Chapter 070 Stupid Jerk in the Way _1

Fu Chi came over and handed her two tissues.

"Are you still feeling unwell?"

He was a bit worried; her high fever had been on and off these past two days and her condition was not optimistic.

If this were an ordinary person...

Jiang Ruan's voice was unintelligible as she mumbled through a mouthful of porridge, "I'm fine now, I recover pretty quickly."

The only reason this happened was because she accidentally drank some alcohol.

It's strange though, this time it didn't cause too much damage. The last time she had a brush with alcohol, she almost lost half her life.

Aside from these unique circumstances, any sort of harm usually wouldn't affect her significantly.

"Indeed, a normal person with continuous high fever like yours would cause a series of complications," Fu Chi said thoughtfully.

Jiang Ruan finished the last bit of her porridge.

She looked up at him.

His face, no matter how she looked at it, was always attractive and incredibly refined.