Chapter 002 My Girlfriend is Very Beautiful_1

Lu Yizhou stopped unbuckling his belt and cursed under his breath.

"Damn it!"

He had been planning to tease her a little, yet the look in her eyes made it seem as though he was a relaxed customer watching a free striptease at a brothel.


Jiang Ruan sat up a bit, placing her slender index finger on her lips, signaling Lu Yizhou to be quiet.

"What's up?"

Lu Yizhou leaned in, following Jiang Ruan's gaze. He saw a man and a woman sitting together in a booth nearby, talking and laughing in good spirits.

The close interaction signified a close companionship between them.

A young girl was nestled in the arms of a young man, who, despite his youth, seemed very experienced. He had his arm around her waist, attempting to feed her alcohol without any good intentions, to which looked a little uneasy.

However, she still accepted it.

"Isn't that your sister? That kid, seems like he's from a real estate family. A famous rich second generation, named… what was it… Oh right, Chen Wang. How did they end up together?" Lu Yizhou bluntly asked, a frown on his face.

Jiang Ruan just glanced over indifferently and turned her attention away.

She had no intention to interfere.

"That guy's not a good guy. You sure you don't want to intervene? Your sister doesn't seem to be enjoying it. Shouldn't you play the hero here?" Lu Yizhou asked.

"I'm feeling weak, can't handle any drama."

Jiang Ruan took a sip of her juice, her face not showing any sign of concern.

Lu Yizhou didn't bother listening to her excuses, "Alright then, I'll go and stir things up."

Jiang Ruan: "..."

Damn moron.

She glanced at the time and didn't bother with Jiang Yuxin any longer; they've never got along well anyway.

She lazily stood up and waved her hand.

"Drink up, I'm heading home."

"Huh? It's only nine!" Lu Yizhou was confused.

Jiang Ruan did not look back, her voice husky and sensual, "I need to pack. I'm leaving for school in Beijing in a few days."

"Oh... Wait?" Lu Yizhou swiftly lifted his head, staring at her fading silhouette, "You actually got accepted?"

In Beijing?

This blockhead managed to get into a university in Beijing?

Well, if Jiang Ruan is leaving this shithole, what's the point of him staying?

Without delaying, he pulled out his cell phone and made a call.

The call got connected, and an icy-cold voice picked up the line, "Spit it out."

Lu Yizhou scratched his head, "Big bro, I'm thinking about going back to school."

The man on the other line sneered, "Weren't you the one who swore you would leave home and never come back? You said if you came back, you'd be a loser."

Lu Yizhou grunted, "I'm the loser! I'm the loser! Is that good enough? If I don't go back, my girl could get taken by someone else. Don't bother, just help me contact the school."

There are a lot of jerks in Beijing. Jiang Ruan is naïve, and her beauty might attract some rich douchebag.

"Dating someone? Which blind person?" The guy on the other end was pretty acerbic.

Ignoring his brother's comment, Lu Yizhou snorted, "She's a real beauty. I'll bring her back so you can see. By the way big bro, you don't even have a girlfriend, do you? If I get married before you do, it would be quite embarrassing for you."

"...Just stay put. Who said you could come home?"


Beep, beep, beep...

Lu Yizhou stared at his phone screen, finally spitting out a word.

"Damn it!"

The old virgin must be jealous of him!


Upon leaving the bar, Jiang Ruan stretched lazily by the roadside.

She was about to leave this small town and didn't feel anything in particular. The thought of leaving her parents behind was the only thing making her slightly uneasy.

However, she had to leave. Only by going to Beijing... could she find him. She had spent enough time away – eleven long years.