177. The heart that believes is your magic_1

"Prayer Magic?"

Lu Ban had seen quite a few magic-themed movies, but the vast majority of fantasy films did not go into detail about the magic settings of their worlds.

Either someone would chant some spell and then their wand would start glowing, and with a swing, a bridge would collapse.

Or they'd shout "Avada Kedavra" and a flash of green light would send someone to their death.

Or, they'd simply wear some kind of pendant, strike a few bizarre poses and reverse time.

As for how magic worked and was cast, it was all very idealistic.

Of course, the belief that "your heart is your magic" suggests that magic is in itself an idealistic thing.

He was somewhat curious.

"Do you still need to pray to use magic where you come from?"

"Yes, we need to pray to the deities after midnight, and then they will bestow upon us the spells that we can use for the day, during which these spells can be used without limit."

Shia nodded slightly.