Chapter 152 Encounter with Old Lover_1

"Apparently, someone reported it and took a video as evidence. It's going to be tough to deal with, but since it didn't happen within our campus, it isn't much of a problem."

Let the other side's family deal with the rest.

"The video? Let me see."

The woman finally lifts her gaze.

The man in front immediately pulls out his phone, opens a video, and hands it to the woman.

The woman takes the phone and casts a cool, glittering glance at the phone screen.

To her shock, she grips the phone tightly after just one look.

Her eyes swirling with a menacing aura, she says, "Let's go to the police station."


The police station.

Jiang Ruan sits in a chair staring at the police officer in front of her, her gaze as lazy as ever.

Completely unflustered.

As if she were at home, totally at ease.

The police couldn't help but frown, turning the computer towards Jiang Ruan: "The person in this's you, right?"