme, which shattered his perception and worldview. Since then, he became her number one diehard fan.

Although... he lost a lot of money because of Jiang Ruan.

Unfortunately, Jiang Ruan, while incredibly capable physically, was not academically so, failing all her exams. She even had to repeat high school, yet still couldn't catch up.

However, it didn't matter to him, he was capable of supporting a woman, after all...

"Wor-worse comes to worst, I'll marry you! My mom will definitely agree!"

Lu Yizhou clenched his fists, making a solemn promise.

Jiang Ruan glanced at him, her voice a touch sexy and hoarse, "Has your body hair grown yet?"

Lu Yizhou: "Should I strip and show you?"

Jiang Ruan was unmoving, one hand propped up by her chin as she watched him, the candy in her mouth moved from her left cheek to her right. Her gaze remained calm as she waited for him to strip.