Chapter 032: She is the one I decided to marry from the first sight_1

Jiang Ruan lowered her head to look at Fu Chi's actions, and finally said, "I won't bother you if you have company."

After all, Luo Tingfeng was inside. She might not get her phone even if she went in.

Having said that, she took a handkerchief from her pocket and handed it to him.

"Your handkerchief, I've washed it." She looked at him, her gaze briefly sweeping over his Adam's apple, and then she smiled with her lips slightly parted.

Fu Chi glanced at it.

Without a word, he took it directly from her hand.

"Goodbye then." said Jiang Ruan.

As Luo Tingfeng was inside, it wasn't hard to guess why her phone would be there.

She probably accidentally dropped it at the bar.

Going in now to get the phone would be like walking into a trap, wouldn't it?

But, the fact that Fu Chi and Luo Tingfeng knew each other, that was a bit surprising to her.

As for the issue of her phone...she would find another way.