Chapter 177 All Fu Family Members Aren't Good People_1

Lou Luchuan gently curved the corner of his lips: "What if I am?"

Jiang Ruan chuckled lightly: "I'm sorry, but I have a boyfriend."

The man in front of her still wore a smile, affable on the surface, but without any genuine warmth.

"What a pity." he said: "But we can still be friends. Hello, I'm Lou Luchuan."

As he spoke, he reached out his hand towards her.

Jiang Ruan's expression didn't change. She glanced at his offered hand, then briefly clasped it without hesitation, immediately letting go after.

"Jiang Ruan."

"What a lovely name."

The man praised her without reservation, composed and confident.

Jiang Ruan amusedly wondered, how would this man react if he knew that she was the reason his sister had a heart attack, almost costing her life?

She smiled slightly, seemingly deep in thought.

"Thank you."

Saying that, she stepped aside and left.

Lou Luchuan glanced back at her retreating figure, his light-colored irises veiled in fog, giving off an icy chill.