Chapter 051 Doctor Fu Really is a Good Man_1

In a dimly lit room, a woman sits on the tatami mat with her eyes lightly closed.

A nail artist is giving her a pedicure.

Off to the side, a young man stands.

He holds a few pieces of paper in his hand.

He says, "Her name is Jiang Ruan, twenty years old this year. Born in Nanwan, comes from an ordinary family. She's currently studying at West City University."

The woman opens her eyes. "Is there more?"

The man nearby reports, "There's more. She has little contact with the Third Master. They didn't know each other before and only became neighbors after she recently moved in."

"Are there other people around him?" Yuhua cast a quick glance at the person doing her nails, her voice indolent.

"No others have been detected so far."

Yuhua does not respond, seeming deep in thought.

The man next to her cautiously asks: "So, should we continue our investigation into this female student?"

At this, Yuhua laughed coldly: "No need to, she's merely a non-entity."