176. There surely is someone who fell seriously ill_1

"This thing doesn't look very appetizing, and indeed, it's quite terrible."

The man, wearing only a sleeveless shirt, held a bug leg in his hand, with tender white flesh on it. The meat sizzled and oozed grease as it roasted over the fire, emitting a strange odor.

According to Lu Ban, it was like the residual smell on your palm after squashing a stink bug.

That is to say, it was quite smelly.

Beneath the brilliant starry sky, five people sat around a campfire, with towering sand dunes beside them. The firelight reflected off the silver gravel, making their surroundings bright as well.

The muscular man wearing the sleeveless shirt was called Giant Arm, who could control fire. The short man was Flame Heart, and the emaciated, pale-faced man was Old Dream.