Chapter 008: Robbery?_1

Beijing in September still retained some heat waves, as the remnants of summer had not yet dissipated.

The taxi stopped by the roadside.

Jiang Ruan got out of the vehicle and looked up at the magnificent building in front of her.

West City University.

The campus was huge, with comprehensive facilities; truly a school for the privileged.

The students here were either rich, noble, or top scholars from each province.

In short, it was a gathering place for big shots.

Jiang Ruan checked the time. It was five in the afternoon.

At this moment, hardly anyone was around.

Just as she was about to enter while dragging her suitcase.

Suddenly, a commanding voice entered her ears.

"Hey! Guy up front, stop!"

Jiang Ruan raised her eyebrows and slowly turned around.

Behind her… a boy jumped down from the wall.

He was tall, fresh-faced and handsome, wearing all designer outfits. However, his facial features carried an intimidating aura, suggesting he was not someone to be trifled with.

"Talking to you!" He shouted at her, his tone quite brusque.

Jiang Ruan remained silent and motionless, not responding.

"Are you dumb?"

Shi Tingbai squinted his eyes and walked over. Upon closer examination of her facial features, he found her to be exceptionally beautiful. Her lethargic expression carried a boyish, unrestrained charm. He instinctively glanced at Jiang Ruan's chest.

There were some curves underneath the black T-shirt…

It was a woman.

She was beautiful but had an androgynous aura.

"What do you want?"

Jiang Ruan asked.

Shi Tingbai thought, She's attractive, and her voice is kind of pleasant…

Damn it, back to business!

He lifted his chin and spread his palm towards Jiang Ruan: "Wallet."

Jiang Ruan squinted her eyes and licked her lip: "Robbery?"

Shi Tingbai showed impatience: "Not robbing your damn mother, just lend me two thousand yuan, I'll pay you back tomorrow."

Jiang Ruan's mouth curled up slightly.

"Has robbery become so refined now?"

"Stop the damn talk, hurry up!"

Shi Tingbai got anxious. His card had been frozen by the old man and he was rushing to fix it. This woman was the only option he had, so he resorted to this measure.

Seeing that Jiang Ruan was still ignoring him, he lost his patience. He reached out to grab her clothes and search her pockets, but his hand unintentionally landed on Jiang Ruan's waist.

Shi Tingbai paused.

What a slim waist…

But before he had time to process it, a fist swung at him, striking his eye socket forcefully. He fell backward in an embarrassing stumble.

He roared out in shock and anger.

"Are you fucking mad?!"

Jiang Ruan's mouth curved into a wicked arc. She exercised her neck while twisting her wrist and walked towards him.

Under Shi Tingbai's stunned gaze, she delivered a kick to his abdomen, and then with a sweeping leg, she knocked him down and pinned him to the ground.

It happened so quickly that he couldn't quite catch it.

The girl's voice was thin and cool.

"Hands itchy?"

"Want money?"

"Need medical expenses?"

"Fuck! Do you even know who I am?!" Shi Tingbai sucked in a cold breath, clutching his bleeding nose.

Is this even a woman?

He had been training in Sanda for eight years, but he was powerless to retaliate. Was this woman some kind of freak?!

His handsome face was now bruised and swollen, and it felt like he had a serious rib injury.

Could it be… broken?

Jiang Ruan looked down at him, casually popped a candy into her mouth, and was about to walk away.

She still had things to do, no time to play with him.

"Hey! You little… Crazy woman! Come back!"

"Shit! I broke my rib and can't move, take me to the hospital! Or at least call 120 (emergency services)!"

"You're really leaving?"

"I am Shi Family's young master! You dare to... What are you doing?"

Shi Tingbai was grimacing in pain when suddenly, the figure ahead turned sharply and returned back to him.

"Who are you?"

Jiang Ruan looked at him, her voice carrying a gender-ambiguous huskiness that was incredibly attractive.

Shi Tingbai paused for a moment: "Shi Tingbai."

Is there anyone who doesn't know him? How uncultured!