Chapter 052 Do you have any thoughts about me?_1

Hearing those words, it seemed like she was interested in someone.

Jiang Ruan lazily raised an eyebrow.

Wisely, she didn't pursue the topic further.

Because she didn't want to hear it.

She then turned and resumed cooking noodles.

Unbeknownst to her, the very moment she turned her back, the man lifted his gaze to watch her, a flash of humor crossed his phoenix eyes before swiftly disappearing.

Jiang Ruan simply cooked two bowls of noodles. After all, she's good at preparing noodles—it was simple and convenient. Anything else was too much effort.

Now that Fu Chi was also there, she made a small side dish so as not to be too monotonous.

"Dr. Fu, taste it. Is it to your liking?" she asked as she began to stuff her mouth with noodles.

After all, she was genuinely hungry.

Fu Chi gazed at her face, his eyes twinkling ever so slightly.

Then he said, "Fu Chi."


"Call me Fu Chi." He looked at her and repeated each word slowly.