Chapter 178: Psychological Consultation Five Hundred Per Hour_1

The man looked to be in his forties, not very tall. When he spoke, he spoke rapidly, but his voice was crystal clear, which had a somewhat "brainwashing" effect.

Jiang Ruan lazily lifted her eyelids, up and down assessing him: "A psychologist?"

The man grinned and nodded, then dug out a slightly crumpled business card from his pocket and handed it to Jiang Ruan, "If you need anything, feel free to come find me. Any kind of psychological problem, guaranteed cured! I can be your closest friend, the focus, the charges are not high, five hundred an hour!"

Psychologists these days need to hustle for business?

Jiang Ruan grabbed the card and glanced at it.

You Zhongzhong...?


What a weird name.

She looked at the address below again, pursed her lips, this address... seemed strangely familiar.