Chapter 033: Never Been Hit with a Brick Before_1

Because they had known each other for many years, Luo Tingfeng understood how serious Fu Chi was now.

To have Fu Chi say such things...

He knew, without a doubt, this was no joke.

"What about that phone?"

Instead of continuing the topic, Fu Chi asked.

Snapping back to reality, Luo Tingfeng took out a black phone from his pocket and tossed it to Fu Chi.

"See if you can unlock it."

Fu Chi took it over and glanced at it. It was just an ordinary phone, yet it was somewhat different.

After considering for a moment, he answered, "This phone is specially modified, it won't be easy to unlock in the short term."

A cold laugh slipped out of Luo Tingfeng's throat, "I tried checking the bar too, but I couldn't access the surveillance footage. The owner wasn't able to tell who it was."

Silent Bar, a high-end bar where the rich gather, is not simple.

"With the current situation, does it still matter who is behind it all, isn't that what you wanted?"