Chapter 154 Uncle Fu kidnapped what kind of species back home_1

Jiang Ruan did not say much, her emotions didn't fluctuate, and she walked away with Jiang Fei's hand in her own.

Jiang Fei kept his gaze on her face. Although Jiang Ruan did not say anything, they had known each other for so many years, and she knew very well that the girl was probably not in a good mood right now.

The two arrived outside the police station.

They saw three people standing outside.

Upon seeing Jiang Ruan, Luo Mengmeng's eyes lit up as if she was a dog seeing a meat bun. She let go of Luo Tingfeng's hand and threw herself at Jiang Ruan.

"Sis! Were you being bullied? Did they do anything to you? Who is the damnable one? I will dismember him!"

The little girl clung to her, her face full of righteous indignation.

Luo Tingfeng stared at the back of his dumb sister's head, pulling a thin smile at his lips.

She really was a shameless fool.