Chapter 153 Time to Deal with the Idiot_1

Their gazes collided.

A strangely unnerving stare down.

Luo Mengmeng glanced at the two of them, suddenly feeling a chill down her spine. Wisely, she chose to keep quiet and stepped back.

Luo Tingfeng squinted his eyes, looking at the woman on the other side. He suddenly scoffed, "Dressed like this, at a police station?"

Shi Guanyu had not expected Luo Tingfeng to be here. Her lips were pulled into a tight line, and her already impatient gaze revealed a hint of intrigue.

"Do I need to consult you on what to wear and where to go?" Her tone was arrogant, and sharp.

Luo Tingfeng squinted again, puffing out a ring of smoke.

He didn't say anything.

Shi Guanyu didn't give Luo Tingfeng another glance, lifting her leg to walk into the police station.

Just then, a white Bentley quickly pulled up and blocked her path. The car door opened, and a woman dressed like a power-player stepped out, her face supremely cold and alluring.

She ignored them both and quickly strode inside.