Chapter 034 Sneaking into Doctor Fu's house..._1

Fu Family?

Jiang Ruan pondered on the couch. She only paid attention to Luo Tingfeng, not caring who his fiancee was.

[Was I noticed on my mission?]

[K: No problem, they won't trace it back to you.]

Jiang Ruan squinted her eyes and thought for a while before replying.


Then she closed her laptop.

Because she just thought of something...


Late at night.

It was quiet everywhere.

The moonlight was chillingly desolate.

Jiang Ruan, a piece of candy in her mouth, walked to the window.

Then she leaned out halfway and looked up.

She noticed that the window was left open.

With the corner of her lips curled, she smirked. Dr. Fu indeed had no sense of safety at all.

She calculated the height, then directly flipped out, gripping the window sill. With a forceful push up, she jumped and caught hold of the window sill above.

Then, she propped up her body, pushed open the window, and jumped in agilely.

The room was pitch-black, the landing soundless.