Chapter 009 Doctor Fu Arrived_1

The Shi Family...

For generations, they've been in politics, holding major power with high-ranking positions... the people of the Shi Family...

Jiang Ruan raised an eyebrow, glanced at him for a while, then promptly pulled Shi Tingbai up from the ground.

"What are you doing?"

Shi Tingbai grinned, his expression defensive.

Jiang Ruan chuckled: "Taking you to the hospital."

Shi Tingbai: "..."

This woman's sudden attentiveness...

"Scared?" As he endured the pain, he side-glanced at her, before snorting.


She never lost her smile.

But she didn't seem scared at all.

Shi Tingbai frowned, "You…"

"Shush." Jiang Ruan looked up at him. At this close range, he could clearly see the color of her pupils - deep, pitch-black with a hint of unruliness. Her flirtatious peach blossom eyes were teasingly captivating.

She was nothing short of a demon.

"Good boy, no talking." she said.

Or else, she wouldn't be able to resist knocking him out due to the annoyance.

Shi Tingbai: "..."

Upon meeting her gaze, he suspiciously blushed. Good boy? What does she think he is, her pet dog?

But this woman… was really beautiful. Her every action contained a natural charm that drew him in. Now he understood what it means to be irresistible to both men and women.


South China Hospital.

The ambulance siren at the entrance was urgent.

A group of medical staff rushed out and carefully lifted a little boy off the ambulance. The boy's face was pale, lips colorless.

His pulse and heart rate were so weak they were almost stagnant.

"Where is Doctor Fu? Doctor Fu?!"

"Quick! Is the operating room ready?"

"Internal bleeding. We can't delay any longer!"

There was a commotion.

Amid the curious onlookers, the whole scene was chaotic.

The newly appointed intern nurse was sweating profusely, looking somewhat at a loss.

"Dr. Fu is coming soon. Take the patient to the operating room first!"

Someone shouted, and just like that, the panicking intern nurse calmed down.

The operating room, which had been prepared beforehand, had its lights turned on, shedding their light on the operating table.

The boy's heart rate was near stagnation, his lips turning purple.

"Where is Doctor Fu? Fu…"

"Bring me the defibrillator."

Suddenly, a cool, aloof voice passed through the entrance. It was too pleasing to the ear, instantly calming the panicked medical staff.

A tall and straight figure walked in quickly from outside, dressed in a blue sterile surgical gown, completely covered up so that only a pair of eyes could be seen, and even they were obscured by the lenses.

He quickly walked up to the operating table, grabbed the defibrillator, and started the defibrillation immediately.

"Blood oxygen saturation?"


"Vital signs?"

"201, 109, 117 times."

The man nodded slightly, eyes lowered.

"Inject 5cc."

The man's tone was very cold. Even in such a tense and dangerous moment, there was no hint of confusion.

Hearing these words, the assisting physician stepped forward and injected the prepared medicine into the boy's fragile veins.

The man looked up at the cardiac monitor without halting his actions.

"Inject another 10cc."

"But the intensity is too high, it can't... the child can't endure…" The physician hesitated.

"Inject." The man's tone was cold, as if he was submerged in a frozen winter lake, exuding an irresistible authority.

The physician could only swallow his objections and proceed.

About two minutes later, the harsh alarm suddenly subsided.


The heart rate gradually recovered, so did the blood pressure.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief, their backs soaked in cold sweat.

"Prepare for surgery."

The man glanced at the indicators and made a decisive comment.

None of the others dared to hesitate.

Only the erratic sound of the heart monitor remained in the quiet space.

Occasionally, the crisp sound of medical instruments clashing echoed.

He stood under the light, the illuminated area of his skin above the mask was extraordinarily pale.