Chapter 071: Her Disdained Sister_1

"Ruanruan, how are you adapting to school? Are your classmates easy to get along with? After all, it's a school for the children of the wealthy, so there might be some arrogance. If there's friction, try not to lose your temper, okay?"

Over there, Yuan Xiuqin was giving her heartfelt and concerned advice.

Her daughter was fine in all aspects, but she had a bit of a hot temper; she was worried that she might get bullied in a place full of rich kids.

Jiang Ruan took her gaze from the car and casually said, "No problem, they're pretty cooperative, no conflicts."

This relieved Yuan Xiuqin, who continued, "The thirty thousand you left for your parents... we can't use that much on a regular basis. Don't go working outside, it will distract you from your studies. I'll remit it to you for your daily expenses."

Moreover, she and her husband could do some small jobs to cover the household expenses; they didn't want to put too much pressure on Jiang Ruan.

After all, she was just a child.