Chapter 006: This Man... Or... This Woman?_1

The police officer looked up at Jiang Ruan, this… young man... or young woman?

They look good, too refined, yet their demeanour is both feral and bohemian, which renders their gender ambiguous.

"Student, stop causing trouble." Considering her age, the cop couldn't help but sternly admonish her.

Jiang Ruan smiled, pulling out her cell phone and handing it over.

"Have a look first."

Although her aura was slovenly and rogue, it was irresistible, and the officer found himself complying with her suggestion against his own will.

The officer lowered his head to look at Jiang Ruan's phone.

Upon seeing the contents, his face changed, and he glanced at Mrs. Chen.

Then, he held Jiang Ruan's mobile phone and flipped through the pictures.

The images were all records of Chen Wang's purchases. He was familiar with the contact number displayed, as the drug dealer had been apprehended not long ago.

The two had been in frequent contact over the past couple of months. Screenshots of their WeChat conversation, including their careful negotiation over amounts and delivery timings, were clear.

Importantly, these records posed some problems. That young chap, despite his tender age, was deeply involved with these lawbreakers.

This information couldn't be faked - a mere investigation would clarify everything.

"Trace Chen Wang's whereabouts over the past two months, as well as his WeChat records and call content," ordered the cop, standing up and instructing his colleagues.

His expression was serious.

Mrs. Chen, seeing the development, was abruptly flustered.

"Officer, don't listen to this juvenile delinquents' nonsense! The woman in there is the real culprit. Arrest her!"

"Mrs. Chen, we will find out the truth. Please stay calm."

"Humph! How do you guys handle matters? You can't resolve a small issue like this? It has nothing to do with my son!"

No one in the police station responded to her anymore.

Jiang Ruan leaned against the desk, hands in her pockets, chewing on a piece of candy as she watched with interest.

Jiang Yuchui and Yuan Xiuqin came over, looking somewhat uncertain, "Ruanruan, what...what's going on?"

She lowered her head to look at the old couple, her voice low, "It's alright. Yuxin will be released in less than half an hour."

The senior couple were left puzzled.

Not long after, the working officer returned.

"Chen Wang's drug test is positive, with firm evidence. Moreover, the amount of drugs purchased was huge, implying gang involvement, which is a more serious crime, Mrs. Chen. This is the investigation result, take a look."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Chen turned pale, her hand trembling as she took the report, looking at the contents.

She nearly fainted.

Jiang Ruan remained composed.

Originally, the police could have found that Chen Wang was positive. That result alone would warrant only detention for a while. But the exposure of his behind-the-scenes activities was enough to cause him serious trouble.

So, she had indeed given Mrs. Chen an opportunity.

If they didn't apologize, well, excuses were not accepted.

Jiang Yuchui and Yuan Xiuqin were both stunned, not understanding the situation.

"Ruanruan, how did you get that kind of record?" Jiang Yuchui asked worriedly.

Jiang Ruan squinted, her tone indifferent, "A friend helped me check."

Actually, checking these kinds of things was a piece of cake for her.

"Oh... I see, but won't your sister be implicated? After all, in her bag..."

The senior couple were still a little worried.

"She will be out soon." Jiang Ruan patted the shoulders of the senior couple.

Just as she was speaking, a police officer received a phone call. Upon recognising who was at the other end of the line, the policeman became much more respectful.

He kept nodding, though what he was saying couldn't be heard clearly.

All he did occasionally was glance up at Jiang Ruan.

Soon enough, the policeman walked over, his gaze at Jiang Ruan now filled with curiosity and surprise.

She was as calm as ever, emitting an aura of roguishness.

How could someone like her know a big shot from Beijing? The policeman was puzzled.

"Jiang Yuxin is innocent. Just sign here and she can leave."

The senior couple hadn't expected things to go so smoothly and were thrilled. They eagerly followed the officer to complete the procedures.