Chapter 005 I am your Uncle_1

They arrived at the police station.

It was already late, but the station was still well lit.

As soon as they walked in, the atmosphere was rowdy and loud.

A wealthy woman, dressed in an extravagant outfit, was standing there, hands on hips, mocking a middle-aged couple dressed modestly in a corner. They looked to be in their fifties, possibly husband and wife.

"With your impoverished looks, it's no wonder you can't raise a child with good morals. The poorer people are, the more cunning they are. Such a young age and already using flirtation tricks. And now you want to frame my son! Have you no shame?"

The wealthy woman was overbearing, with words as sharp as daggers.

The couple's expressions were one of panic. Being sincere and kind-hearted, they were rendered speechless.

"My Yuxin won't…"

"There must be a mistake, officer, please investigate thoroughly. My child would never get involved in such things…"

"So, you're saying it's my son's fault? My child has received a high-class education! You lowly bugs, how dare you retaliate against us?"

The wealthy woman's voice rose.

Her words were extremely offensive.

The couple was timid and kind, and even when bullied to this extent, they could only grit their teeth and swallow their anger.


Suddenly, a cool female voice echoed through the station from a distance.

Upon hearing this voice, the couple quickly looked in its direction, their expressions shifting to one of embarrassment.

The rich woman turned her head to look as well.

A figure slowly entered the station through the entrance.

She towered around 1.7 meters tall, wore boots, black clothes, her hair loose, and had a spirit of laziness and defiance.

She had an oval-shaped face, peach blossom eyes, with a chilling curve to her lips.

She looked like a handsome boy, beautiful and with a unique temperament.

In the eyes of the rich woman, she was nothing but a common thug.

Not a decent human being.

"Who are you?" the wealthy woman asked, furrowing her brows.

Jiang Ruan walked over with her hands in her pockets, a piece of candy bouncing around in her mouth.

"Your -" She spoke with a light voice.

The wealthy woman's face darkened, "Where did this hooligan come from? Didn't your parents teach you what manners are? Why are you cursing?"

Jiang Ruan walked over to her parents, ignoring the wealthy woman's rants, "Mom, Dad, don't worry, it will be fine."

Jiang Yuchui was so anxious that he was breaking out in a cold sweat. He grabbed Jiang Ruan's hand and started pulling her towards the exit. "Ruanruan, why are you here? You should go back! We can handle this situation, children shouldn't get involved."

He didn't want Jiang Ruan mixed up in this mess. The Chen family was not to be trifled with. Jiang Ruan had a temper, if she offended Mrs. Chen, would the Chen family not retaliate rashly?

Yuan Xiuqin nodded, tears still hanging in her eyes, "Ruanruan, you should go back first, there's dinner kept warm for you in the kitchen at home, as for this... we'll figure it out…"

After all, Jiang Ruan was still a teenager, what could she do?

Jiang Ruan squeezed Yuan Xiuqin's hand, "Leave this to me, you both take a moment to rest."

Jiang Yuchui looked at her, stunned, "Ruanruan, don't do anything rash."

His daughter was generally good, only her temper, was a little wild, who knows what she might do.

Jiang Ruan shook her head, "I know what I'm doing."

The couple was now speechless with surprise.

Jiang Ruan turned to look at the wealthy woman, Mrs. Chen, Chen Wang's mother.

She brushed her bangs to the side, speaking lazily, "I'm giving you a chance to apologize."

Mrs. Chen looked at her and scoffed, "Are you even worthy? You poor thing."

Jiang Ruan chuckled, standing up straight, "Alright then."

With that, she walked up to the policeman's desk.

She rapped on the table, "I have a few photographs, would you like to see them, officer?"