Chapter 072 The Feeling of a Scalpel Piercing the Forehead..._1

Yuan Xiuqin seemed to be also upset, "It was your father and I who pampered her too much. With such a character, she will suffer sooner or later once she steps out into the world."

Jiang Ruan didn't disagree nor agree.

"By the way, I almost forgot to tell you, your cousin is also in Beijing. He graduated more than two years ago and now works in a large company. He is doing well now. Whenever you have time, get in touch with your cousin more often, better to have someone around for you than be alone. Do you understand?"

Jiang Ruan thought for a moment.

It was her aunt's son, a rather honest and upright big brother in her memories who was quite kind to them when they were young.

She agreed: "Okay, I understand."

They exchanged a few more pleasantries before ending the call.

Jiang Ruan walked up to the car at the intersection, her hands tucked in her pockets.

Squinting, she observed.