251. He is so normal, there must be something wrong_1

Jiang Weicai was a bit confused.

As a common journalist, he had only sneaked into the mental hospital to find information about Lu Ban, so why did he become a person of interest?

Seizing the opportunity during lunch, Jiang Weicai found Lu Ban. He wanted to ask some questions, but whether Lu Ban had become aware of something or not, he kept his mouth shut and only said a few words to brush him off.

Was this how he treated his own fans?

Feeling rejected, Jiang Weicai had planned to look for another opportunity to seek information but unexpectedly, a doctor approached him.

In the consultation room, Jiang Weicai sat at the table, a mirror on the adjacent wall reflecting his face.

The room's door opened, and Jiang Weicai saw a person in a white lab coat walk in.

It was actually Lu Ban.

He looked exactly like a psychologist, sitting across from Jiang Weicai.


"Didn't you just..."


"Jiang Weicai."